Received by the Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 2, 2006 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year October 12, 2006 Approved i of iv PRESENT: G. Aase (BUS/OMIS), R. Newsom (VPA/TH-D), J. Rabak-Wagener (HHS/AHP, chair), E. Seaver (Vice Provost, ex officio), F. Solares-Larrave (LAS/FL--), J. Song (LAS/GEOG), V. Talsma (EDUC/TLRN), R. Tatara (EET/TECH), R. Vasudevan (EET/Student Rep), Z. Ye (LAS/MATH) ABSENT: R. Beatty (UCC/BUS/OMIS), CONSULTANTS: R. Hendricks (Registration & Records), D. Smith (Catalog Editor/Curriculum Coordinator) ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Rabak-Wagener introduced Rakesh Vasudevan, the student representative to the CUC. 2. Minutes from the September 14, 2006, were approved electronically. 3. An updated membership list was included in agenda packets. 4. Rabak-Wagener noted the catalog changes approved by APASC at its October 4, 2006, meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Rabak-Wagener reminded the committee that the role of the CUC is to just evaluate curricular changes, making sure there is nothing controversial or impacting other departments. It is not the role of the committee to rewrite curriculum. Aase made a motion, seconded by Talsma, to RECEIVE THE ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA PENDING CITC APPROVAL OF CITC ITEMS IN CEDU #12. The motion passed unanimously. The following college minutes with no undergraduate-level curricular items were so received. College of Engineering & Engineering Technology #1 The undergraduate-level curricular items in the following college curriculum committee minutes were so received. College of Education #12, pages 8-10, 12 College of Education #13, page 1 College of Education #1, page 1 Received by the Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 2, 2006 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year October 12, 2006 Approved ii of iv COLLEGE MINUTES AND OTHER CURRICULAR ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION College of Health & Human Sciences, #1 Talsma made a motion, seconded by Song, to RECEIVE THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULAR ITEMS IN HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES MINUTES #1 (9/1/06). Discussion followed regarding the procedures for obtaining verification of nonduplication. Aase noted that the college made their requests for new course UHHS 455 to the wrong departments. The college received approval from departments of Finance and Management and e-mail documentation was provided to the CUC. However, Aase noted that the course is an accounting course, and Accountancy should have been contacted. He stated that he contacted James Young, chair of Accountancy who did not have a problem with UHHS 455. However, Aase wondered who made the decision about what departments to contact regarding nonduplication. He also expressed concern that lack of response implies consent and suggested that colleges should get the approval in writing from all parties concerned. Smith noted that the procedures for obtaining duplication are outlined in the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM) and the department proposing a new course determines what departments they should contact. Talsma suggested that departments better indicate exactly what approvals were obtained and from whom. It was also suggested that the faculty member who is actually teaching the course in question be contacted rather than the chair. Building on those suggestions, the CUC came to a consensus that colleges need to better document the verification of nonduplication, indicating exactly who they contacted for the verification and to obtain all approvals in writing. Motion passed unanimously. College of Health & Human Services, #2 Rabak-Wagener noted that the issue with these minutes is the new course FCNS 423 and the fact that the minutes do not reflect verification of nonduplication. The CUC, however, was provided with a copy of e-mail correspondence from the School of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences to the Department of Management. Talsma made a motion, seconded by Aase, to RECEIVE THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULAR ITEMS IN HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES MINUTES #2 (9/15/06). Aase reported that he spoke with Sarah Marsh, chair of the Department of Management about FCNS 423. She had asked him to pass on her concerns that the course appears to still be a workshop and her question was what is the difference between a “how to” course and a course with content. It was clarified that this type of curriculum decision is up to the department and college. Motion passed unanimously. College of Health & Human Services, #3 Talsma made a motion, seconded by Newsom, to RECEIVE THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULAR ITEMS IN HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES MINUTES #3 (9/22/06). Rabak-Wagener pointed out the new course FCNS 409. The School of Allied Health was contacted, but Rabak-Wagener checked with them for further verification. While the school felt that there was some overlap, it wasn’t enough to deny the new course. Solares-Larrave asked about the PRQ of a course “with a grade of C or better.” Seaver noted that his is Received by the Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 2, 2006 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year October 12, 2006 Approved iii of iv part of the school’s limited retention program. Smith reported that this new course proposal was approved by APASC at their October 4, 2006, meeting. Seaver asked about FCNS 316 and if their PRQs of NDHA major or minor and at least junior standing can be enforced. Hendricks replied that there would be no problem with that and clarified for committee members that junior standing is based on credit hours earned. Aase expressed concern about the rationale used to delete catalog language that encourages students to consider minor in business administration. The school’s rationale is that the minor is no longer offered. However, Aase reported that it is available. Lori Marcellus, College of Business advisor, signs off on several minors in business administration a year. Aase asked that it be communicated with the school that the minor is indeed available. Motion passed unanimously. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, #1 A walk-in handout of an e-mail from LA&S Associate Dean Bill Minor was distributed. Talsma made a motion, seconded by Zhuan, to RECEIVE THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULAR ITEMS IN LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES #1 (9/22/06). Zhuan asked about the change in hours for GEOG 498B in the Minor for Southeast Asian Studies and why the total hours for the minor weren’t changed. Seaver stated that there are other variable credits in that program. Zhuan also asked about the change in hours to BIOS 486 and why that wasn’t reflected in the program requirements. Seaver stated that since this deals with teacher certification, often those departments do not list the actual hours because state standards change so much they would constantly be updating their catalog language. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 1. Subcommittee on the Review of Contract Majors and KNPE 101 Letter-Suffixed Courses Rabak-Wagener asked for volunteers to serve on this subcommittee. Song, Talsma, and Vasudevan volunteered with Song as the chair. Smith will obtain the necessary information and forward to the committee. 2. New Student Information System. Seaver pointed out that the changes approved by APASC, which were included in committee packets, were not related to the new student information system. The first change was a result of the Cleary act which requires universities to post notice of the security report. The second change was to accommodate students who have just graduated from high school but who also received college credit during their time in high school. Currently these students are treated as transfer students because they have college credit. However, this does a disservice to the students because they should come to the university as true freshman during freshmen days. Also the university has been unable to count these students with other incoming freshmen, and can’t include them in such data as retention and graduation rates. Received by the Undergraduate Coordinating Council—November 2, 2006 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Second Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year October 12, 2006 Approved iv of iv With regards to the new student information system, Seaver reported that a Blackboard site for all faculty and staff is up and active. It contains a lot of information, including a list of team members and important documents that are part of the fit gap analysis. There is a discussion area and sample screens will be provided. The intent is to have all the information on the new student information systems available to the university community and any new documents that are developed will also be posted. There will be an e-mail announcement going out soon announcing the new Blackboard site. He reported that work has begun on testing a prototype. The desire is to automate everything that is in the catalog and if that can’t be done to communicate those policies to the campus community. If departments want to retain those procedures, work arounds will be developed. Seaver gave the example of the 13month repeat policy which cannot be automated. He also noted that on the front-end of the system, there are some incredible things that the new system will be able to do that the current system cannot, for example creating reports and being easier for students to use. NEW BUSINESS Adding prerequisites. Seaver noted that departments are being asked to look at PRQs for their courses and to clean them up if possible. The more PRQs there are for a course, the slower the system runs during registration. Aase reported that his department is going through this process and cited the example of students needing UBUS 311 no later than the semester or term following completion of UBUS 310. Therefore, UBUS 311 is listed as a CRQ or PRQ in a number of courses. Aase suggested that if there is a way to enforce the requirement at a higher level, then the CRQs/PRQs could be eliminated for those courses. The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m. The next meeting will be November 9, 2006, 12:30, Altgeld 225. Also remember the tentative meeting for November 16, 2006, 12:30, Altgeld 225. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Smith