Role Plays for Practicing a Lobby Conversation

Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Role plays for LAA-training
Practice a Lobby Conversation
Scenario 1: Oil pipe leakages
Oil leakages are destroying the natural environment and the rivers and the ground water
around a big pipeline. This situation is leading to health problems in people, especially
children, and leads to diseased and dead animals drinking polluted water.
- Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small farmers;
- Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the affected areas;
- Project officer from an environmental NGO
Targeted decision makers:
- Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
- Maintenance Manager responsible for the pipeline in one district;
- Public Relations Executive.
Scenario 2: HIV Awareness
HIV/Aids is an increasing problem in the country. Although the government recognizes the
problems, medication and care are still very expansive.
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and care;
- Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
- Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and prevention NGO,
Targeted decision makers:
- Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
- Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids issues;
- Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade.
- Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
- Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
- Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities;
Targeted decision makers:
- Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
- Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene and Sanitation;
- Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
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In 15 years after the dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system that was
widespread and functioning is falling apart, due to a lack of maintenance. Only bigger
cities get international subsidies, but villages are facing real health problems, especially in
children. Ecosanitation is a new, decentralized and cheap alternative.
 MDF copyright 2016
Scenario 3: Water and Sanitation in rural areas
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Once allocated your role, work in your group to prepare for the lobbying meeting;
Prioritise your wants, and identify what outcome you want from the meeting;
At the given time, lobbyists go to the office of the targeted decision makers;
Everything to be in role – greet the other side, introduce yourselves, and conduct the
meeting as you would in real life;
- You can refer to fictional research and evidence if it is realistic;
- Keep notes!;
- At the end of the meeting, Both sides do de-brief and give feed back;
 MDF copyright 2016
The observer groups
Two observer groups (lobbyists and decision maker observers) will give feed-back on 3
different aspects:
- contents and presentation,
- behaviour
- (possible) shifting of standpoints
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Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Scenario 1:
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small farmers
Pipeline leakages are degrading the landand water soures used by
farmers, resulting in increased poverty and localised food shortages.
Your aim:
To get the international oi company responsible for the pipeline to:
- improve its spending and procedures for pipeline maintenance
- take responsibility for learing up after spillages
- compensate farmers and communities suffering from spillages.
- Human Rights abuses perpetrated by oil company guards/security
staff and local police working with the oil companies
- Local communities want a share of the in ome from the oil originating
from or crossing their land
You are working in alliance with other organisations. You are going to the
lobby meeting with:
- Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the
affected areas;
- Project officer from an environmental NGO
You have been granted a meeting at the offie of the international oil
company. Attending this meeting will be:
- Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
- Maintenance Maanger responsible for the pipeline in one district;
- Public Relations Executive
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 3 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Scenario 1:
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the affected
Pipeline leakages are degrading the landand water soures used by
farmers, resulting in increased poverty and localised food shortages.
Your aim:
To get the international oil company responsible for the pipeline to:
- compensate farmers and communities suffering from spillages
- take responsibility for clearing up after spillages
- improve its spending and procedures for pipeline maintenance
- give local communities a share of the income from the oil crossing
their land
- Human Rights abuses perpetrated by oil company guards/security
staff and local police working with the oil companies
You are working in alliance with other organisations. You are going to the
lobby meeting with:
- Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small farmers
- Project officer from an environmental NGO
You have been granted a meeting at the offie of the international oil
company. Attending this meeting will be:
- Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
- Maintenance Maanger responsible for the pipeline in one district;
- Public Relations Executive
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 4 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Scenario 1:
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Project officer from an environmental NGO
Pipeline leakages are degrading the landand water soures used by
farmers, resulting in increased poverty and localised food shortages.
Your aim:
To get the international oil company responsible for the pipeline to:
- improve its spending and procedures for pipeline maintenance
- take responsibility for clearing up after spillages
- Human Rights abuses perpetrated by oil company guards/security
staff and local police working with the oil companies
- compensate farmers and communities suffering from spillages
- give local communities a share of the income from the oil crossing
their land
You are working in alliance with other organisations. You are going to the
lobby meeting with:
- Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small farmers
- Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the
affected areas;
You have been granted a meeting at the office of the international oil
company. Attending this meeting will be:
- Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
- Maintenance Maanger responsible for the pipeline in one district;
- Public Relations Executive
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 5 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Scenario 1:
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
To maximise short-term profits at the same time as preserving the
company’s presence and standing in Nigeria in the long-term.
