PS 1.2a Hybrid Active-Passive Rotor Systems for Vibration and Performance Principal Investigators Kon-Well Wang Diefenderfer Chaired Professor Mechanical Engineering Tel : (814) 865-2183 Edward Smith Professor Aerospace Engineering Tel : (814) 863-0966 Graduate Student Jun-Sik Kim 2005 RCOE Program Review May 2, 2005 Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Background • The rotorcraft industry is aggressively pursuing successful and cost effective active control systems to reduce vibration. • Blade loads are design constraints for primary control and life cycle. • Actuator authority present major technical barrier. Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Problem Statement and Task Objective How do we design effective active vibration/blade loads control systems for future rotorcraft ? Vibration UMd, PSU, et al. g’s w/ control w/Control improved actuators V Blade loads hybrid design approach f’s Penn State (1996 - ) w/ control w/Control V Objective: To address the critical system issues and advance the state Design high authority actuator of-the-art of rotor and blade Large stroke and force andvibration low electricsuppression power loads reduction through combining the two approaches Design active controller together with passive parameters High authority PZT actuators Re-configuration of passive structure (m, GJ, EI, etc) Effective hybrid vibration/blade loads control system Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Piezoelectric Actuator Scaling 600 7 500 Haero* Haero* 400 300 T* 1 1 200 5 3 Small scale blade chord 100 Performance as Blade Size T* Haero* ~ c2R T* ~ c3 0 0 3 5 10 MD900 blade chord 15 20 25 Chord (in) Aerodynamic Moment and Block Torque nondimensionalized with small scale values Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Boeing 2xFrame Actuator 2003 Full Scale Whirl Test Results (SPIE 2004, Straub et. al) Flap deflection vs. rotor speed multiple Modified MD 900 bearingless rotor 3~3.5 degrees in hover (450V) Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Large rotor test stand (LRTS) Task Review, 2005 Technical Barriers and Solution Idea 1) High active authority and low electric power of actuator for actuator/flap coupled systems • Resonant Actuation System (RAS) 2) Multiple trailing edge flap configuration to utilize the resonance actuation system • Vibration and blade loads reductions Resonance Actuation System(RAS) Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Multiple Trailing Edge Flaps Task Review, 2005 Nature’s Flight Actuators Technical Evolution Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Summary of 2001 - 2003 Accomplishments Active authority enhancement of PZT actuator Circuit with negative capacitor and active inductor/blocking filters was explored to reduce electric power (2001) New concept to enhance the active authority of PZT actuators was developed and evaluated on PZT benders, stacks, and tubes (2002) Full-Scale PZT tube / R-L-C circuit system was experimentally realized and evaluated (2003) Blade loads and vibration control via TEF Aeroelastic flap/torsion model for composite rotor blade was developed (code validation, 2001) Refine control algorithm of hybrid design was developed to achieve both blade loads and vibration reductions with minimum control efforts (2002) Multiple trailing edge flap configurations with RAS was explored to reduce the vibration (2003) Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 2004 Review Team Comments The task made good progress and made good responses to the last year suggestions. The task deals with vibration only and it is suggested to check noise aspect of the concepts. - Other Research is focused on trailing edge flaps for noise reduction. (e.g. Prof. Friedmann at Univ. of Michigan has 2005 AIAA and AHS papers on this subject). - Researchers in industry (e.g. Straub et al) have also examined this idea. - A thorough investigation of noise reduction was considered beyond the scope of the present investigation. The review team is curious about drag penalty of TEF? - This is an important question. - Increments in section drag are modeled in the airload calculation - Primary penalties are for flap deflections near transonic Mach number (adv side) and negative deflections at high angles of attack (retreating side) - Proper control law design can mitigate these penalties (Zhang, Smith, Wang, 2000) Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Performance Enhancement Retrofit Design at 0.15 Retrofit Design at 0.30 8 Active Flap Deflections (deg.) Active Flap Deflections (deg.) