Women in Agriculture Study Tour 47807 People 2 People Programme Venue : Brussels, 29 May – 1 June 2012 For more information on TAIEX assistance and to download presentations of this event, please go to : http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/taiex. P2Pstudtours 47807 1/6 Aim of the meeting : The People 2 People Programme is one of the three strands of the Civil Society Facility of the Directorate General Enlargement of the European Commission. It intends to offer to individuals and organisations from the beneficiary countries and territories the possibility to visit EU institutions, as well as relevant EU platform organisations, or whenever relevant for the topic of the study visits, also other European, international or national organisations in order to familiarise themselves with EU structures, policy making process, programmes, policies and good practices. The aim of this study tour is to give participants the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the EU policies and programmes related to agriculture and the role of women in rural areas as well as to offer participants exchange and networking opportunities in a respectful atmosphere among themselves and with European-level as well as Member State-based civil society organisations active in this field. The study tour is open for the participation of several representatives (up to five) of civil society organisations active in the field of rural development and defending/providing services to women in rural areas, from each of the candidate and potential candidate countries and territories to EU enlargement. Around 40 participants from civil society organisations in the Western Balkans, Turkey and Iceland will attend the study visit. P2Pstudtours 47807 2/6 Day 1 : Tuesday 29 May 2012 Chair : Mr Sten – Rune Lundin County Administrative Board of Dalarna, Agriculture, Trade and Industry Venue: tbd 09:00 Arrival and registration of participants 09:30 Welcome note Introduction on the purpose of the People 2 People Programme (P2P) Ms Magdalena Kleim, Directorate-General for Enlargement, European Commission 09:45 Round of table: brief verbal presentation Self-introduction by participants The work of the organisations represented 10:45 Coffee break 11:15 General presentation of the Enlargement process of the EU Representative of the Directorate – General for Enlargement, European Commission (tbc) 11:45 Questions and answers 12:15 Lunch break 14:00 European Commission support to civil society in candidate countries and potential candidates: The Civil Society Facility (CSF) Mr Henk Visser, Directorate General for Enlargement, European Commission (tbc) 14:30 Questions and answers 15:00 15:30 Coffee break The European Common Agricultural Policy A representative of the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission (tbc) 16:15 Questions and answers 17:00 End of the first day P2Pstudtours 47807 3/6 Day 2 : Wednesday 30 May 2012 Chair : Mr Sten – Rune Lundin County Administrative Board of Dalarna, Agriculture, Trade and Industry 09:00 09:30 Arrival and registration of participants Workshops / exchange of experience (instructions given by the chair) The situation of women farmers in the Western Balkans, Turkey and Iceland: evolution and critical issues to be addressed. Facilitator Mr Sten-Rune Lundin, chair person 11:00 11:30 Coffee break Visit to the European Parliament: - An introduction to the European Parliament - The work of EP related Rural Development (A member of the European Parliament)(tbc) 13:00 14:30 Lunch Break Departure to the EESC Visit to the European Economic and Social Committee Introduction to the European Economic and Social Committee Speakers: Mr Staffan Nilsson, President of the EESC Presentation from a member of the EESC related to the topic(tbc) 17.15 Meetings with the geographical Units of DG Enlargement, Charlemagne Buildinc (tbc) 17:45 End of second day P2Pstudtours 47807 4/6 Day 3 : Thursday 31 May 2012 Chair : Mr Sten – Rune Lundin County Administrative Board of Dalarna, Agriculture, Trade and Industry Venue: tbd 09:00 09:30 Arrival of participants Inequality of gender in agriculture Speaker: Ms Marcela Villarreal, Ph.D. Director Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division Economic and Social Development Department, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 10:00 Question and answers 10:15 The role of women in rural tourism Speaker: TBD 10:45 11:00 11:30 Questions and answers Coffee break Employment of women in the rural areas Speaker: Ms Bettina Bock, Department of social sciences, Wageningen University 12:00 12:30 14:30 Questions and answers Lunch break Visit to Copa – Cogeca (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations -General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union) ) Speakers: General presentation - Mr Paulo Gouveia, Director Copa-Cogeca Ms Federica Zolla, expert in charge dedicated Working Party on Women, Copa Cogeca. LRF – Ms Ingrid Rydberg 17:15 P2Pstudtours 47807 End of day 3 5/6 Day 4 : Friday 1 June 2012 Chair : Mr Sten – Rune Lundin County Administrative Board of Dalarna, Agriculture, Trade and Industry Venue: tbd 09:00 Arrival of participants 09:30 Visit to a farm managed by a woman (tbc) 11:30 Final feedback and evaluation session 12:30 End of the Study Tour This meeting is being organised by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission CHAR 03/149 , B - 1049 Brussels Telephone: +32-2-296 73 07 , Fax: +32-2-296 76 94 Web site http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/taiex P2Pstudtours 47807 6/6