Your aims:
- To keep operating costs as low as possible
- To avoid public confrontation with influential NGOs and campaign
- To preserve/increase the effectiveness of security against sabotage
- Pipeline leakages are degrading the land and water sources used by
farmers, resulting in increased poverty and localised food
- Human Rights abuses perpetrated by oil companies
- Local communities want a share of the income from the oil originating
fromor crossing their land.
The lobbyists are meeting you at the office of the international oil company.
Attending thismeeting with you will be:
- Maintenance Maanger responsible for the pipeline in one district;
- Public Relations Executive.
You are going to be lobbied by:
- Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small
- Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the
affected areas;
- Project officer from an environmental NGO
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 6 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Scenario 1:
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Maintenance Manager responsible for the pipeline in one district;
Your aims:
To maximise short-term profits at the same time as preserving the
company’s presence and standing in Nigeria in the long-term.
- To keep operating costs as low as possible
- To avoid public confrontation with influential NGOs and campaign
- To preserve/increase the effectiveness of security against sabotage
- Pipeline leakages are degrading the land and water sources used by
farmers, resulting in increased poverty and localised food
- Human Rights abuses perpetrated by oil companies
- Local communities want a share of the income from the oil originating
fromor crossing their land.
The lobbyists are meeting you at the office of the international oil company.
Attending thismeeting with you will be:
- Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
- Public Relations Executive.
You are going to be lobbied by:
- Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small
- Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the
affected areas;
- Project officer from an environmental NGO
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 7 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Scenario 1:
Oil Pipeline Leakages
Public Relations Executive.
Your aims:
To maximise short-term profits at the same time as preserving the
company’s presence and standing in Nigeria in the long-term.
- To keep operating costs as low as possible
- To avoid public confrontation with influential NGOs and campaign
- To preserve/increase the effectiveness of security against sabotage
- Pipeline leakages are degrading the land and water sources used by
farmers, resulting in increased poverty and localised food
- Human Rights abuses perpetrated by oil companies
- Local communities want a share of the income from the oil originating
fromor crossing their land.
The lobbyists are meeting you at the office of the international oil company.
Attending thismeeting with you will be:
- Operations manager of an international oil company for the pipeline;
- Public Relations Executive.
You are going to be lobbied by:
- Director of a national NGO supporting the livelihoods of small
- Representative of a community-based organisation in one of the
affected areas;
- Project officer from an environmental NGO
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 8 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
HIV Awareness
Scenario 2:
HIV Awareness
Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and care;
HIV infection rates are increasing, partly due to lack of knowledge about
means of infection, and partly because those infected are inhibited from
seeking medication, because it is too expansive
Your aim:
For the government:
- to institute a public awareness campaign on HIV/Aids and means of
preventing the infection
- make medication less expensive by negotiating non-patent prices for
Aids medicines
- HIV infection is stigmatised and you would like this stigma to be
redued by greater public acceptance of how widespread HIV
infection is.
- Pharmaceutical Industries are highly patented on Aids medication –
an exception for this epidemic disease is needed.
You are going to the meeting with:
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and
- Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
- Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and
prevention NGO,
You have been granted an expert meeting with:
- Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
- Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids
- Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 9 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
HIV Awareness
Scenario 2:
HIV Awareness
Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
HIV infection rates are increasing, partly due to lack of knowledge about
means of infection, and partly because those infected are inhibited from
seeking medication, because it is too expansive
Your aim:
For the government:
- to institute a public awareness campaign on HIV/Aids and means of
preventing the infection
- make medication less expensive by negotiating non-patent prices
for Aids medicines
- HIV infection is stigmatised and you would like this stigma to be
redued by greater public acceptance of how widespread HIV
infection is.
- Pharmaceutical Industries are highly patented on Aids medication –
an exception for this epidemic disease is needed.