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 Flap Up 90 180 Azimuth (deg.) 270 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -8 0 Flap Down 6 360 0 90 180 270 360 Azimuth (deg.) • Large flap deflections may occur around 90° and 270° azimuths, which can cause aerodynamic penalties - stall and separation Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Performance Enhancement • Modified objective function and control algorithm J = Z nT Wz Z n + δ nT Wδ δ n + w sδ 2 (ψ ) δ (ψ ) ws : The active flap deflections at certain time history : Weighting factor δ (ψ ) = δ n P (ψ )T δ n = [δ 3c δ 4c δ 5c δ 3 s δ 4 s δ 5 s ] P (ψ ) = [cos 3ψ cos 4ψ cos 5ψ sin 3ψ sin 4ψ sin 5ψ ] J = Z nT Wz Z n + δ nT Wδ δ n + w s δ nT P T (ψ )P (ψ )δ n = Z nT Wz Z n + δ nT [Wδ + w s P T (ψ )P (ψ )]δ n J = Z nT Wz Z n + δ nT [Wδ + WP (ψ )]δ n Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Performance Enhancement Retrofit design at advance ratio of 0.30 4 Vibration Reduction 0 -2 -4 20% 15% 10% 5% Retrofit with constraints 2 25% Retrofit Percentage of the Baseline Vibration Level Active Flap Deflections (deg.) 6 0% Retrofit Retrofit with constraints -6 -8 0 90 180 270 360 Azimuth (deg.) • Active Flap deflections around 270° azimuth are reduced to within 2 degrees Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Performance Enhancement Hybrid design at advance ratio of 0.15 Retrofit Hybrid Hybrid with constraints 8 6 0 -2 -4 40% 30% 20% 10% Hybrid with constraints 2 50% Hybrid 4 Percentage of the Baseline Vibration Level Active Flap Deflection Vibration Reduction 0% -6 -8 0 90 180 270 360 Azimuth (deg.) • Active flap deflections around 90° azimuth are reduced from more than 6 degrees to about 2 degrees Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Summary of Accomplishments in 04/05 Analysis and Experiment of Piezoelectric Resonant Actuation Systems Analysis is performed to explore the feasibility of a resonant actuation system (RAS) Dynamic characteristics of a RAS is examined via perturbation method (forward flight) Power consumption of a RAS is explored Experiment of a RAS with adaptive feed-forward controllers – Bench Top Test A voltage signal function is derived from the analytical model and implemented using Matlab/dSPACE A phase controller, so called ‘phaser’, is implemented to track the phase variation near a resonant frequency Actuator amplification mechanism of a RAS is modified to improve the dynamic performance – 6.0 degrees are achieved Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 IDEA – Actuator authority enhancement Resonance Actuation System 1. 2. Resonance can be utilized to improve the actuator authority Electric network can help to broaden and flatten the resonant driver effect Single nominal actuator (baseline) 3,4,5/rev Typical Edge Flap Deflections via Tune to Trailing Operating Frequency Mechanical Tuning Required authority 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev Actuator stroke Baseline - Small active authority over operating range Increase authority via mechanical tuning and electrical tailoring May not cover the entire range of operating frequencies frequency Single flap Three small flaps Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Broaden and Flatten via Circuit design Frequency, Hz Three Small Actuators 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev Task Review, 2005 Multiple TEF w/ RAS Resonance Actuation System Application RAS Resonance Actuation System 1) PZT Actuator 2) Trailing Edge Flap (Aerodynamics) 3) Electric Circuit Mechanical Tuning • Amplification mechanism • Mass moment of inertia of TEF Electric Network • Inductor: tune to operating frequency (e.g., 3,4,5/rev) • Resistor: flatten the resonant peak • Negative capacitor: broaden the resonant driver effect Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Mechanical Tuning Tube actuator: Kp,Mp Hover Kf Tuning mass: Mtune llever Kf loffset Amplification mechanism, = Am , Am=llever / loffset (e.g. Am=5 will provide 5:1 amplification) FlapFlight hinge Forward Aerodynamic loads: Kf Tuning mass: Mtune Trailing-Edge Flap: Mf {M p (M f M tune ) Am2 } ( K P K f Am2 ) 0 K Hover: stiffnessM is constant 2=K / M K f ( ) Resonant frequency : Forward flight: stiffness is varying along the azimuth Tuned to the operating frequency (e.g. 3, 4, 5/rev) Periodic coefficient due to 1/rev aerodynamic forces Tuning parameter: Tuning mass, Amplification ratio Time-varying characteristics of actuation system will be discussed further Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Electrical Tailoring Actuator stroke Broaden and Flatten via Circuit design Resonant frequency frequency Actuator authority enhancement at tuned frequency (Resistor, Inductor) via Mechanical tuning Problem: It is hard to control Operating frequency: 3,4,5/rev • Bruneau et al.(1999) • Tang and Wang (2001) • Behrens et al. (2001). Active authority: The circuit can broaden and flatten the resonant Phase variation near resonant freq. effect of the tuned system and still maintain high authority Need to design controller to Inductor: tune to operating frequency (e.g., 3/rev, 4/rev, 5/rev) track phase variation Negative capacitor: broaden theresonant driver effect Developed and tested in this Phase plot Resistor: flatten the frequency response year’saround effort the resonant peak Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Perturbation Method in Forward Flight Time-varying characteristics of actuation system Equations of motion of a coupled system w/o circuitry Mqt K E (t )qt F (t ) : Theodorsen’s theory for trailing edge flap Normalized