Cover Sheet for Course Outline (Instructor’s Handout) SEMESTER AND YEAR SPRING 2010 DROP DATE: APRIL 16, 2010 CRN#, COURSE PREFIX, NUMBER, AND TITLE BIOLOGY 1406 GENERAL BIOLOGY I #20611 (9 am MWF) #20609 (9:25 am TTH) COURSE MEETING DAYS, TIMES, AND LOCATION INSTRUCTOR’S NAME Ms. Geneen Lannom MWF 9:00-9:50 AM RM 265 TTH 9:25-10:40 AM RM 261 e-mail INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE LOCATION Sugarland Brazos Hall Room 242 INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Mondays, 10:00 am- 1:00 pm (office or lab room 247) Tuesdays and Thursdays: 12:30-2:30 pm Wednesdays: 12 noon- 1:00pm Fridays: 10 am-12:00 noon (office or lab room 247) INSTRUCTOR’S TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (281) 243-8556 office or (281) 795-2251 cell BEST TIME TO REACH INSTRUCTOR BY PHONE during office hours or leave voice mail COURSE’S CATALOG DESCRIPTION Biology 1406: Topics emphasized will include the chemical basis of life; cell organization, function, and reproduction; energy pathways; and genetics and molecular biology. Prerequisites:THEA reading and writing requirements met. INSTRUCTOR’S GRADING SYSTEM Lab average Final Exam Lecture 25% 25% 50% (includes 3 tests and 1 homework/quiz average) 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D below 60=F Last date to drop with a “W” Friday, April 16, 2010 Any student with a disability or other special circumstance requiring academic accommodations or other consideration in order to successfully complete the requirements of this course should identify himself or herself individually to the instructor to discuss the matter in a private and confidential manner. Outline.Frm (Rev. 7-2-98) CLASS SCHEDULE 1406 GENERAL BIOLOGY I SPRING 2010 DATE: Week of: Jan. 19 Chapters for Reading and Lecture Orientation and Chap 1 Exploring Life; handout of Chapters 2 and 3 DUE on Jan. 28 or 29 4. Carbon and Molecular Diversity 5. Macromolecules EXAM I CHAPTERS 1-5 6. A Tour of the Cell 7. Membrane Structure and Function Jan. 27 Feb. 1 FEB. 18 OR 19 Feb. 22 March 1 NO CLASS FRIDAY, MARCH 5 March 8 8. Metabolism SPRING BREAK MARCH 15-19 March 22 9. Cellular Respiration NO CLASS FRIDAY, MARCH 26 EASTER BREAK APRIL 1 AND 2 APRIL 6 OR 7 EXAM II CHAPTERS 6-9 April 8 or 9 10. Photosynthesis April 12 12. The Cell Cycle (Mitosis); 13. Meiosis APRIL 22 OR 23 EXAM III CHAPTERS 10,12,13 April 26 14. Mendel and the Gene Idea APRIL 29 OR 30 MAKEUP EXAM (COMPREHENSIVE) May 3 15, 16 Chromosomal basis for Inheritance, Molecular Basis For Inheritance MWF 9:00 CLASS FINAL EXAM WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 8:00 AM TTH 9:25 CLASS FINAL EXAM THURSDAY, MAY 13 8:00 AM Last Date to Drop: FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010 LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Describe cell structure and how it relates to cell function and reproduction. 2. Demonstrate proper use and application of the microscope. 3. Outline the flow of energy through living systems via cellular respiration and photosynthesis. 4. Recognize the chromosomal basis of inheritance. 5. Identify current advances in molecular biology.