QUESTIONS ASKED DURING THE WORKSHOPS 1. Is it necessary for applicants and partners to register on PADOR? 2. Does a database of potential partner organisations in RH exist somewhere? 3. What does innovative social service imply? 4. Can a result created within the project be listed as a source of verification? 5. How can you show that an expense is covered by support from a Ministry or an Embassy? 6. How to show expenses of employee transportation? 7. How to show expense of contracted staff transportation? 8. Is it possible to buy a vehicle within the project? 9. Is it possible to buy secondhand equipment or is it an obligation to buy new equipment? As stated in section 2.2 within the Guidelines for Applicants, prior registration on PADOR for applicants and their partners for this Call for Proposals is not obligatory. A specific database for partner search within RH does not exist. The decision whether specific social service is innovative in the context of the published Guidelines for Applicants will be made by the Evaluation Committee. A source of verification has to be defined within the logframe matrix to make sure that the indicators are measurable and to show the source of information which will be used for monitoring the project’s progress (for example: program progress reports, official statistics…). Depending on the project activities and expected results, sometimes the project outputs/results can also be a source of verification (for example: publication). The budget for a specific project proposal should present all eligible costs to be financed under the Call for proposals irrespective of the source of funding, i.e. the total eligible costs of the Action must include both a grant for specific Action (the specific percentage of EU and national co-financing contributions) and the applicant’s or partner’s own resources (or sources other than Commission budget or European Development Fund.) Part of the costs covered by the Ministry or Embassy can only be shown in the budget sheet “sources of funding”. VAT costs are considered ineligible regardless of the source of funding. The expense for local employee transportation (monthly expense for public transportation within the city of work) can be calculated within the monthly salary. All additional expenses of the contracted staff should be calculated within the total monthly salary As stated in section 2.1.4 within the Guidelines for Applicants, the budget has to be realistic and cost-effective. Therefore all costs that are related to project activities must be explained and justified. As stated in section 2.1.4 within the Guidelines for Applicants, the purchase of secondhand equipment is not an eligible cost. Therefore, within the project, the organisation should buy new equipment. 10. How much attention should be paid to the source and origin of equipment? As stated in article 2.2. of Annex IV Contractors must present proof of origin to the Beneficiary no later than when the first invoice is presented, for equipment and vehicles of a unit cost of more than €5 000. The certificate of origin must be made out by the competent authorities of the country of origin of the supplies and must comply with the rules laid down by the relevant Community legislation. Where the basic act or other instruments applicable to the programme under which the grant is financed do not contain rules of origin for supplies acquired by the Beneficiary in the context of the grant, the origin of those supplies is free and no certificate of origin is required. 11. Can the Contingency reserve be used in a situation of huge Kuna devaluation? Depreciation costs are listed under ineligible costs under this Call for Proposals. As stated in section 2.1.4 within the Guidelines for Applicants, the Contingency reserve may not exceed 5% of the direct eligible cost and it can be only be used with the prior written authorization of the Contracting Authority. As stated in section 2.2.4. within the Guidelines for Applicants, questions may be sent by e-mail no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of applications to the following e-mail address:, indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals. Yes. Individuals can be subcontracted during the project implementation by grantees according to Annex 4 of the Contract. For each call for proposals within the Guidelines for Applicants, there is a section related to the Eligibility of costs: costs which may be taken into consideration for the grant. It is recommended for all potential applicants to carefully read this section. As stated in section 2.1.4 within the Guidelines for Applicants, the budget has to be realistic and cost-effective. Therefore all costs related to project activities have to be explained and justified. For any unpredicted costs related to the project, a contingency 12. What is the way and form in which to ask questions regarding the call for proposal? 13. Is it possible, within the project, to implement research by individual? 14. Is it possible to calculate within the budget an expense for activities needed to be implemented to reduce risk? reserve not exceeding 5 % of the direct eligible costs may be included in the Budget of the Action. It can be used only with the prior written authorization of the Contracting Authority 15. How many partners are recommended? 16. Is a DVD an acceptable form for sending the documentation in electronic form? 17. Does the application have to be in English? As stated in section 2.1.2 within the Guidelines for Applicants, at least one partner organisation must act. As stated in section 2.2.2 within the Guidelines for Applicants, the application must be submitted in one original and three copies, the application form, budget and logical framework must also be supplied in electronic format (CD-Rom) in a separate and unique file. As stated in section 2.2.1 within the Guidelines for Applicants, applicants must apply in English. 18. Is it necessary for all partners to sign the partnership statement? 19. What is the procedure for tax exemptions? 20. Is it possible to separate per diems as an expense for accommodation, food, local transportation and transportation? 21. Is it allowed to erase sub questions within the concept note? 22. Is it necessary to get a written declaration confirming that the project is fitting within the Call for application priorities? 23. What is the role of development agencies on Info days? How come that they are not implementing Info days? 24. Is 250.000€ the maximum of the total project cost or the maximum of the EC contribution to the project? 25. Is it important to follow the limit of maximum pages within the application form? 26. Is it necessary to define the person who will be carrying out the internal evaluation? 27. Are alliances eligible to apply? The partnership statement has to be signed by all partners including the applicant. After signing the contract for the approved project all organisations will get a detailed description of the procedure regarding the tax exemption. In order to meet Croatian standards, it is possible to separate per diems on subsistence allowances, accommodation and transportation. Per diems cover accommodation, meals and local travel within the place of the mission and subsistence allowances expenses. However, please note that the total amount of per diems depends on the country per diems are incurred and must not exceed the scales published by the E.C. at the time of contract signature The format and content of the application form and the annexes have to stay in the format as they are and should not be changed during filling out the forms. No. Please note that development agencies do not have any role in these Call for Proposals. The institutions (Government office for NGO’s as project implementation unit and Central Finance and Contracting Agency as contracting authority) involved/engaged in preparing and announcing the Calls for Proposals can make the decision on and if, how and where Info days will be organised. According to a transparent procedure (open call for experts) they make a decision who will be engaged in the implementation of Info days. The amount of 250.000€ represents the maximum EC contribution to the project. As stated in the Guidelines for Applicants, the minimum and maximum amount of EC contribution to the project presents the grant (EU contribution + National funds). The mentioned EC contribution may not be less than 50% and may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs. It is highly recommended that all directions and instructions within the Guidelines for Applicants and Application form should be followed. No. In section 2.1.1 within the Guidelines for Applicants, there is a description of the eligible applicants. 28. What is the meaning of networking promotion? The networking promotion includes actions oriented towards networking between Croatian CSOs and their counter-parts from the European Union. 29. Is it possible to get support for project translation in English? 30. Is it possible for two associations from two different counties who are the members of the same alliance to send two applications or do they have to apply in partnership? All translations connected with the application documentation is an obligation of the applicant. As stated in section 2.1.3 within the Guidelines for Applicants: An applicant may submit more than 1 application under this call for proposals. An applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under this call for proposals. An applicant may at the same time be a partner in another application. Partners may take part in more than one application. In section 2.1.3 within the Guidelines for Applicants, is a description of eligible actions. Additionally, in section 2.1.4 within the Guidelines for Applicants, a list of ineligible costs is stated. Yes. In section 2.1.3 within the Guidelines for Applicants, is a description of the eligible locations. 31. Is it possible to build a facility to carry out social service? 32. Does the whole territory of each out of 10 listed counties count as an area of special state concern?