River Vue Apartments Laura Pica – Mechanical Option Adviser – Stephen Treado Senior Thesis Program 2011-2012 Department of Architectural Engineering Color photo taken by Laura Pica August 2011 Color photo taken by Laura Pica August 2011 Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Photo courtesy www.wikipedia.com Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Photo courtesy: www.lonelyplanet.com Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Photo taken by Laura Pica August 2011 Photo taken by Laura Pica August 2011 Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System 20% Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation 3% Mechanical Design Alternatives 3% 2% 3% Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Project Cost Breakdown Building Loads 69% sensible solar gain (Btu/h) sensible glass transmission (Btu/h) sensible wall transmission (Btu/h) sensible lighting load (Btu/h) Sensible People load(Btu/h) sensible Misc equipment (Btu/h) Gen Requirements 8% Other 11% Mech/Plumb 24% Site 2% Concrete, Steel 25% Finishes 30% Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Space ASHRAE Outdoor Airflow (cfm) As Designed Outdoor Airflow (cfm) Common Corridor Stairwells Main Entry Lobby Stair Lobby Elect Equip Room Bsmt Machine Room Elevator Machine Room Boiler Room Fire Pump Room Generator Room Dwelling Units 2nd Floor Dwelling Units 3-14 Floors 933 346 42 81 48 96 150 96 96 96 1641 17504 5250 3200 570 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 1156 8580 Dwelling Units 15-16 Floors 2217 3107 Fitness Center Retail Sales Parking Garage 516 365 2070 500 500 0 Requires Redesign YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Monthly Utility Usage Month Electric (kW) Gas (therms) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 722 717 722 849 839 845 846 844 839 842 749 726 9540 36776 35939 26060 15040 4558 1307 46 1717 4782 17417 20845 33222 197709 Water (gal) 16 13 17 104 263 411 509 350 238 96 83 17 2117 Typical High Rise Apartment occupancy sqft/person Lo Av Hi 325 175 100 lights watts/sqft Lo Av Hi 1 2 4 refrigeration sqft/ton Lo Av Hi 450 400 350 supply air rate ( east-south-west) cfm/sqft Lo Av Hi 0.8 1.2 1.7 supply air rate (north) cfm/sqft Lo 0.5 Av 0.8 Hi 1.3 River Vue Apartments occupancy sqft/person 200 lights watts/sqft 1 refrigeration sqft/ton 90 supply air rate ( east-southwest) cfm/sqft 0.63 supply air rate (north) cfm/sqft 0.63 Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives New Design Airflows AHU Sizing Load Calculations 250000 Lighting 200000 Equipment 150000 Occupancy 100000 Solar Gain 50000 Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study LOADS (Btu/h) Breadth 2 – CM Study lighting equipment Conclusions Acknowledgements 318096 Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado original system 7278258 Base AHU 0 occupancy solar TOTAL Btu/h 352800 948365 8.90E+06 TOTAL cfm 411922 Need for energy conservation Demand Control Ventilation Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Occupancy Over 24 Hour Period 4.5 Mechanical Depth Design Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado 4.0000 0.0450 3.5000 0.0400 3 0.0350 2.5 N 2 1.5 1 4.5000 0.0500 3.5 Concentration (ppm) Mechanical Design Alternatives 4 Occupancy (No. of People) Demand Control Ventilation Demand Control Ventilation Natural Ventilation with Constant Air Changes Concentration (ppm) Schedule 0.0300 0.0250 0.0200 0.0150 0.0050 0 0.0000 2.5000 2.0000 1.5000 1.0000 0.0100 0.5 3.0000 0.5000 0.0000 Time (Hours) c(t+∆t) = c(t) * e^(-n*∆t) + (cb + (N*q)/(n*V)) * (1-e^(-n*∆t) Time (min) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Time (min) Schedule New Design Airflows 250000 Mechanical Depth Design 200000 Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses original system 150000 Base AHU 100000 Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Annual Source Energy Consumption alternative 1 - AHU w/ DCV 50000 Energy (Btu/ft^2 yr) Building Overview Existing Mechanical System 9200000 9000000 8800000 8600000 8400000 8200000 8000000 7800000 7600000 7400000 Base AHU 0 outside cooling heating return exhaust airflow airflow airflow airflow airflow alternative 1 - AHU w/ DCV Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Contaminant Calculations Contaminant Differential (Ceq) = Co + (N/Vo) Vo = outdoor airflow rate per person N = CO2 rate per person Co = CO2 concentration outside Assumptions: 15 cfm/person 700 ppm 1.2 MET level means N= 0.0106 cfm Co = 400 ppm Ceq = 1107 ppm differential MET =1.2 