FLC Syllabus for: Program Assessment FLC Facilitators: Amy Liu – Interim University Assessment Coordinator Lynn M. Tashiro - Director of Center for Teaching and Learning FLC focus This FLC will collaboratively engage faculty over a sustained period of time (1 year) to develop and refine skills in assessment and the research that can lead both to programmatic change and the scholarship of teaching. The goal of this FLC is to produce exemplars of the specific tools (curriculum maps, signature assignments, rubrics, etc.) and data (student work) needed for meaningful programmatic assessment and develop faculty leadership in the disciplines to propagate this practice. FLC Outcomes The outcomes of the FLC include the following: Each FLC team will be able to: 1. Write or rephrase at least one existing program learning outcomes so that: a. it is aligned with the University Baccalaureate Learning Goals b. student evidence of achieving the outcome can be collected 2. Develop curriculum maps to show which courses in the program and which signature assignments in courses would address the specific learning outcome(s). 3. Develop a common program rubric that clearly specifies the criteria the program will use to evaluate student work produced by the signature assignments in the courses identified in 2). 4. Write, submit, and get approved a “Human Subject Review” from the University’s Internal Review Board so the data and results from assessment studies can be used for teaching and research. 5. Develop a plan for how assessment results will be shared within the program and used for program improvement and present assessment results to one group external to the FLC (ex. Academic departments, Academic Affairs, Office of Academic Program Assessment, etc.) Each team will deliver the following: 1. Syllabi from at least three courses that articulates the following: a. specific program learning outcome(s) b. description of the signature assignment that will generate student work that will be used as evidence of meeting the articulated program learning outcome 2. Student handouts or written prompts describing the signature assignments 3. Curriculum and signature assignment maps 4. Human subject review proposal 5. Rubrics used to evaluate student work produced by the signature assignments 6. Samples of student work produced from the signature assignments 7. Evaluation of student work and analysis of results Syllabus for FLC: Program Assessment Page 1 of 3 8. Flow chart of how the assessment results will be disseminated and used for program improvement 9. Presentation of program assessment tools, process, outcomes, and implications for program improvement 10. e-portfolio containing electronic copies of items 1-9 above FLC Timeline Note: e-folio will be used to archive deliverables and Blackboard will be used as an online community site for the exchange of FLC announcements, materials and between meeting discussions. Meeting # Topic Activity Deliverables Month (all meetings face to face) 1 1. Introduction to • distribution of books and the FLC handouts, discussion of 2. Student FLC process & Learning deliverables Outcomes (SLO) • Articulating measurable on the course SLOs on the course and and program program level level 2 1. Curriculum • Mapping curriculum onto 1. Course Syllabi mapping on the SLO(s) on the course and due course and program level 2. Description of program level • Mapping signature signature 2. Human Subjects assignments onto SLO(s) assignment(s) Review • Writing a human subject due review proposal 3 1. Assessment of • Description of student 3. Curriculum Student Work on work to be collected as and signature the course and evidence of SLO assignment program level achievement maps due 2. Rubric • Creating and using 4. Human development Formative/summative, subject and testing Direct/Indirect proposal due assessment tools, rubrics etc. 4 1. Program • Defining content and 5. Rubrics for Assessment: structure for different signature Defining assessment reports assignments audience, • Triangulation of data due purpose, and use • Outline of Program Assessment to be carried 2. The e-folio out Fall semester Syllabus for FLC: Program Assessment Page 2 of 3 5 1. Program Assessment PlanPresentation and peer review 6 7 1. Updated Program Assessment Plan 2. Implementation time line Data Collection 8 Data Analysis • Training on e-folio • Presentation of proposed Program assessment plan • Peer review, discussion, and revision • Upload of the plan and first semester deliverables into e-folio • Presentation of revised Assessment Plan • Timeline for collection of data, student work. • Discussion of methods, challenges and lesson learned • Discussion of methods and results of data analysis 6. Samples of student work from signature assignments 9 1. Assessment • Presentation of program 7. Evaluation report writing assessment data and and analysis of and presenting analysis student work 10 1. Culminating • Final presentation and 9. Presentation event reflection of FLC report of program 2. Presentations to • Plan for dissemination of assessment program project beyond FLC project departments & 10. e-portfolio University units completion Stipend award date will be after all deliverables are received and will not be later than Dec. 31, 2012. Syllabus for FLC: Program Assessment Page 3 of 3