March 8, 2011 (.doc)

Graduate Studies Committee
Minutes of March 8, 2011
Members present: Thomas Devine, Owen Doonan, Craig Finney, Leilani Hall, David
Moguel, Richard Moore, Bruno Osorno, Jared Rappaport, Jennifer Romack, Merril
Simon, Jackie Stallcup
Excused: Mary Woodley
Executive Secretary: Mack Johnson
Guests: Elizabeth Adams, Kamiran Badrkhan, Nagwa Bekir, Beverly Cabello, Darrick
Danta, Bonnie Ericson, Joyce Feucht-Haviar, Marilynn Filbeck, David Gray, Judy
Hennessey, Carolyn Jeffries, Jennifer Kalfsbeek, Ellie Kazemi, Sharon Klein, Evelyn
McClave, Lara Medina, David Rodriguez, Maureen Rubin, Shari Tarver-Behring, Stella
Staff: Hedy Carpenter, Gloria Roberts
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:07 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the February 8th meeting were approved.
Hedy Carpenter announced that the Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program
CSUN application deadline was on March 7th. She reported that the 15h
Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium was a successful
event. Carpenter also reported that the CSU Statewide competition is on May
6-7, 2011 at CSU, Fresno and 10 students will be representing Northridge.
Program Review Assignment
Electrical Engineering – Tom Devine
Curriculum Review
A. College of Arts, Media, and Communication
1. Course modification proposals in MUS 672-Graduate Northridge Singers,
MUS 673-Graduate Master Chorale, MUS 679-Graduate Wind Ensemble, and
MUS 682-Graduate Symphonic Orchestra to change the course classification
were approved.
2. New course proposal in MUS 418-Electronic and Computer Music
Composition was approved.
1. Course modification proposal in TH 433-The Musical Theatre in the
United States to change course description and requisites was approved.
B. College of Education
Educational Psychology and Counseling
1. Program modification proposal for the M.A. in Education, Option in
Educational Psychology, Emphasis in Development, Learning, and Instruction
to change program name and requirements was approved with the following
 Update Record of Consultation under item #10.
 Add an updated list of courses to the Catalog Entry under item #5.
Secondary Education
1. Course modification proposals in SED 599A-C-Independent Study, SED
698-Thesis or Graduate Project, and SED 699A-C-Independent Study to
change course classification were approved.
2. New course proposal in SED 525BL-Bilingual and Bicultural Teaching in
Multiethnic Secondary Schools was approved.
C. College of Humanities
Chicana/o Studies
1. New course proposal in CHS 476/F-Healing Traditions in Chicana/o
Communities and Fieldwork was approved with the following caveat:
 Define the term “missionization” from the Course Student Learning
Objectives under #4.
 Explain the final group project under Requirements for Undergraduate
Students under #6.
1. Course modification proposal in ENGL 698D-Graduate Project to change
the course description was approved.
2. New course proposal in ENGL 512-Writing for Performance was approved
with the following caveat:
 Revise Methods of Assessment under item #17.
3. Program modification proposal for the M.A. in English to change program
requirements relating to the new course ENGL 512 was approved.
4. Program modification proposal for the M.A. in English to change total
units to degree from 30 units to 33 units relating to the ENGL 698D course
and for the non-thesis option for culminating experience was approved.
1. Course modification proposal in HUMA 697-Culminating Experience to
change the unit value, course description and number of times course may be
taken was approved.
Liberal Studies
1. New course proposal in SUST 401-Applied Sustainability was approved.
1. Course modification proposal in LING 566-Research Methods for
Linguistics to change the course title, course abbreviation, and course
description was approved.
2. New course proposal in LING 447-Bilingualism in the U.S. was approved
with the following caveat:
 Revise the Justification for Request under item #11.
3. New program proposal for the M.A. in TESL to elevate the option to a full
degree program was approved.
Internship Policy
Elizabeth Adams reported that the suggested revisions from the GSC meeting
in February were made to the Internship Policy and to the Frequently Asked
Questions internship document. The Graduate Studies Committee approved
the internship policy with one abstention.
Discussion Items
The GSC invited the Psychology Department and The Tseng College for an
open discussion relating to upcoming curriculum in Psychology that involves
a self-support option in a state-supported M.A. program. The committee
requested the history and background of self-support programs and how they
have traditionally interacted with state-side programs. The committee also had
several questions about the proposed program modification in the Psychology
Joyce Feucht-Haviar distributed the CSUN’s Tseng College of Extended
Learning document to explain the similarities and differences between selfsupport and state-supported programs. She also distributed the CSUN SelfSupport Degree Format and Structure document to discuss the proposed new
option in the Psychology Department. The committee thanked Dr. Feucht-
Haviar for the information. The curriculum will be reviewed at the April
Richard Moore reviewed the Motion on Doctoral Graduation Ceremonies
memo to the GSC. He reported that the Doctoral Program in College of
Education has been negotiating with the administration about the procedures
for graduating CSUN’s first doctoral students. He explained that the
administration does not want a hooding ceremony for the doctoral students
during the graduation ceremony. Moore requested that the GSC consider this
issue since there will be more doctoral programs in the future and doctoral
students should receive the recognition they deserve. The committee
suggested that Moore discuss the hooding event with the Dean and Associate
Dean of the College of Education.
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:14 p.m.