START Monthly Meeting DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 LOCATION: SACRAMENTO HALL ANNEX TIME START: 2:00 PM TIME END: 3:00 PM ATTENDANCE LOG MEMBERS PRESENT SUZANNE BRACAMONTE ELENA COMPO NORMAN KWONG GINA LOMBARDO JOEY MARTINEZ ANDREW STIFFLER SARAH WHYTE AGENDA INTRODUCTIONS START ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES REDFINE THE POSSIBLE AND ABA GOALS MEMBERS ABSENT ROBYN PITTS OTHERS PRESENT ACTIONS We said goodbye to three excellent START members, Noel Carolipio, Katerina Donato-Weinstein, and Kem Gravenberg. With their departure, we welcomed three new members to the START team: Suzanne Bracamonte from Public Safety, Elena Compo from Business & Administrative Services, and Norman Kwong from Budget Planning & Administration, representing the Vice President’s Office and Auditing Services as well as BPA. A key role for START members is being an active participant: informing staff and providing feedback about divisional programs and events, as well as delivering opinions from staff within their respective departments. Occasionally START members help assist at ABA events as well. Sarah Whyte shared with START members a handout that lists the new ABA goals and measures influenced by the new Redefine the Possible initiative. The set of four foundational goals - process efficiency, customer service, teamwork and operational performance - represent an ongoing commitment to excellence. Even when a goal is completed, it doesn’t go away, ABA focuses on continuous improvement in those categories. Focus areas may change to reflect completion of goals or current conditions. ABA’s process efficiency goal was kicked off this summer with over 25 ABA managers and staff attending a Lean/Process Improvement workshop facilitated by the Chancellor’s Office QI staff. Participants began work on mapping a process identified prior to the workshop. The Vice President’s Office is planning a customer service related event later this fall. Even when a goal is completed, it doesn’t go away, ABA focuses on continuous improvement in those categories. Focus areas may change to reflect completion of goals or current conditions. SUMMER NEWSLETTER FALL NEWSLETTER ABA WEBSITE UPDATE The goals, as well as the areas of focus were directly influenced by the feedback received from all staff at division-wide events. Well received. Many complements were made on the new layout and interesting stories. This was the most robust summer edition in some time, and the first edition to use the “Monet” style consistent with many of ABA’s newest webpages. Planned for completion in mid-November, this issue will resume many of the traditional articles, as well as introduce several new ones. The Behind the Scenes will focus on the START committee and its members. Aligning with the Redefine the Possible initiative, the Roving Reporter section will ask ABA employees how they may have redefined themselves, in terms of their jobs within ABA? The Staff Spotlight may change focus to incorporate the “redefine” concept. Several recommendations have been received. A second Web Editors meeting has been scheduled for October with the ABA Web Coordinator, Andrew Stiffler. This meeting will go into greater detail of file management within the WCM, tips, best practices, and address issues that users have had. The aggressive web migration schedule that was laid out by IRT and SPQI is gaining momentum. While slightly behind, several new pages have been launched, including BPA, OneCard, and UTAPS. BAS, Financial Services, SPQI and Facilities Services are all underway at different stages of development. UPCOMING EVENTS Andrew Stiffler shared with the START members the newest pages, as well as mock-ups of pages available in development. The “Monet” style for the new pages has been well received. Gina Lombardo made a suggestion to add the Dept. Zip to the “Contact Us” section of each page. This will be implemented for current and future sites. ABA Staff Professionals meeting will be help on Nov. 13 from 3-5, and Nov. 14 from 9-11 in the University Union Ballroom I. The next VP Coffee & Conversation will be held Nov. 27. The ABA Appreciation Luncheon will be held in the Alumni Center December 4th from 11-30 to 2 p.m. This event may be broken up into two events to compensate the range of schedules of ABA’s staff. ABA Speaker Series: To Be determined, Administrative Operations is seeking someone to be featured for this event. ABA Leadership Awards will follow a similar structure as the Staff Peer Awards. Awardees (managers, staff, and teams) will be honored at their offices, or a central location with fellow coworkers, managers, and the vice president. This method provides both public announcements and an intimate setting for the awardee. RECORDED BY: ANDREW STIFFLER 9/27/2012