and 15 cfm of outside airflow, the expected CO2 concentration will be about 0.13 percent Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Telair Ventostate 8000 series sensors accurate within 3% and can detect 400-1250 ppm of CO2 CO2 detection between 2-3 minutes Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Control Logic one sensor per floor located in return air duct supply air fan VFD to start when CO2 concentration reaches 1170 ppm or more *See final report for full descriptions of control logic and sequence of operation Schedule Design Airflow Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado 200000Base AHU 6000 cfm 150000AHU w/ DCV and Economizer 5000 AHU w/ DCV and 1 Stage of Energy Recovery via Fixed 100000Plate HX (OA Preconditioning) 4000 AHU w/ DCV and 2 Stages of Energy Recovery: Fixed Plate HX 50000& Runaround Coil Loop Hours at 0-25% of design capacity Hours at 26-50% of design capacity Hours at 51-75% of design capacity Hours at 75-100% of design capacity Hours Energy & Cost Analyses 7000 AHU w/ DCV Mechanical Depth Design Mechanical Design Alternatives 250000 Design alternatives studied include: Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Demand Control Ventilation Operation at Design Capacity 3000 2000 0 Base AHU alternative 1 - alternative 2 - alternative 3 - alternative 4 AHU w/ DCV AHU w/ AHU w/ AHU w/ 2 economizer energy stages of recovery energy recovery 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Schedule Energy Consumption Annual Emissions 10000000 30000000 Mechanical Depth Design 8000000 25000000 Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado building energy consumption (Btu/ft^2 yr) source energy consumption (Btu/ft^2 yr) 6000000 4000000 2000000 0 20000000 lbm/yr Demand Control Ventilation Btu/ft^2 yr Building Overview Existing Mechanical System NOX SO2 CO2 15000000 10000000 5000000 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado 20 Year Life Cycle Cost $25,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $15,000,000.00 $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $200,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $100,000.00 $$- Capital Cost Schedule System Selection 20 Year Utility Cost $14,000,000.00 Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design $12,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 Demand Control Ventilation $8,000,000.00 Mechanical Design Alternatives $6,000,000.00 Energy & Cost Analyses $4,000,000.00 Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Electric Natural Gas Chilled Water $2,000,000.00 Airflow Coil Size Total Btu/h Annual CO2 Emissions Capital Cost 20 Year Life Cycle Cost 169,033 cfm 434 tons 8.9MBtu/h 20,981,096 lbm/yr $363,600 $16.9 Million AHU with DCV and Economizer Success measured with: Occupant comfort $Original System Base AHU AHU with DCV AHU with DCV, AHU with DCV, AHU with DCV, Economizer 1 Stage Energy 2 Stages of Recovery Energy Recovery Reduced energy use and emissions with control strategy Minimum ventilation requirements met Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Size Capacity Throw NC Pressure Drop 2x12 sill grille 62 cfm 9.45 feet 20 0.073 in wg Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Schedule Available Solar Radiation 5500 sq. ft. of available space Building Overview Existing Mechanical System β Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado www.rredc.nrel.gov/solar_data 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Monthly Electric Output 1.401E+18 1.389E+22 9.904E+20 4.487E+20 1.722E+20 3.564E+20 1.177E+24 1.044E+21 6.104E+20 3.497E+20 http://gerardribas.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Photovoltaic-Pannles6.jpg Photo taken by Laura Pica August 2011 Schedule Annual Solar Radiation Daily Radiation Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation 1 Mechanical Design Alternatives 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Monthly Radiation Energy Analysis Average Monthly Radiation Windows modeled with improved U-value to represent shading Sensible solar gain reduction of 243,549 Btu/h Energy & Cost Analyses Electric Output (10% of total sensible load) Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Daily Electric Output (W) Conclusions Acknowledgements Monthly Electric Output (W) Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Internal Shading Analysis # Shades Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation volts amps VA PF Watts 1 120 20 2400 1 2400 Full load amps 12 400 120 8000 960000 1 960000 4624 Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study # Shade (kW) Shades requirement per year Annual PV Array (kW) output Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado 1 2102.4 400 840960 30872 ∆ (PV OutputAnnual Mech Syst Need Shading Mechanical PV Power Requirement) System Available Requiremen t (kW) 28770 9491826 9460954 0 -810088 9491826 9460954 0.33% http://mechosystems.com/UrbanShade/ http://mechosystems.com/UrbanShade/ Photovoltaic Array Study Schedule Date Year Original Photovoltaic TOTAL Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Solar Funding Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado 712,273.54 213,682.06 PA Federal Investment Tax Credit 30% of total installation cost $ West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund one time grant $ 25,000.00 New Photovoltaic TOTAL $ 473,591.48 Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study $ simple payback period = 26.6 years 2011 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Capital Other Mat. $ 1,473,591 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Elect. Escalation 1.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Net Present Value 0.96 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 Elect. Value $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 64,461 61,883 59,949 58,660 58,660 58,015 58,015 58,015 58,660 59,304 59,949 60,594 60,594 60,594 60,594 60,594 60,594 60,594 59,949 59,949 953,086 Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Category New Mech System Cost for Equipment Total Total & Materials installation installation hours days $ 865,728.62 18306 763 Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Old Mechanical System Mech System Cost Difference $ 1,371,508.55 $ 505,779.92 savings 24812 6506 Total Labor Cost New Mech System $ 15,610.64 1034 Old Mechanical System $ 3,323.81 271 Mech System Cost Difference $ (12,286.83) Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Category Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Category New Mech System with Photovoltaic and Shading Systems TOTAL Cost for Equipment & Materials $ 2,578002.16 Old Mechanical $ 1,371,508.55 System Overall System Difference $ (1,206,493.62) Total Total Labor installation Cost hours 18911 $ 17,128.94 24812 $ 3,323.81 5901 $ (13,805.13) Type of Certification Certified Silver Gold Points Range 26-32 33-38 39-51 Platinum 52-69 www.usgbc.org Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Original Schedule Duration (days) Start 840 Finish 7/25/2011 8/31/2012 Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Project Schedule Original Schedule Duration Start Finish Adjusted Schedule Duration Decrease in Time 640 24% TOTAL 840 7/25/2011 8/31/2012 MEP Rough In MEP Finishes Punch list & Inspections 465 250 125 7/25/2011 11/21/2011 2/27/2012 2/10/2012 7/27/2012 8/31/2012 Adjusted Schedule Duration Decrease in Time 640 24% 340 190 110 27% 24% 12% Schedule Building Overview Existing Mechanical System Mechanical Depth Design Demand Control Ventilation Mechanical Design Alternatives Energy & Cost Analyses Breadth 1 – Photovoltaic Array Study Breadth 2 – CM Study Conclusions Acknowledgements Laura Pica – Mechanical Option - Adviser – Stephen Treado Conclusions Recommended larger AHU with Demand Control Ventilation Increased occupant comfort Minimum ventilation requirements met Decreased capital cost Decreased construction schedule Photovoltaic array and internal shading not recommended Next Analysis – the use of solar thermal collectors and storage to assist existing system Photo taken by Laura Pica August 2011 Acknowledgements • My adviser, Stephen Treado, for his help in editing my technical reports and providing professional consulting • All other Department of Architectural Engineering faculty for their passion for teaching, continued support and encouragement • All AE Mentors and Practitioners from the “Mentoring Center” for their valuable design advice • Kevin Ludwick, Turner Project Manager for supplying design documents and construction data • And most importantly, my friends and family for their support throughout my senior year. I could have never finished this project without you! Thank You Questions? Appendix Room Space Type No Mechanical Depth Design Area (Az) Load Calculations B-10 LOADS (Btu/h) lighting equipment 318096 7278258 occupancy solar TOTAL Btu/h 352800 948365 8.90E+06 TOTAL cfm 411922 lobby 100 Room Space Type No B-10 lobby Equipment dishwasher Room No B-10 Quantity 199 Space Type lobby OA Rate OA Rate per (cfm) person (Rp) 5 