SYLLABUS GM 105 – Strategic Management Section 16 Mon/Wed 4:30-5:45 Library 128 California State University, Sacramento College of Business Administration Steve Scott Office: Tahoe Hall Room 2075 Phone: 916-278-7120* Office Hours: Mon/Wed 2:30-4:00 Email – SacState 9.1 & by appt. * no voicemail REQUIRED TEXT *No Voicemail Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases by Frank T. Rothaermel (1st edition), * No voicemail McGraw Hill Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-07-760286-4. COURSE DESCRIPTION There is no set recipe for business success. Firms that thrive over the long term are guided by President Eisenhower’s maxim, “Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” This course is designed to provide you with the tools and concepts needed to devise, implement, monitor and revise business plans that seek to maximize the use of resources and value creation. Concepts and tools will be introduced that will help you learn how to analyze internal and external business environments and plan for future contingencies. GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Page 1 You will be expected to think holistically about all of the significant factors affecting firm performance. You will use that understanding to critique past business strategies using case studies. Working in teams, you will formulate a future business strategy and implementation approach for a company of your choice. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the course, you will: Appreciate the need for continuous business planning for all business entities Understand the major internal and external issues in formulating a business strategy Learn to take an integrated strategic management approach Leverage your prior business expertise to devise a coherent business strategy Gain an awareness of the social and ethical implications of business strategy Develop your ability to work in teams as a team member, leader or subject matter expert Develop your business communications skills Gain a clear understanding of how business managers and leaders use strategy to drive company success. GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Page 2 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND GRADING Your grade will be based on the following distribution of points: Participation 200 Multiple Choice Exams (2) 50 Individual Assignments (2) 100 Case Analysis (2) 150 Strategy Term Project 250 Final Exam 250 MAXIMUM POINTS POSSIBLE – 1000 Points Grade 900 – 1000 A(+/-) 800 - 899 B(+/-) 700 - 799 C(+/-) 600 - 699 D Below 599 F GRADE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 1) Within seven days, send or give me a written appeal. After seven days, I will treat the grade as final. 2) The written appeal should be based on factual evidence addressing specific points of disagreement backed up by citations of assigned readings, lecture material or class discussions. 3) I will evaluate your appeal and notify you in writing of my decision. 4) If you are not satisfied, you may use the College of Business Administration and the University grievance procedures. GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Page 3 STRUCTURE OF THE CLASS The course will use the textbook as a guide to business strategy formulation and implementation. Much of the course is in lecture/discussion format. Material sources other than the text will be presented and discussed. You are expected to keep up with the reading material and stay informed of significant business news events. A major portion of your grade is based on class participation. Be prepared to discuss the subject matter for each class and to add you own insights to the material and what is happening in the business world. Another major segment of the course is the Team Project. This will be a pragmatic exercise involving the close analysis of the business strategy developed and executed by a major corporation of your choice with my approval. As a team, you will act as consultants to your chosen company. You will be expected to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s strategy and to make recommendations for the future. There will be two opportunities for your team to report out to the rest of the students on your progress. Those presentations and a final paper will comprise the Team Project portion of your grade. The remainder of the course consists of individual written assignments, case analyses and exams. The final exam will be comprehensive and will contain both multiple choice and essay questions. COMMUNICATION Information about the class including details on assignments and deadlines will be posted on SacCT 9.1. Use the SacLink email system for regular communications with me. I will be checking it regularly. My office phone does not have voicemail. A NOTE ON CLASS PARTICIPATION Twenty-percent of your grade is based on class participation. To receive the full complement of the participation points, you must come to class, on time, armed with a good understanding of the material and having devoted ample time to reflect on the concepts. This does not mean you are expected to have a mastery of the GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Page 4 subject. You are expected to be prepared to engage in a thoughtful conversation and respectful debate. This is an advanced business class. You have acquired skills and experience that can be put to good use in the class discussions. ATTENDANCE Learning is an exercise of active participation. You are expected to attend class regularly. Absence and tardiness will significantly impact your grade. ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY You are expected to be fully engaged in the classroom activities. Use of any electronic device while the class is in session will not be tolerated. The only exception will be those times when you are working as a team on your team project. ADA COMPLIANCE THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COMPLIES WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IN MAKING REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR QUALIFIED STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY. IF YOU HAVE AN ESTABLISHED DISABILITY AS DEFINED IN THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ACCOMMODATION, PLEASE NOTIFY ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE: UNIVERSITY POLICY REQUIRES THAT STUDENTS NOTIFY THEIR INSTRUCTOR WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS THAT AN ACCOMMODATION WILL BE NEEDED. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY POLICY The CSUS Code of Student Conduct and Discipline provides penalties for misconduct by students, including academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism. The term “cheating” includes, but is not limited to, (1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations; (2) dependence upon the aid GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Page 5 of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty member or staff of the university. The term “Plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paragraph or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. (Source: Code of Conduct and Discipline at the Sac State University.) If you engage in academic dishonesty and any behavioural misconduct related to this class, you will receive a failing grade on the test or assignment, and a failing grade in the course. In addition, the case will be referred to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Program, Dr. Seung Bach. GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Page 6 GM 105 - STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CLASS SCHEDULE (subject to change) Week 1 Date Jan 28 Topic Course Introduction Activity Overview of course & syllabus 1 2 2 3 3 4 Jan 30 Feb 4 Feb 6 Feb 11 Feb 13 Feb 18 Chap 1 - What is Strategy? Chap 2 - Strategic Management Chap 2 - Strategic Management Chap 3 – External Analysis Chap 3 – External Analysis Chap 4 – Internal Analysis Team Project Company Selection Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion 4 5 5 6 Feb 20 Feb 25 Feb 27 Mar 4 Chap 4 – Internal Analysis Team Project Team Project Chap 5 – Competitive Advantage 6 Mar 6 Chap 5 – Competitive Advantage Multiple Choice Exam Report Out Report Out Lecture/Discussion Ind. Assignment 1 Due Lecture/Discussion 7 7 8 Mar 11 Mar 13 Mar 18 Chap 6 – Business Strategy Chap 6 – Business Strategy Chap 7- Innovation Strategy 8 Mar 20 9 9 10 10 Mar 25 Mar 27 Apr 1 Apr 3 Chap 7 – Innovation Strategy SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK HOLIDAY 11 11 12 12 13 13 Apr 8 Apr 10 Apr 15 Apr 17 Apr 22 Apr 24 Team Project Team Project Chap 9 – Strategic Alliance/M&A Chap 9 – Strategic Alliance/M&A 14 14 15 Apr 29 May 1 May 6 Chap 10 – Global Strategy Chap 10 – Global Strategy Chap 11 – Implementation 15 16 May 8 May 13 Chap 11 - Implementation Team Project 16 17 17 May 15 May 20 May 22 Team Project Final Exam Chap 8 – Vertical Integration Chap 8 – Vertical Integration GM 105 – Strategic Management California State University, Sacramento Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Ind. Assignment 2 Due Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Case Analysis 1 Due Lecture/Discussion Multiple Choice Exam/Team Time Report Out Report Out Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion Case Analysis 2 Due Lecture/Discussion Report Out Report Out Team Project Paper Due Page 7