“Ensenad@ Project”: Modernizing the Spanish Cadastre Ignacio Durán

General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
“Ensenad@ Project”:
Modernizing the
Spanish Cadastre
Ignacio Durán
Deputy Director
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
504.501 km2.
44.000.000 rural parcels
12.000.000 urban parcels
28.000.000 cadastal urban units
-52 territorial
-2885 civil servants
-budget 2003:
107.000.000 euros
-24.957 parcels/urban
units per civil servant
-0,67 euros per
parcel/urban unit
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
Cadastral description of Real estate properties
Cadastral characteristics
-Owner rigth of
-Cadastral code
-Cadastral value
-Land value
-Building value
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
Year 2002 results
-1.838.146 changes in titleholders
-1.020.682 new cadastral urban
-24.690 new rural parcels
-48.294 changes in crops
-873.332 certificates issued
-2.128.944 personal visits to our
-387.000 phone queries
-32.000 downloads of data from
our website
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Registration is compulsory
-Civil servants
-Land Registrars
with cadastral
Tax offence
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
Public Registry
General Principle:
Everyone can access cadastral data
Exception: Protected data:
First name, last name(s), institution or
company name, Fiscal Identity Code,
address and cadastral value.
Special rules
Public Offices, Constitutional and
Parliamentary institutions the Judiciary
and special Laws.
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Tax uses:
National, Regional and Local Taxes (Real estate tax income in
2002: 4.700.000.000 €)
Equitable assignment of public expenditure:
.Control and management of aid and public subsidies, housing,
CAP, social services, etc.
.Environmental and agricultural policy
.Infrastructure and housing policy
.Urban planning
.Civil protection,
Legal security:
Registry-Cadastre relationship
Effective legal guidance:
Evidence in court procedures
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
What can we do to improve?
The “Ensenad@ project” is an initiative of the Spanish
General Directorate for Cadastre to facilitate access to
cadastral information and services via Internet.
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
Three phases:
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Shared between
Spain and the
European Union
Different levels of
- Open access, free
of charge, to
unprotected data
Addressed to:
Citizens and
Registers, Justice
Administration ...
- Free access by the
title holder to his/her
- Free access for
administrations in
the context of their
- Restricted access
for the supply of new
data to the Cadastre
Working Week and 125th
Anniversary. Paris 13-17 April 2003
Development and implementation of webbased cadastral services as the preferred
channel for performance of the
organisation’s functions, driving:
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finances. Spain
Connectivity: creating data exchange
mechanisms to enable electronic data
input and transfer
Accessibility: electronic consultation of
cadastral data by interested parties
Value-added Services: the completeness
and uniqueness of the data will allow us
to provide advanced services
Personalisation: each citizen or
administration acts according to their
Phased implementation: depending on the
technical complexity of the service, the
volume and quality of available
information, starting with collaborating
public institutions and pilot tests
Security: guaranteeing the trust of users
through electronic certification systems
Easy access and use (via navigators) by
consumers, who can choose the media
as preferred, not exclusive.
Working Week and 125th Anniversary Paris
13-17 April 2003
Cadastral Web Page: 1999 – 2002
Objective: divulgation of the cadastral organization
Containing general information on cadastral products
and services, regulations, statistics, interadministrative collaboration, etc.
Basic Services:
Computer programmes for Notaries and
Digital cadastral newsletter
Contact service via e-mail
Virtual Cadastral Office: 2003 – 2004
Objective: to offer electronic services to citizens and
public institutions by means of accessibility and
Personalised services:
Consultation and certification of alpha-numeric
cadastral data for individuals (G2C),
Administrations and Institutions (G2G)
Exchange centre for cadastral data files (G2G)
Visualisation of cadastral mapsç and application
for descriptive and graphic certificates (G2C)
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finance. Spain
Working Week and 125th Anniversary Paris
13-17 April 2003
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finance. Spain
Advanced electronic services:
2005 - 2006
• to offer value-added services by
incorporating advanced electronic
signature mechanisms
Advanced services (G2C) :
• Sale of cadastral products
• Electronic payment of cadastral taxes
• Modification of personal data
• Electronic processing of applications and
• Case monitoring
• Appointment book
Working Week and 125th Anniversary Paris
13-17 April 2003
General Directorate for the Cadastre
Ministry of Finance. Spain
Other Initiatives:
-Application of the new Law of
Real Estate Cadastre:
-Increased facility for the
maintenance of cadastral data. A
compensating data centre of
land information
-New cadastral treatment of
special real estate (nuclear
plants, reservoirs, motorways,
major ports, etc.)
-Greater precision in the
treatment of rustic parcels, with
a new cadastral reference.
-Increased involvement in a common
cadastral system for the European
-Active participation in the Permanent
Committee on Cadastre in the
Europoean Union
-www. eurocadastre.org
More information: www.catastro.minhac.es