START Monthly Meeting DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2011 LOCATION: SACRAMENTO HALL ANNEX TIME START: 2:00PM TIME END: _3:00PM__________ ATTENDANCE LOG MEMBERS PRESENT GRAVENBERG CAROLIPIO CURRY CARROLL DONATO-WEINSTEIN LOMBARDO SCOTT TANO WHYTE AGENDA 2011 STAFF PEER AWARDS MEMBERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT ACTIONS Sarah informed the team that the Staff Peer Awards will be presented at the ABA Staff Professionals spring meetings which have been rescheduled for May 8 and 9. She distributed the proposed Staff Peer Award criteria changes for review by the team. Criteria language was revised to more closely define the Professionalism and Positive Attitude categories and to eliminate duplication and cross-over in the category descriptions. START members approved the proposed revisions as presented. START members discussed the option of presenting certificates with the nomination language to each person nominated. This was done in the past, with the caveat that the language be made generic enough to maintain the confidentiality/anonymity of the nomination process. Member opinions were mixed over the significance of the potential for revealing the nominator to the nominee by providing verbatim nomination language or otherwise disclosing information that could lead to discovery of the nominator. The provision of nomination contents to nominees will remain an for future discussion should sufficient staffing become available to assume this task of creating individualized certificates for all nominates that protect anonymity. ABA FOCUS NEWSLETTER Sarah requested input from START members on newsworthy activities in their families, including: New staff and retirees, family and individual awards and achievements, family operational improvements, staff involved in community activities, staff with hidden talents, how-to tips for staff. START members provided a variety of information for follow-up in developing the spring edition of the ABA FOCUS Newsletter, which is anticipated for publication in March 2011. Kem requested clarification on the distinctions between ABA’s various recognition award programs. Sarah explained that the programs are distinguished by the eligibility for the “nomination” processes – only staff are eligible to nominate candidates for the Staff Peer awards, only managers are eligible to nominate candidates for all three categories of the Leadership awards (Management Peer, Valued Staff and Team), and the vice president determines distinguished service or special awards. (See chart below.) OTHER Program Staff Peer Award Leadership Awards Management Peer Valued Staff Team Distinguished/Special VP Awards University Service Awards ABA RECOGNITION AWARDS PROGRAMS Nominations Selection by: Approvals/Consultation by: Staff Staff team VP/CFO Managers VP/CFO VP/CFO (family heads consulted on valued staff/ team awards) VP/CFO VP/CFO N/A N/A RECORDED BY: _SARAH WHYTE 2/17/2011__ VP/CFO (family heads may be consulted) HR years of service list Schedule/Venue Spring/SP Meetings Fall/MC Meeting Fall/MC Meeting Spring Social