BRYAN DARRIN SENIOR THESIS PRESENTATION MILLENNIUM HALL DREXEL CAMPUS PHILADELPHIA, PA Millennium Hall + Introduction - General Building Information - Existing Structural System - Thesis Objective - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions 34th Street and Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Drexel University Educational Residence Hall 153,000 Gross S.F. 17 Stories Total General Building Information Façade of glass and aluminum screen curtain wall Offset of each floor as a rotation about the central core creates spiral affect. [Note: For this entire thesis project, the spiral affect has been removed. This includes all data referred to as existing design.] Cast-in-place concrete + Introduction - General Building Information - Existing Structural System - Thesis Objective - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions 110 feet wide 70 feet deep 15 foot cantilever Flat plate Concrete moment frame with concrete shear walls Existing Building Problems - Introduction + Thesis Objective - Problem Statement/Solution - Thesis Goals - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Heavy weight due to concrete Thick floor slabs due to large cantilever Thesis Redesign Goals Depth - Structural 1. Reduce the weight of the overall building by replacing the gravity system Redesign Solution 2. Minimize drift with a lateral force resisting system in coordination with the gravity system Design as steel moment frame Use composite deck to reduce thickness Move column line to exterior Add braced frames for lateral resistance 3. Verify the impact on the foundation system Thesis Redesign Goals - Introduction + Thesis Objective - Problem Statement/Solution - Thesis Goals - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Thesis Redesign Goals Breadth #1 - Architectural Breadth #2 – Construction Management 4. Determine the impact on the architectural design including floor plan layout 5. Determine the impact that the redesign has on the construction schedule and cost of the building - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions SDL = 20 psf + 15 psf = 35 psf LL = 100 psf 1.2 SDL + 1.6 LL - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions L = 35 + 100 = 135 psf > 147 psf ok Wu = [1.2(44+5+35) + 1.6(100)](12)/1000 = 3.13 klf Mu = 452 ft-kips Use W16x45 with 32 studs spaced at 12 inches Ram Model - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Used to verify hand calculations and determine column sizes Full composite construction was assumed Same loading was used Results #1 RAM member sizes were found to be close to the hand calculated but generally smaller. Results #2 Preliminary column sizes were found W10x33 Typ. As large as W10x100 at interior line Design Loads - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Wind controls in the North/South direction: 398 kips Design Limits (IBC,2006) (Allowable Building Drift) Δwind = H/400 = 180*12/400 = 5.4 inches (Allowable Story Drift) Seismic controls in the East/West direction: 327 kips Δseismic = 0.015Hsx = 0.015*10*12 = 1.8 inches ETABS Design Process - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions First Evaluation Model was built in ETABS Member sizes from Gravity system were used Columns were aligned with local beam axis All connections were assigned as moment connection Diaphragm was assigned to each floor Loading patterns for seismic and wind were placed as individual story forces Total Drift > 30 inches Larger member sizes were not making much improvement Second Evaluation - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Braced frames added to resist North/South drift North/South Wind Maximum drift = 5.33 inches < 5.4 inches East/West Seismic - Introduction - Thesis Objective + Structural Depth - Gravity Redesign - Lateral Redesign - Foundation Check - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Foundation Check 20 caissons Assume equal distribution 920 kips / caisson 32 caissons Assume interior 10 caissons take half Maximum story drift = 1.22 inches < 1.8 inches 680 kips / caisson - Introduction - Thesis Objective - Structural Depth + Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Connected directly to column Connection points every 12 feet Continuously up building Existing Cost/Schedule - Introduction - Thesis Objective - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth + CM Breadth - Final Summary/Conclusions Cost/Schedule Comparison Includes structural concrete, reinforcement, and framing Estimated structural cost of $1.7 million Estimated timeline of 330 days New Cost/Schedule Includes steel framing, steel decking, metal studs to develop composite strength, concrete, reinforcement, and fire proofing Estimated structural cost of $2.3 million Estimated timeline of 130 days Cost has been increased by $600,000 or by 35% Schedule has been reduced by 200 days or by40% Goals Re-evaluated - Introduction - Thesis Objective - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth + Final Summary/Conclusions Summary 1. Reduce the weight of the overall building by replacing the gravity system Steel frame and composite deck provide lightweight system 2. Minimize drift with a lateral force resisting system in coordination with the gravity system Steel braced frames partnered with steel moment frame reduce drifts to allowable values 3. Verify the impact on the foundation system Existing caissons have adequate strength for all columns, most could be reduced in size 4. Determine the impact on the architectural design including floor plan layout Minimal façade connection changes and layout adjustments have little impact on floor plan 5. Determine the impact that the redesign has on the construction schedule and cost of the building Structural cost has gone up but entire building schedule time has been reduced Summary - Introduction - Thesis Objective - Structural Depth - Architectural Breadth - CM Breadth + Final Summary/Conclusions Acknowledgements I would like to thank: Met project goals Structural design is feasible option The Harman Group for a unique building idea Drexel University for allowing me to analyze the Millennium Hall building The entire AE faculty, especially my Thesis Advisor Dr. Hanagan QUESTIONS?