Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Macedonian Office

Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Technical Assistance Service Contract for the implementation of the project
“Capacity Building of Civil Society in the IPA countries and Territories (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1249/99,
Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey).
Consultant (Senior Short Term Expert or Organisation/Company) for support of CSOs in
Governance and organisational structure
Background of the assignment
The general objectives of the TACSO project are to strengthen the overall capacities and
accountability of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) within the IPA countries and to guarantee
the quality of services of CSOs and a sustainable role of the CSOs in the democratic processes.
The main purposes of the project are to:
Increase and improve the capacity and actions of CSOs and to
Improve the democratic role of CSOs.
An important activity under this heading is the implementation of capacity building program for
selected group of CSOs aiming to increase the capacity of CSOs representatives from the country
in a number of key areas, including governance and organisational structure.
The main purpose of this assignment is to contribute to the TACSO project component: Capacity
development of CSOs. Beneficiary CSOs are selected organisations having a profile of well
developed associations that exist more than 3 years and who are active on national and/or local
level. List of beneficiary CSOs is attached.
Specific objectives of the assignment are:
To improve governance practices of selected CSOs
To revise the governance processes and procedures in line with legal requirements and good
governance practices
To ensure that selected CSOs have adequate and functional organisational structure that best
match the organisational strategic plan, ensures clear division of governance and executive
functions and provides for most efficient use of the human resources.
Scope of the assignment
Under the overall guidance of the Macedonian TACSO office, the duties and responsibilities of the
Consultant are as follows:
 Needs assessment of the selected CSOs in the area of governance and organisational
 Preparation and delivery of a workshop for governance and organisational structure
 Preparation and delivery of consultation support tailored to the individual needs of each
beneficiary CSO;
 Preparation of materials and tools to be used by participants;
 Preparing final report for the assignment implementation.
Activities to be carried out
 Perform needs assessment for the beneficiary CSOs with purpose to identify what are their
priorities regarding the issue of governance and organisational structure. At minimum needs
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
assessment should be based on desk analysis and review of the existing documents
gathered through the self- assessment process already performed by the organisations in
the first phase of this capacity building programme as well consultations with the TACSO
project team.
Based on the identified priorities during the needs assessment to propose to the TACSO
project team concept and agenda for initial workshop for all 10 CSOs. This workshop should
address issues of their common interest and should provide tools for subsequent process of
this exercise (overview of legal requirements, examples of rulebooks, master job
descriptions etc.)
Select and adapt materials and hand-outs to be used by participants during and after the
Deliver governance and organisational structure workshop for 10 CSOs and total of about 20
participants (each CSO will participate with minimum 2 representatives).
Prepare concept and plan for tailor-made consultations with beneficiary CSOs. Plan could
involve diversified set of methods including at minimum in-house consultations and on line
Deliver tailor-made consultations for participating CSOs guiding each organisation towards
preparation of concrete product including new or revised rulebooks for the governance and
executive bodies of the organisation and/or revised organisational structure of the
organisation. Consultations should be limited exclusively on provision of know-how and
advice (facilitation is not foreseen).
Preparing final report for the assignment implementation (including information on the
workshop, consultation process, results achieved, participants’ evaluation, main conclusions
and recommendations for future work).
By the end of the assignment, the Consultant, should have finalized or delivered:
 Concept and agenda for tailor made workshop in governance and organisational structure
for CSOs
 Sessions outline for the workshop
 Power point presentations to support workshop sessions
 One two day workshop in governance and organisational structure
 Plan for the individual consultations with all involved CSOs
 Consultancy support for 10 CSOs, 1 day per organisation
 Final report for the assignment together with mission report
Location, duration and timing of the assignment
The assignment is planned to take place from 1 October 2012 and conclude on 31 January 2013
Needs assessment
Preparation of the tailor made workshop/training
Delivering tailor made training for 10 CSOs (20 participants)
Consultancy support for 10 CSOs
Preparation of final report
Senior STE days
Location of assignment
 Countrywide and in the Macedonian TACSO office based in Skopje.
Requirements to be met by the Consultant
The Consultant could be individual Senior Short Term Expert or Organisation/Company that could
propose Senior Short Term Expert/s. In any case the Consultant should be experienced with proven
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
record of at least 8 years of experience in the field of the assignment and list of references of
working with CSOs.
The proposed STE/s should fulfil the following requirements:
 University degree in relevant field of assignment, advanced degree is an asset.
 Proven record of at least 8 years working experience in the field of the assignment.
 Strong communication, facilitation and analytical skills;
 Practical experience in development and implementation of training programs and provision
of consultancy support
 Computer skills
 Fluent in Macedonian & English
Applicants must be independent and free from any conflict of interest. Note that civil servants and
other staff of a beneficiary public administration may not be recruited as STE unless to prior written
approval has been obtained from Contracting Authority.
Monitoring and evaluation
The activity will be monitored by the Resident Advisor.
The Consultant will deliver a mission report to the TACSO National Office before remuneration.
Applications must be in English and entail the following:
Letter of motivation
CV in EU format of the Short term expert/s
Reference list with experience in the area of the assignment
Letter of intent and availability, including proposed approach and information on financial
requirements. Note that all costs including travel costs and accommodation costs should be
included in the offer.
The application should be sent not later than 22nd of September 2012 by email to
Annex 1
List of beneficiary CSOs:
1. Аналитика-Гостивар
2. Бизнис конфедерација на Македонија - Бизнис Македонија
3. Женска акција – Радовиш, Асоцијација за унапредување на статусот на жената во
4. Локална агенција за развој, Струга
5. Национален ромски центар
6. Организација на жените на општина Свети Николе
7. Отворена порта-Здружение за акција против насилство и трговија со луѓе
8. Прва детска амбасада во светот Меѓаши-Р.Македонија
9. Сојуз на дефектолози на Република Македонија
10. Фондација за претприемачки сервис за млади (Фондација ПСМ)
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania