Graduate Studies Committee Minutes of March 9, 2010 Members present: Thomas Devine, Leilani Hall, Vickie Jensen, David Moguel, Jared Rappaport, Jennifer Romack, Merril Simon, Jackie Stallcup Excused: Craig Finney, Tina Kiesler, Bruno Osorno, Mary Woodley Executive Secretary: Mack Johnson Guests: Elizabeth Adams, Nancy Burstein, Beverly Cabello, Deborah Chen, Deborah Cours, Shoeleh Di Julio, Robert Espinoza, Marilynn Filbeck, Beth Lasky, Henrik Minassians, Sue Sears, Christina von Mayrhauser Staff: Hedy Carpenter, Gloria Roberts I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:08 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes Minutes of the February 9th meeting were approved. III. Announcement Gloria Roberts announced that the CSU Statewide Competition will be held on April 30 – May 1, 2010 at CSU, San Jose. She reported that there are ten undergraduate and graduate students representing CSU, Northridge. IV. Curriculum Review A. College of Education Special Education 1. Course modification proposals in SPED 400-Introducation to Special Education, SPED 402A-Functional Assessment and Positive Behavior Support, SPED 401C-Inclusive Practices, SPED 506D, 506MM, 506MS, 506EC-Special Education Internship Field Experience, SPED 541B-Getting Started-Introduction to Teaching in Urban Schools, SPED 509MMIntroducation to Assessment of Diverse Learners with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, SPED 670-Reading Processes, SPED 505MM-Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, SPED 504MS-Teaching Diverse Learners with Moderate/Severe Disabilities, SPED 403DHH-Early Field Experience in Deaf Education, SPED 504D-Teaching Diverse Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Learners, SPED 560-Assessment and Development of Language in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, SPED 561D-Teaching Reading to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Pupils, SPED 563Audiology and Spoken English Development for Teachers of Deaf and Hard 1 of Hearing Students, SPED 565-Fundamentals of Teaching Written English to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, SPED 566D-Curriculum and Instruction in SPED for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, SPED 500-Early Communication and Literacy for Young Children with Disabilities, SPED 535-Working with Families of Young Children with Disabilities: A Transdisciplinary Approach, and SPED 538-Transdisciplinary Teaming in Early Childhood Special Education were approved with minor revisions. 2. New course proposals in SPED 404-Teaching Diverse Learners with Social-Communication Disabilities including Autism, SPED 406-K-12 Literacy Instruction for Diverse Learners with Disabilities, SPED 416Educating Diverse Learners with Disabilities and Working with their Families, SPED 580S-ECSE/MM/MS Advanced Specialist Fieldwork Analysis in Education of Learners with IEPS, and SPED 567D-Teaching Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students with Special Needs were approved with minor revisions. 3. Program modification proposal for the Education Specialist Preliminary Credential Programs in Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and Early Childhood Education to change program requirements to meet new Education Specialist standards was approved. B. College of Humanities Chicana/o Studies 1. New course proposal in CHS 488-Literature of Borders and Globalization: The Americas was approved. English/Linguistics 1. Course modification proposal in ENGL 610-Seminar in Syntax was approved. 2. New course proposal in LING 566-Research Methods for Applied Linguistics was approved with the following caveat: Revise prerequisite in item #1 for Intro to TESL. 3. New course proposal in LING 568-TESL Testing and Assessment was approved with the following caveat: Bring out Methods of Assessment for SLO in item #17. College of Humanities 1. New program proposal for the Graduate Certificate Program in Advanced Reasoning, Writing, and Research for Professionals was withdrawn to rewrite proposal and review at the May meeting. 2 2. New course proposals in PSHU 501-Critical Thinking and Decision Making for Advanced Professionals, PSHU 502-Cultural Literacies, PSHU 503-Critical Textual Analysis, PSHU 504-Writing for the New Millennium, and PSHU 505-Conducting and Presenting Research in the Digital Age were approved with corrections and clarifications. 3. New course proposal in PSHU 599-Culminating Project was withdrawn to rewrite proposal and review at the May meeting. C. College of Science and Mathematics Biology 1. Course modification proposal in BIOL 691-Graduate Proseminar to change unit value was approved. 2. New course proposal in BIOL 511/L-Molecular Markers in Evolutionary Studies and Lab was approved with minor revisions. 3. Program modification proposal for the M.S. in Biology to update the catalog description to comply with current practices was approved. D. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Public Administration 1. Program modification proposal for the Master of Public Administration to add a fifth track to the MPA program by linking URBS graduate certificate was approved. V. S-Factor Curriculum Assignments and Schedule The committee received S-Factor related curriculum from seven colleges. Consistent with GSC practices, two members were assigned to lead the review and discussion of curriculum from each of the colleges. Additionally, the month/meeting of the review was determined. Following is a listing of the colleges, GSC representatives, and month of review. Colleges of Arts, Media, & Communication and Business & Economics – David Moguel (Secondary Education) and Merril Simon (Educational Psychology & Counseling) – April College of Education – Bruno Osorno (Electrical & Computer Engineering) and Mary Woodley (Oviatt Library) – April College of Health & Human Development – Leilani Hall (English) and Tina Kiesler (Marketing) – May 3 College of Humanities – Thomas Devine (History) and Vickie Jensen (Sociology) – May College of Science & Mathematics – Jared Rappaport (Cinema & Television Arts) and Jennifer Romack (Kinesiology) – May College of Social & Behavioral Sciences – Craig Finney (Recreation & Tourism Management) and Jackie Stallcup (English) – May VI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. 4