equations for the purpose of perturbation qt 2 2 2 sin 2 sin 2 qt cos( ), fn( ) Perturbed solution up to 2 qt ( ; ) a1 b1 cos( ) sin (1 ) sin (1 ) 2 (1 ) 2 2 2 2 (1 )2 c a2 b2 2 2 2 2 cos( ) 2 cos (2 ) cos (2 ) O( 3 ) 2 2 2 (2 ) (2 ) Primary resonance at = (resonant frequency in hover) Resonances due to time-varying characteristics at 2 = 2, (1)2, (2)2 Flap response qt includes other harmonics: (1), (2), … For example, if =4, then qt includes 2,3,4,5,6/rev harmonics Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Frequency Responses in Forward Flight Actuation system w/o circuitry Actuation system with circuitry Advance ratio 0.35 Hover Advance ratio 0.15 Operating frequency, 4/rev, 26.6Hz RAS in hover Influence of advance ratios toincreased the major resonant frequency The actuator authority is significantly from 1.25 degree to 4.5 degree Flat significant and wide shape near the resonant frequency (approximately 8 Hz). is not RAS in forward flight RAS can be applied to forward flight as well as hover Main characteristics of the RAS (high authority with wide bandwidth) are achieved in forward flight Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Flap Time Histories in Forward Flight (=0.35) Nominal actuation system Resonant Actuation System 4/rev voltage signal input 4/rev harmonic component is increased from 1.5 to 3 degrees Need to develop controller to resolve the side effects Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Summary of Accomplishments in 04/05 Analysis and Experiment of Piezoelectric Resonant Actuation Systems Analysis is performed to explore the feasibility of a resonant actuation system (RAS) Dynamic characteristics of a RAS is examined via perturbation method (forward flight) Power consumption of a RAS is explored Experiment of a RAS with adaptive feed-forward controllers – Bench Top Test A voltage signal function is derived from the analytical model and implemented using Matlab/dSPACE A phase controller, so called ‘phaser’, is implemented to track the phase variation near a resonant frequency Actuator amplification mechanism of a RAS is modified to improve the dynamic performance – 6.0 degrees are achieved Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Feed-Forward Controller for RAS Voltage Signal Function emulating of electric network Va Vc 2 ˆ 2 / 2 (1 2 j 2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 (1 2 j )(rj ) ˆ Adaptive “phaser” to track the phase variation y (t ) cos( )u (t ) sin( ) u (t ) Electric network is realized via “Voltage Signal Function” which is derived from the coupled piezoelectric equations Phase plot Rotorcraft Center of Excellence The phase angle is adaptively corrected through the feedback of the output signal Task Review, 2005 Experiment Set-up 8 inch PZT tube, 12 inch flap (inertia only) Amplification ratio: 5 (current), 15 (future) Mechanical tuning to 4/rev (26.6Hz) Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Bench Top Test Results Frequency Response Phase Control at 24 Hz w/o voltage signal function Operating frequency 3.5 w/ voltage signal function Actuator authority at the tuned frequency (26.6Hz) Increases about 3.5 times when compared to the static deflection (which would be produced by nominal actuation system) with 8 Hz bandwidth The phase near a resonant frequency varies Implemented adaptive controller is able to accurately follow the reference Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Demonstration of RAS Full-scaled PZT tube actuator Resonant Actuation System fabricated (Jose Palacios and Edward Smith, with simulated aerodynamic loads & 2005) improved amplification mechanism PZT tube is 4 inches long Simulated aerodynamic loads Two springs (80 lb/in total) Applied voltage: 2250 Volts Mechanical tuning: 33.3 Hz for MD 900, 5/rev Flap deflections with simulated aerodynamic loads Mechanically tuned actuator w/o voltage signal function Test with voltage signal function is scheduled in near future Rotorcraft Center of Excellence 12 inches flap, 400 RPM 6.0 degrees are achieved at the operating frequency Nominal actuation authority is 0.2 degrees: 30 times increases Task Review, 2005 Planned Efforts in 2005 Controller design for flap responses in forward flight Reduce the side effects due to time-varying characteristics Investigate the characteristics of a RAS further Continue the test of a RAS with a voltage signal function Nonlinear characteristics of a RAS Controller for side effects Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Characteristics of a RAS Task Review, 2005 Summary of Overall Accomplishments Objective: To advance the state-of-the-art of rotor vibration suppression and blade loads reduction through combining the two approaches 1. High authority PZT actuators 2. Effective vibration/blade loads control system 1. Development of actuation systems for active flap rotors A resonant actuation system (RAS) was developed Bench top testing of full-scaled actuation system Dynamic characteristics of a RAS in forward flight were explored Actuator amplification mechanism of a RAS is modified to improve the dynamic