CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE FACULTY SENATE EDUCATIONAL EQUITY COMMITTEE(EEC) Minutes of Meeting_November 10, 2008_Approved by Committee ___December 08, 2008_____ Exec.Comm.__________________Approved by Exec.Comm._____________________ Acad.Senate_________________ Approved by Acad.Senate_______________________ POLICY ITEMS____________________________ Members Present: Maria Elena de Bellard (Chair), RosaMaria Chacon, Shane Frehlich, Sun-Mee Kang, Daniel McConaughy, Carolyn, Okazaki, Bronte Reynolds, Danielle Skaggs, Jose Luis Vargas(Executive Secretary) Members Absent: Julia Heinen (excusesd), Gina Masequesmay Guest(s): Bettina Huber, Sheila Grant, Dianah Wynter I. Meeting was called to Order at 11:40am II. Minutes of September 8, 2008 were approved with some minor editing. III. Vice-Chair election. A. Moved to next meeting due to low attendance B. Eligible Members: Daniel Skaggs, Gina Masequesmay, and Sun-Mee C. Daniel McConaughy volunteered to be Vice-Chair IV. Announcement A. Charge of the Committee 1. B. V. The different EEC sub-committees were discussed. New Committee members were given an opportunity to join the subcommittee of their choice. RosaMaria Chacon joined the Campus Climate sub-committee. EEC report from last year 1. Last year’s annual report was reviewed by the committee. Daniel Skaggs brought up the question regarding what is discussed at the exit interview. Jose Luis Vargas asked if the committee wanted to invite Penny Jennings to elaborate on this issue. She will be invited to the next meeting. EEC will also request a list of the faculty who have left CSUN. The Exit Interview developed by the Recruitment and Retention SubCommittee is different from the exit interview done by Faculty Affairs. 2. Shane Frehlich requested feedback from the committee members before the report is finalized. Edits will be emailed directly to him. 3. Sheila Grant asked what could be done to obtain funds to facilitate the work EEC is doing. It was decided the Chair, CoChair and other pertinent committee members would approach the Faculty Senate first but ultimately may need to speak to the Provost for funds. Meeting with Bettina Huber, Office of Institutional Research, to Discuss administration of the HERI Survey (Time Certain – 12:30pm) 1. Draft copy of HERI report was distributed and discussed. Report focuses on tenure and tenure-track respondents. 2. Data was provided in two ways, in the form of tables and written analysis. 3. Final copy will be available on Monday, November 18, 2008. VI. 4. Bettina offered to give the committee an opportunity to read the report and she would come back to answer any questions that arise. 5. Copies of the 20 questions used in the survey were distributed to the committee. Old Business A. B. Recruitment & Retention Sub-Committee Membership & Activities. Results from hiring workshop last October 13th 1. Bronte Reynolds reported on the feedback from the individuals who attended the workshop to the committee. 2. Carolyn Okazaki reported on the second piece of the workshop which dealt with the process, from advertisement to the hiring. 3. About 60 faculty attended, a higher attendance than usual. This time Chairs and Deans were also invited and lunch was provided. 4. Sheila Grant reported on participation in workshops conducted on line dealing with the hiring process. Sub-Committee from PP&R presented to the Council of Chairs to obtain their feedback. PP&R passed motion. Now it will go before the Executive Committee. Website Sub-Committee Membership & Activities. Posting our Minutes, etc. 1. Nothing much has changed. Will add the new approved minutes as soon as they are received. 2. Danielle will add pictures from CSUN website to the EEC website to underscore CSUN’s diversity and our EEC aims. C. Text book policy 1. Email was received reminding faculty about submitting the names of the books being used next semester. 2. It was proposed that the committee members follow up at each of their own departments to get an idea of its implementation. 3. Sheila Grant brought up the textbook rental policy being piloted. Will update as soon as more information is available. VII. New Business A. Provost’s Professional Development Workshop - Equity & Diversity. 1. B. C. To be discussed at the next meeting. Fairness in allocation of departmental funds. 1. Maria Elena proposed that the EEC study how departments currently allocate re-assigned time and teaching loads for professors, to determine the possibility of proposing Policy that may deal with it in a more equitable way. 2. Sun-Mee and Bronte suggested that one way might be a policy that focuses on the transparency of how departmental funds are allocated. Personnel procedures. 1. To be discussed at the next meeting. VIII. Meeting was adjourned at 1:40pm