Force Field Development for Silicon Carbides, Bulk Silicon and Oxidized Silicon surfaces with Graphite Santiago Solares, Adri van Duin and William A. Goddard III California Institute of Technology Objectives • To study graphite-silicon systems (vdw interactions and reactions) • To optimize Reax FF for silicon carbide systems (molecular and bulk systems) • To optimize Reax FF for all-carbon systems (including free radicals and resonant structures) • To compile a bonded force field to be used in mechanical systems under high stresses AFM Microscopy 5.5 nm 40 nm Full Width 3.1 nm, Height 1.9 nm Resolution = 1.2 nm AFM Microscopy Interactions to be optimized in Reax Bonds: Angles: • Si-C • • • • • • • – Regular bond in H3SiCH3 – Simultaneous breaking of 2 bonds in Si2H4-C2H4 • Si=C – H2Si=CH2 C-Si-Si C-C-Si C-Si-C Si-C-Si Si-C-H C-Si-H Future work: angles involved in double bonds Parameter Optimization Procedure Si-C dissociation curve in H4Si2-C2H4 (for 2 bonds) 200 Energy, kcal/mol 150 singlet triplet Reax fit 100 50 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Radius, Ang 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Reax Fit Results Si-C Bond Dissociation Curve in H3 Si-CH3 Energy, kcal/mol 200 150 Reax 100 QM 50 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Bond Length, Angstrom 3.5 4.0 4.5 Reax Fit Results Si=C Double Bond Dissociation Curve in H2 Si=CH2 Energy, kcal/mol 200 150 Reax 100 QM 50 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Bond Length, Angstroms 4.0 4.5 5.0 Reax Fit Results C_C_Si Angle Bend Curve in H3C-CH2-SiH3 30 Energy, kcal/mol 25 20 Reax 15 QM 10 5 0 80 90 100 110 120 Angle, degrees 130 140 150 Reax Fit Results C_Si_C Angle Bend Curve in H3C-SiH2-CH3 30 Energy, kcal/mol 25 20 Reax 15 QM 10 5 0 75 85 95 105 115 Angle, degrees 125 135 145 155 Reax Fit Results C_Si_Si Angle Bend Curve in H3CSiH2SiH2 30 Energy, kcal/mol 25 20 Reax 15 QM 10 5 0 75 85 95 105 115 Angle, degrees 125 135 145 155 Reax Fit Results Si_C_Si Angle Bend Curve in H3SiCH2SiH3 30 Energy, kcal/mol 25 20 Reax 15 QM 10 5 0 75 85 95 105 115 Angle, degrees 125 135 145 155 Reax Fit Results Si_C_H Angle Bend Curve in H3CSiH2CH3 30 Energy, kcal/mol 25 20 Reax 15 QM 10 5 0 75 85 95 105 115 Angle, degrees 125 135 145 155 Reax Fit Results C_Si_H Angle Bend Curve in H3SiCH2SiH3 30 Energy, kcal/mol 25 20 Reax 15 QM 10 5 0 75 85 95 105 115 Angle, degrees 125 135 145 155 Reax FF Crystal Fits (in progress) Energy Vs. Lattice - Silicon Carbide Crystal (periodic PBE) Energy Vs. Lattice - Silicon Crystal (periodic PBE) 120 80 DESIRED RANGE 70 80 Energy, kcal/mol/atom Energy, kcal/mol/atom 100 60 40 20 0 4.0 5.0 6.0 -20 7.0 8.0 60 USEFUL RANGE 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 3.5 4.0 Lattice constant, Ang. Future calculations: Crystal cohesive energy Also available: Diamond crystal 4.5 5.0 5.5 Lattice constant, Ang. 6.0 6.5 Energy (kcal/mol) Bond formation between two C20-dodecahedrons 100 DFT ReaxFF 50 0 Energy (kcal/mol) 1.5 2 2.5 100 DFT ReaxFF 50 0 1.5 2 2.5 C-C distance (Å) - ReaxFF properly describes the coalescence reactions between C20-dodecahedrons Diamond to graphite conversion Calculated by expanding a 144 diamond supercell in the c-direction and relaxing the a- and c axes QC-data: barrier 0.165 eV/atom (LDA-DFT, Fahy et al., PRB 1986, Vol. 34, 1191) DE (eV/atom) 0.2 0.15 graphite diamond 0.1 0.05 0 10 15 c-axis (Å) -ReaxFF gives a good description of the diamond-to-graphite reaction