Received by the Graduate Council—April 5, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fifth Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year March 15, 2010 Approved p. i of ii PRESENT: B. Bond (Graduate School), M. Konen (LAS/GEOG), M. Lenczewski (LAS/GEOL, for M. Frank), J. Umoren (HHS/FCNS), D. Walker (EDU/ETRA), L. Zittel (EDU/KNPE) ABSENT: C. Gowen (BUS/MGMT), M. Frank (LAS/GEOL) CONSULTANTS: D. Smith (Catalog Editor/Curriculum Coordinator) GUESTS: D. Changnon (LAS/GEOG) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Agenda was approved by acclamation. ANNOUNCEMENTS Electronic approval of February 8, 2010 meeting CONSENT AGENDA Zittel made a motion, seconded by Lenczewski, TO ACCEPT THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH NO GRADUATE-LEVEL ATTACHMENTS. Motion passed unanimously. The following minutes were so received. College of Business #10 College of Business #11 College of Education #5 College of Education #6 College of Education #7 Umoren made a motion, seconded by Walker, TO ACCEPT THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH GRADUATE-LEVEL ATTACHMENTS. Motion passed unanimously. The following minutes were so received. College of Health and Human Sciences #10 COLLEGE MINUTES FOR DISCUSSION College of Liberal Arts and Sciences #10 The proposed specialization for the M.S. in Geography, Environmental Risk Management and Decision Received by the Graduate Council—April 5, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fifth Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year March 15, 2010 Approved p. ii of ii Making, was discussed. Changnon explained that as part of the stimulus act, the National Science Foundation put out a request for proposals for programs in the sciences at the master’s level. With this new specialization, students will complete a thesis as well as work with external partners. He reported that colleagues from the physical sciences and the Colleges of Business and Engineering and Engineering Technology worked together on the proposal and a letter of intent has been approved. If the proposal is accepted by the NSF, the course work must appear in the catalog by fall, 2010. Changnon thanked Bond and Jim Erman for their assistance in moving the proposal forward. Zittel asked if this involved existing courses and how many students did they anticipate enrolling in the specialization. Changnon responded that there would be no new courses and that they expected about 4-6 students to enroll every fall. He added that they have been working on establishing future funding sources since the initial funding is based on stimulus money and may not be reinstated by the NSF after those funds are depleted. Walker asked who the program is accountable to; is there an accrediting body. Changnon noted that the program is accountable internally to the Department of Geography and there are no external accrediting bodies in the meteorology field. Zittel made a motion, seconded by Lenczewski, to ACCEPT THE GRADUATE-LEVEL CURRICULAR ITEMS IN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES #10 (2/17/10) PENDING BOT APPROVAL. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS New course, UNIV 595. Bond explained that this new course proposal came out of discussions faculty have been having this academic year regarding a program for preparing future faculty. The program has been approved by Provost Alden and Interim Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Jim Erman. This would be a one-hour course for students who want to be in the program but who aren’t in a program with a preparation course already. Bond added that the program would also include a series of workshops and would culminate in a notation on students’ transcripts that they completed the program. The course would be taught out of the Graduate School without any additional resources needed. Walker made a motion, seconded by Zittel, to approve new course UNIV 595. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30. The next meeting of the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee will be April 12, 2010, Lowden Hall 304. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Smith