0.4 (a) ARCHAEA p=0.002 M2=0.605 NMDS Axis 2 HR nodules ERB nodules HR sediments ERB sediments TRFLP iTAG 3-6 12-15 0-3 9-12 6-9 0-3 -0.2 -0.8 0.4 NMDS Axis 1 0.3 (b) BACTERIA P<0.001 M2=0.293 HR nodules ERB nodules 12-1 9-12 0-3 9-12 6-9 NMDS Axis 2 ERB sediments TRFLP iTAG 3-6 5 l 9-12, periphera 6-9 HR sediments 3-6 9-12, m at -0.25 -0.6 NMDS Axis 1 0.6 Supplementary Figure 1. Procrustes comparison of sample relationships between the iTAG and TRFLP datasets, for (a) archaea and (b) bacteria. iTAG ordination coordinates (see Figure 2 in main text) were used as the reference, against which TRFLP coordinates were transformed by translation, rotation, reflection, and/or scaling to minimize distance to the iTAG datapoints. The purpose was to test the closeness of fit between the two sets of datapoints, and therefore infer whether the biological similarity trends in iTAG and TRFLP data support one another. The analysis was completed 1,000 times and the resulting M2 and p-values are given on the plot. Lower M2 values indicate better closeness of fit between the datasets, and range from a possible value of 0 to 1. Lower p-values indicate stronger statistical support as determined through repeated iterations. Among the bacterial dataset, the p- and M2-values indicate decent closeness of fit between the overall iTAG and TRFLP datasets. Among the archaeal dataset, the M2 value is not particularly good, but NMDS biological patterns nonetheless appear to be largely maintained. As seen in the plots, some samples clearly fit more closely than others (that is, two points connected by a shorter arrow). Arrows are meant to help the reader connect iTAG and TRFLP ordination points from the same sample, to determine whether iTAG and TRFLP datasets demonstrate similar biological similarity trends. Arrows always point from the TRFLP to the iTAG point, since TRFLP coordinates were transformed to minimize distance to iTAG points. One archaeal sample (ERB clam core 0-3 cmbsf nodule) was excluded from analysis because it was substantially different than all other samples and skewed the ordination beyond possible interpretation.