path 20 Relative stabilities of graphite, diamond, buckyball and nanotubes a: Compound ERef (kcal/atom) EReaxFF Graphite 0.00a 0.00 Diamond 0.8a 0.52 Graphene 1.3a 1.56 10_10 nanotube 2.8b 2.83 17_0 nanotube 2.84b 2.83 12_8 nanotube 2.78b 2.81 16_2 nanotube 2.82b 2.82 C60-buckyball 11.5a 11.3 Experimental data; b: data generated using graphite force field (Guo et al. Nature 1991) - ReaxFF gives a good description of the relative stabilities of these structures Bonded Force Field Remarks • Silicon force field (Hessian-Biassed Method) – LJ 6-12 (vdw), Morse (bond), cosine harmonic (angle), dihedral (torsion), r-cosine (stretch-bend-stretch), r-r (stretch-stretch), cosine2 (bend-bend), coulomb, 2-center Ang-Ang (not available in Cerius2) • Graphite force field (optimized for graphite and CNT’s) – Morse (vdw and C-C bond), cosine harmonic (angle), dihedral (torsion), no inversion, r-cosine (stretch-bend-stretch – not used for CNT’s), r-r (stretch-stretch – not used for CNT’s), coulomb • Vdw Cross Terms (C-O, C-Si, C-H) – Bonds not considered – Bond length: arithmetic combination rule – Well depth: geometric combination rule – Used LJ_6-12 function (instead of Morse Potential) Force Field Energy Terms • LJ 6-12: E = Ar-12 – Br-6 • Morse: E = Do { (1 – e-B(r-r ))2 – 1} • Cosine harmonic: E = 0.5 Kq ( cos q – cos q o )2 • Dihedral: E = Sj 0.5 Bj ( 1 – Dj cos (nj f) ) • Cosine-2: E = Kbb (q jil – qjilo) (q kil – qkilo) • r-r: E = Kss (Rij – Rijo) (Rjk – Rjko) • r-cosine: E = (cos q – cos qo) [Cij (Rij – Rijo) + Cjk (Rjk - Rjko)] • 2-center Ang-Ang: E = Faa (cos ijk – cos ijko) ( cos ikl – iklo)(1 – 2 cosf)/3 • Coulomb: E = C q1 q2 / (r12)2 o LJ6-12 Vs. Morse Potential Comparison of LJ 6-12 and Morse Potentials 10 Energy, kcal/mol LJ Energy = Ar-12-Br-6 Morse Energy = Do{ [1 – e-B(r-ro)]2 –1} 5 LJ 6-12 Morse 0 2.50 3.50 4.50 5.50 -5 Interatomic Distance, Ang. 6.50 LJ6-12 Vs. Morse Potential Comparison of LJ 6-12 and Morse Potentials (Behavior near r = 0) 1.E+06 Energy, kcal/mol 8.E+05 E,F Infinity 6.E+05 LJ 6-12 E,F finite Morse 4.E+05 2.E+05 -1.0 -5.E+00 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Interatomic Distance, Ang. LJ Energy = Ar-12-Br-6 Morse Energy = Do{ [1 – e-B(r-ro)]2 –1} 3.5 AFM Tip Equation of Motion m z” = -k z – (m wo / Q) z’ + Fts + Focos(w t) m = mass k = harmonic force constant z = tip-sample separation wo = cantilever resonance frequency Q = cantilever quality factor Fts = tip-sample interaction force Focos(w t) = external force 30,30 CNT AFM Tip (vertical) • 35,200 total atoms • 30,30 CNT on Si(100)-OH surface • CNT diameter = 40.69 Ang • Tip length = 40 nm • ~145 hours of computer time CNT Tip on CNT (20,20) Energy Vs. Position Curve Energy Vs. Tip Position 30,30 CNT Tip on 30,30 CNT 6000 5000 Energy, kcal/mol CNT Readjustments 4000 Down 3000 Up 2000 1000 0 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Tip Position (above CNT), Ang. -5 0 5 Force Vs. Position Curve Force Vs. Position, 30,30 CNT Tip on 30,30 CNT 70 Strong Interaction with the Surface 60 50 CNT Readjustments Force, nN 40 30 Down 20 Up 10 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -10 0 -20 Tip Position (above CNT), ang. 10 20 Interpretation and prediction of AFM Behavior Selective Phase Angle Inversion Initial conditions Surface = CNT on Si Tip = Ntb tip DF = 59.45 KHz ASP =1.440 Sensitivity = 21.82 nm / V Q 148 Rp = Asp/DA = 0.6 DA= 653.2 mV ASP=0.1V (small value implies oscillation close to the surface)