Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 13, 2007 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fourth Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year November 15, 2007 Approved i of ii This meeting was held electronically. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Deletion of “Ts” in any course number or PRQ/CRQ due to new student information system. 2. CSCI 430. OMIS requested that this new course proposal be pulled from the approved items from the November 8, 2007, CUC meeting for verification of nonduplication from OMIS. The Departments of Computer Science and Operations Management and Information Systems have discussed the course and Computer Science has decided to pull it from consideration at this time. CONSENT AGENDA College minutes with no undergraduate curricular items None. College minutes with undergraduate curricular items None. COLLEGE MINUTES AND OTHER CURRICULAR ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION None. OLD BUSINESS EET #4 New Emphasis in Advanced Computing and Simulation was tabled and departments was asked to delete MEE 454 from program requirements because the course does not yet exist and change “At least two of the following four courses” needs to be changed to “At least two of the following three courses.” No new information, no action taken. LAS #4 Course revision to COMS 495A was tabled to clarify the intent to offer variable credit, or a onecredit-hour course that can be repeated? No new information, no action taken. Other catalog changes for COMS to Emphasis 1. Rhetoric and Public Communication, Emphasis 2. Media Studies, and Emphasis 3. Organization/Corporate Communication were tabled for clarification of how many hours students are required to take in COMS 407, 495A, and 495B. Plus why did they add “-3” for 407 and 495B then also add “Students must take this course for 1 credit hour” for Emphasis 1 and 2. No new information, no action taken. LAS #5 Received by Undergraduate Coordinating Council—December 13, 2007 COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM (CUC) Fourth Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year November 15, 2007 Approved ii of ii New courses CSCI 180 and CSCI 290 were tabled for stronger rationale including resources, demand, and target audience and verification of nonduplication from Department of Operations Management and Information Systems (OMIS). See attached materials. Committee to approve these two new courses. Goerhing moved, seconded by Aase, to APPROVE NEW COURSES CSCI 180 AND CSCI 290. Motion passed. VPA #3 These minutes were tabled for verification of nonduplication from Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA) for new course ARTE 343. These minutes also need CITC approval. No new information, no action taken. NEW BUSINESS None. OTHER BUSINESS The next meeting will be February 14, 2008, 12:30, Altgeld Hall 225. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Smith