FY16 5 Year Assessment Review Template

Northern Illinois University
Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
[Insert Department Name Here]
Five Year Assessment Review for FY11 – FY15
[Please include the bold “title text” above on a separate cover page]
Departmental History (due 9/21/15)
 Include a brief history of the department over the last 5 years.
 Be concise, using no more than 2-3 paragraphs.
 Describe key functions, population(s) served, major events, major staff/structure changes etc.
Mission & Goals (due 10/19/15)
 Your departmental mission should be logically linked to the University and Division missions.
 Departmental goals should be written in measurable terms and linked to your mission.
 Use this opportunity to ensure your department’s mission and goals are still appropriate and
please note if, when, and why they have changed over the last 5 years.
Mission Statement:
[Insert Mission Statement here]
Department Goals: [Insert Goals in a numbered list below]
Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Goal 3:
Goal 4:
New Mission Statement as of MM/YY (If applicable):
[Insert Mission Statement here]
-Follow-up with a brief statement as to why the mission statement was changed.
New Department Goals as of MM/YY (If applicable): [Insert Goals in a numbered list below]
Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Goal 3:
Goal 4:
-Follow-up with a brief statement as to why the mission statement was changed.
Assessments by Goal (due 12/14/15)
First list the goal, then any priority you have that shows progress towards meeting that goal.
Be sure to include the method(s) you used to assess the priority, the target(s) you set, and the
corresponding results.
Finally, explain how these data were used to impact change within the office, improve
programs/services, or inform decisions.
Start with the FY11 and go to FY15 for each goal.
See Sample Format below for an example of this portion of the report
[Insert Department Name]
FY16 Five Year Assessment Review
Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Northern Illinois University
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DEPARTMENT GOAL 1: [insert department program here. Under each Fiscal Year noted below,
include your Annual/Strategic Planning Priorities that align with the goal and any associated
targets/objectives, results, or use of results. Please note this information should be pulled directly
from your previous 5 years of Annual Reports/Planning Workbooks.]
Annual Priority: [insert one annual planning priority name/description here].
Method: [insert method(s) used to assess the annual priority].
Target: [insert assessment target(s)/measurable objectives here].
Results: [include data you collected relevant to targets/objectives here].
Use of Results: [include information on how you intended to use and or used the results obtained
during this priority to impact change on the specific program, service, and or the department].
Annual Priority: [insert one annual planning priority name/description here].
Method: [insert method(s) used to assess the annual priority].
Target: [insert assessment target(s)/measurable objectives here, if available].
Results: [include data you collected relevant to targets/objectives here].
Use of Results: [include information on how you intended to use and or used the results obtained
during this priority to impact change on the specific program, service, and or the department].
[Continue using sample format]
DEPARTMENT GOAL 2: [insert department program here. Under each Fiscal Year noted below,
include your Annual/Strategic Planning Priorities that align with the goal and any associated
targets/objectives, results, or use of results. Please note this information should be pulled directly
from your previous 5 years of Annual Reports/Planning Workbooks.]
Annual Priority: [insert one annual planning priority name/description here].
Method: [insert method(s) used to assess the annual priority].
Target: [insert assessment target(s)/measurable objectives here, if available].
Results: [include data you collected relevant to targets/objectives here].
Use of Results: [include information on how you intended to use and or used the results obtained
during this priority to impact change on the specific program, service, and or the department].
[Continue using sample format]
Other Evidence by Goal [Include any other data in this section related to other assessment
methods you used and that were not specifically noted on your Annual Planning Priorities. These
may be organized by type of assessment method, such as Tracking, Program Evaluation, Chart
Audit, etc. This information could be pulled from the highlights listed in your past annual reports
in some cases. Please continue to use the sample format noted above as much as possible when
documenting other evidence by goal.]
[Insert Department Name]
FY16 Five Year Assessment Review
Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Northern Illinois University
Page 2 of 3
Use of Results Highlights (Due 2/22/16)
How are the results noted above in Section #3 used systematically to make
departmental/programmatic improvements or improve student learning within each goal?
How do the results demonstrate the department’s role in the departmental/divisional/university
mission, vision, and goals?
Two or three paragraphs should be written for each goal. It should contain highlights of the data
from Section #3 that speak to the progress being made towards the stated goal. The paragraphs
should be focused on what changes or improvements the department has made in hopes of better
meeting the stated goal based on the data collected over the past five years.
This information can be pulled from past annual reports. Please see Sample Format below.
Based on the data collected related in FY11 and FY12, [insert department name here] found that
student satisfaction surveys were showing declines in X area. As a result we made these
changes…which resulted in an increased student satisfaction.
In FY12 we discovered that attendance was drastically declining at our annual program. Through a
series of surveys and focus groups held in FY13 it was determined that poor start times was the
reason. In FY14 we changed the start times which helped us see an increase in attendance of 45%.
It is important to highlight the major department/program changes that occurred as they relate to
the various goals over the course of five years in a comprehensive narrative format.
Recruitment & Retention Efforts (Due 3/28/16)
What has your department done over the last 5 years to increase the recruitment/retention of
students? What direct efforts have been made at increasing recruitment/retention efforts?
Please highlight some of the major initiatives your department has undertaken to directly influence
recruitment/retention and explain how you believe this led to an increased retention of students.
Please note this should be approximately 2 to 3 paragraphs and only highlight those efforts your
department directly participated in.
Further Information Needed & Timeline (Due 4/25/16)
Based on the information listed above, identify any data needed to cover any gaps in current
information/departmental understanding.
Discuss any unique findings that might indicate a need for further assessment.
Prepare timeline for collecting further information, if any was identified.
Identify any additional assessment strategies you have determined could be valuable for future
Appendices (Due 6/20/16)
Include any survey results, assessment tools, and or glossaries that you feel help add context to the
Include any tri-annual and or annual reports, as needed.
Including appendices will help catalog departmental processes for historical purposes.
[Insert Department Name]
FY16 Five Year Assessment Review
Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Northern Illinois University
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