FORM 30 THE COMPANIES ORDIANCE 1984 (Section 208 and Rule 15) RESOLUTION PASSED BY MEMBERS PERSUANT TO SECTION 208 Please complete in typescript or in bold block capitals. 1. CUIN (Incorporation Number) 2. Name of the Company 3. Fee Paid (Rs.) 4. Receipt No. Name & Branch of The Bank Day Month Date (Bank challan to be attached in original) Day Month Year 5. Date of dispatch of notice of the general meeting specifying the intention to propose the special resolution. 6. Date of publication newspaper. of notice in Day Month Year 7. Name of newspaper [copy of notice in case of listed company should be attached] Day 8. Date of passing of special resolution 9. Place (city) of general meeting. 10. Text of resolution passed by a majority of not less than three-fourth of such members entitled to vote as are present in person or by proxy. Resolved that, Month Year Year 11. (Copy of the minutes of the general meeting in which the said resolution was passed indicating separately the names of members attending personally and by proxy with shares held by each of them should be enclosed) 12. Signatures 13. Name of Signatory 14. Chief Executive/ Secretary 15. N.I.C No. Day 16. Date. Month Year