performance 2. Development of analytical tool for rotor analysis Free-wake for main rotor, unsteady aero and finite wing effects for flaps Active load controls via dual flap (blade loads reduction) Vibration reduction via multiple trailing edge flaps controlled by resonant actuation system Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Future Work Hover or wind tunnel test of a RAS Active load controls for Heavy Lift Helicopters Dual flap configuration together with RAS for light weight rotors Damage detection using active flaps in forward flight Active interrogation could be combined with active loads control Active load controls via dual-flap Damage identification using trailing edge flaps 1. Deformed blade 2. Straightened blade Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 External Interactions, Leveraging and Technology Transfer Have had discussions with – US Army AFDD (Mark Fulton, smart rotor testing, resonant actuator and circuit concept, flap aspect ratio effect) – Boeing (Friedrich Straub, actuator requirements) – Sikorsky: visited (A. Bernhard, feasibility of multiple-flap configuration) – U. Maryland (I. Chopra et. al, hinge moments) – U. Michigan (P.P. Friedmann, auto-weight control) Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 External Interactions, Leveraging and Technology Transfer Novel, high authority flap actuation concepts using single crystal stacks – SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) Invercon and PennState Buckling beam actuator together with RAS – high actuation authority Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Publications and Presentations 1. Jun-Sik Kim, Edward C. Smith and Kon-Well Wang, "Active loads control of composite rotor blade via trailing edge flaps", 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, April 7-10, 2003. 2. Jun-Sik Kim, Kon-Well Wang and Edward C. Smith, "Active authority enhancement of piezoelectric actuator design via mechanical resonance and electrical tailoring", Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Materials (ICIM) June 14 - 17, 2003, State College, Pennsylvania 3. Jun-Sik Kim, Edward C. Smith and Kon-Well Wang , "Helicopter Vibration Suppression via Multiple Trailing Edge Flaps Controlled by Resonance Actuation System", Tenth International Workshop on Dynamics and Aeroelastic Stability Modeling of Rotorcraft System, November 3-5, 2003, Student Success Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. 4. Jun-Sik Kim, Kon-Well Wang and Edward C. Smith, “High Authority Piezoelectric Actuator Synthesis through Mechanical Resonance and Electrical Tailoring”, Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, The Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, November 16 - 21, 2003, Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC 5. Jun-Sik Kim, Edward C. Smith and Kon-Well Wang, “Helicopter Vibration Suppression via Multiple Trailing Edge Flaps Controlled by Resonance Actuation System”, the AHS 60 th Annual Forum, Baltimore, MD, June 710, 2004. 6. Jun-Sik Kim, Kon-Well Wang and Edward C. Smith, “High Authority Piezoelectric Actuator Synthesis through Mechanical Resonance and Electrical Tailoring”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 21-3, 2005 7. Jun-Sik Kim, Kon-Well Wang and Edward C. Smith, “Development of a Resonant Actuation System for Active Flap Rotors,” the AHS 61st Annual Forum Gaylord Texas Resort, TX, June 1-3, 2005. 8. Jun-Sik Kim, Kon-Well Wang and Edward C. Smith, “Design and Analysis of Piezoelectric Transducer Based Resonant Actuation Systems,” Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, The Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME , November 6-11, 2005, The Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, Florida Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Schedule and Milestones Tasks 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Extension of hybrid analysis to composite rotors, and actuatorcircuit model Initial studies on composite rotor and actuators with APPNs Refinement for unsteady aero and control algorithm(dual flap) Near Term Mid Term Long Term New actuator concept development and integrated study with rotor Refine aerodynamic model Design, fabrication of actuators Methodology for robust design and adaptive control Refinement and testing of resonance actuation system Development of controller for flap responses in forward flight and investigation of nonlinear features of a RAS Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 The End Questions? Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Appendix Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005 Frequency Responses in Forward Flight Actuation system w/o circuitry Instantaneous frequencies Advance ratio 0.35 Hover Advance ratio 0.15 Operating frequency, 4/rev, 26.6Hz Influence of advance ratios to the major resonant frequency Not significant Averaged frequencies along the azimuth Almost constant with respect to the advance ratio RAS can be applied to forward flight as well as hover Rotorcraft Center of Excellence Task Review, 2005