25 Area (Az) 100 OA Rate (cfm) (CFM) Btu/h 31 1.435 6 Density (Watts) (W/sqft) 256 2.560 Btu/h 874 BTU/h per unit Watts per unit TOTAL Btu/h 800 234 159200 Expected # occupant of occupants load (Btu/h) 5 1750 CFM 81 Breadth 2 – CM Study Category Mechanical System Takeoff Crew Size $ Per crew member Total Labor $ Labor Hours per unit Total installation hours 322,000.00 AHU – VAV for 100,000 cfm, not incl duct & accessories 1 $ 14,400.00 $ 14,400.00 290 580 $ 1,650.00 DCV Direct-Digital CO2 Detector System, incl panel & sensor 2 $ 104.00 $ 208.00 2 2 950.00 $ 190,000.00 DCV sensor 2 $ 57.00 $ 114.00 1.1 220 DCV Wiring (ft) 1 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 0.2 42 $ 50.00 $ 10,600.00 Economizer Add-on 1 $ 590.00 $ 590.00 13 13 1 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 supply duct (lb) – 20” 2 $ 16.90 $ 33.80 0.369 6015 16299.75 $ 5.67 $ 92,338.08 supply duct (lb) – 10” 2 $ 4.42 $ 8.84 0.1 1627 return duct (lb) – 20” 2 $ 16.90 $ 33.80 0.369 9079 supply elbows 2 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 0.5 113 return elbows 2 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 0.5 128 supply transitions 2 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 0.5 30 diffusers 4 $ 12.30 $ 49.20 0.25 56 modulating dampers for AHU 1 $ 49.00 $ 49.00 1 2 Quantity AHU – VAV for 100,000 cfm, not incl duct & accessories 2 $ 161,000.00 $ DCV Direct-Digital CO2 Detector System, incl panel & sensor DCV sensor 1 $ 1,650.00 200 $ DCV Wiring (ft) 212 Economizer Add-on Mechanical System Design Alternative Equipment Equipment supply duct (lb) – 20” Cost Per Item (Inc. O&P) Total Cost supply duct (lb) – 10” 16268.1 $ 2.83 $ 45,989.92 return duct (lb) – 20” 24604 $ 5.67 $ 139,382.37 supply elbows 225 $ 18.55 $4173.75 return elbows 255 $ 37.00 $9435 supply transitions diffusers modulating dampers for AHU 60 225 2 $35 $65.5 $161 $2100 $14737.5 $322 Category Mechanical System Design Alternative TOTAL TOTAL $ 857,728.62 $ 15,562.64 17906 Breadth 2 – CM Study Category Electrical Takeoff Category Photovoltaic Array Equipment photovoltaic panel kit additional wiring (ft) conduit conduit cutting/drilling grounding electrode circiut breaker internal shade & motor TOTAL Quantity 94 212 212 64 1 1 400 Cost Per Item (Inc O&P) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,790.91 140.00 44.00 200.00 120.00 22,000.00 2500 Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 638,345.54 29,680.00 9,328.00 12,800.00 120.00 22,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,712,273.54 Photovoltaic Array Equipment Crew Size $ Per crew member Total Labor $ Labor Hours per unit Total installation hours photovoltaic panel kit 2 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 0.75 70.5 additional wiring (ft) 2 $ 16.00 $ 32.00 1 212 conduit 2 $ 9.40 $ 18.80 0.2 42.4 conduit cutting/drilling 1 $ 114.00 $ 114.00 2.4 153.6 grounding electrode 1 $ 68.50 $ 68.50 1.45 1.45 circiut breaker 1 $ 1,175.00 $ 1,175.00 25 25 internal shade 4 $ 15.00 $ 60.00 0.25 100 shade motor 4 $ 15.00 $ 60.00 0.2 80 $ 1,578.30 TOTAL 685 Project Schedule Breadth 2 – CM Study Original Schedule Adjusted Schedule Zone Duration Start Finish Duration Decrease in Time TOTAL 840 7/25/2011 8/31/2012 640 24% MEP Rough In 465 7/25/2011 2/10/2012 340 27% Elevator Lobbies & Stair Towers Rough In 100 8/15/2011 12/9/2011 85 Basement and Level 1 Underground Rough In 80 10/24/2011 2/10/2012 70 Level 2, 3, 4, 5 Rough In 60 7/25/2011 10/14/2011 40 Level 6 & 7 Rough In 30 8/1/2011 9/9/2011 15 Level 8 & 9 Rough In 30 8/22/2011 9/30/2011 15 Level 10 & 11 Rough In 30 9/12/2011 10/21/2011 15 Level 12 & 13 Rough In 30 10/3/2011 11/11/2011 15 Level 14, 15 & 16 Rough In 45 10/24/2011 12/23/2011 30 Penthouse and Roof Rough In 60 8/8/2011 10/28/2011 55 MEP Finishes 250 11/21/2011 7/27/2012 190 Elevator Lobbies & Stair Towers 60 11/21/2011 2/10/2012 45 Basement and Level 1 Underground 20 1/30/2012 2/24/2012 15 Level 2, 3, 4, 5 60 11/28/2011 2/17/2012 45 Level 6 & 7 20 2/27/2012 3/23/2012 15 Level 8 & 9 20 3/19/2012 4/13/2012 15 Level 10 & 11 20 4/30/2012 5/25/2012 15 Level 12 & 13 20 5/28/2012 6/22/2012 15 Level 14, 15 & 16 30 6/18/2012 7/27/2012 25 Punch list & Inspections 125 2/27/2012 8/31/2012 110 Basement and Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 20 2/27/2012 3/23/2012 18 Level 6 & 7 20 3/26/2012 4/20/2012 18 Level 8 & 9 20 4/23/2012 5/18/2012 18 Level 10 & 11 20 5/28/2012 6/22/2012 18 Level 12 & 13 20 7/2/2012 7/27/2012 18 Level 14, 15 & 16 25 7/30/2012 8/31/2012 20 Schedule Changes 24% 12%