Blackboard Intro Workshop Outline [DOC]

Blackboard I: Introduction to Blackboard
Part 1 (as “students”): 90 mins.
Students login, use info card (while waiting for workshop to start)
Introductions: instructor & participants
o Instructor to ask what specific questions each participant may
have prior to beginning the session, to ensure that those areas
are covered
Explanation of welcome/login name shown (guest account)
o Students login with NIU AccountID & AccountID Password
o Make the course unavailable after the semester is over!
Explanation of basic interface
Explanation of “Edit Personal Info”
“NIU” Tab
“Courses” tab
o Identifying #’s
o Notification Dashboard
 Edit Notification Settings
o Edit course listing
 Re-arrange course listing order
“Community” tab
“Content Collection” tab
“Services” tab
“MyOneCard” tab
Home Page – student login
o Customize Page
o Remove/Add Modules
Workshop Leaders
Course Information
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Course documents
o Structure/consistency is important
o Survey
o Discussion Board Forum
o Assignment
o Test
o Blog
My Grades
*Students take self-assessment (survey)
- show them the instructor’s view
- show ways to view details
Discussion board
o Make clear objectives (why enter discussion)
*Students participate in discussion
o Strategies for encouraging online discussion
 Set limits for discussion
 Use summarizing posts
 Read a sample in class
*Students download 3 files
- Explain file formats
*Students complete sample assignment
- Multiple assignment submissions
- View of submissions in the Grade Center
*Students complete Blackboard Review Quiz
*Students post a blog entry
*Take break…(2:30pm)
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Part 2 (as “instructors”): 90 mins.
1. Login to a Guest Course
2. Course entry page
a. Show Edit Mode (on/off)
b. Course Menu
c. Contextual Control Panel
3. Customize Home Page
a. Add/delete a module
b. Re-arrange module order
c. Enable/disable student customizations
4. Add an announcement
o Type a sample announcement
o Course link
5. Add content to Course Information (syllabus).
a. Add as a file / or as an item (explain the difference)
6. Add content into Course Documents
a. Make new folders
b. Rearrange folder location in list
c. Add item / file
d. Add different File Formats:
Flash file
PDF file
Word file
Audio file
e. File formats
i. Why use certain formats?
1. Determined by educational objective
f. Add a mashup
i. Explain what a mashup is
ii. Types of mashups (YouTube video, SlideShare
presentation, Flickr image)
g. Assign Textbook
h. Explain the Visual Text Editor
7. Add a Contact
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8. Add a discussion forum
a. Explain properties
b. Allow grading by forum/thread; show the Grade Center
9. Add an assignment in Week 2 by using ‘Assignment’
10. Manually add an assignment into the Grade Center.
a. Reorder / hide columns
b. Allow multiple attempts / clear attempts
c. Download grades
11. Course Menu
a. Add/remove/modify menu items
b. Add dividers
12. Course Settings
a. Course design
b. Course availability
13. Make the course available
14. Requesting a course
*Complete session evaluations
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