You are going to the meeting with:
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and
- Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and
prevention NGO,
You have been granted an expert meeting with:
- Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
- Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids
- Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 10 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
HIV Awareness
Scenario 2:
HIV Awareness
Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and
prevention NGO
HIV infection rates are increasing, partly due to lack of knowledge about
means of infection, and partly because those infected are inhibited from
seeking medication, because it is too expansive
Your aim:
For the government:
- to institute a public awareness campaign on HIV/Aids and means of
preventing the infection
- make medication less expensive by negotiating non-patent prices
for Aids medicines
- HIV infection is stigmatised and you would like this stigma to be
redued by greater public acceptance of how widespread HIV
infection is.
- Pharmaceutical Industries are highly patented on Aids medication –
an exception for this epidemic disease is needed.
You are going to the meeting with:
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and
- Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
You have been granted an expert meeting with:
- Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
- Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids
- Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 11 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
HIV Awareness
Scenario 2:
HIV Awareness
Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
To reduce the spread of HIV infection within the context of a wider health
care programme
Your aim:
- To win support for the government’s existing health care programme
- To maintain health care spending in all sectors
HIV infection rates are increasing, partly due to lack of knowledge about
means of infection, and partly because those infected are inhibited from
seeking medication, because it is too expansive
The lobbyists are meeting you in an expert meeting at the Ministry of
Health Offices. You will be joined by:
- Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids
- Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade.
The lobbyists you in the expert meeting will be:
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and
- Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
- Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and
prevention NGO
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 12 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
HIV Awareness
Scenario 2:
HIV Awareness
Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids
To reduce the spread of HIV infection within the context of a wider health
care programme
Your aim:
- To win support for the government’s existing health care programme
- To maintain health care spending in all sectors
- To get approval from the Senior Civil servant with a view to possible
future promotion
HIV infection rates are increasing, partly due to lack of knowledge about
means of infection, and partly because those infected are inhibited from
seeking medication, because it is too expansive
The lobbyists are meeting you in an expert meeting at the Ministry of
Health Offices. You will be joined by:
- Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
- Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade.
The lobbyists you in the expert meeting will be:
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and
- Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
- Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and
prevention NGO
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 13 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
HIV Awareness
: HIV Awareness
Civil servant from the Ministry of Trade.
Your aim:
To maintain the patents on HIV medication in place for the sake of the
pharmaceutical industry in the country
- To win support for the Ministry of Health to continue with the existing
health care programme
- To maintain health care spending in all sectors
HIV infection rates are increasing, partly due to lack of knowledge about
means of infection, and partly because those infected are inhibited from
seeking medication, because it is too expansive
The lobbyists are meeting you in an expert meeting at the Ministry of
Health Offices. You will be joined by:
- Senior civil servant in the Ministry of Health;
- Junior civil servant in the Ministry of Health, responsible for HIV/Aids
The lobbyists you in the expert meeting will be:
- Advocacy officer for an NGO working on HIV/Aids prevention and
- Doctor working in health clinic supported by the NGO;
- Aids-patient working as a volunteer in a HIV/Aids awareness and
prevention NGO
 MDF copyright 2016
Scenario 2:
ref:612921477 JP
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Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Water and Sanitation
Water and Sanitation
Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
In 15 years after the dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system
that was widespread and functioning is falling apart, due to a lack of
maintenance. Only bigger cities get international subsidies, but villages are
facing real health problems, especially in children. Ecosanitation is a new,
decentralized and cheap alternative
Your aim:
To the government:
- to create support for Ecosanitation toilets for schools in rural areas
- to design regulation that makes Ecosanitation legal within a Water &
Sanitation directive;
To the local company:
- to convince the company to invest in locally produced Ecosanitation
toilets for schools
Human Rigth to Safe Drinking Water is a universal right
World Bank and UNDP continues to promote traditional and expansive
sanitation (centralized tubing systems)
You will be joined to this meeting by:
- Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
- Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities
You are invited to a meeting at the Ministry of Sanitation & Planning
Offices. You will be meeting:
- Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
- Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene
and Sanitation;
- Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
 MDF copyright 2016
Scenario 3:
ref:612921477 JP
Page 15 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Water and Sanitation
Scenario 3:
Water and Sanitation
Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
In 15 years after the dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system
that was widespread and functioning is falling apart, due to a lack of
maintenance. Only bigger cities get international subsidies, but villages are
facing real health problems, especially in children. Ecosanitation is a new,
decentralized and cheap alternative
Your aim:
To the government:
- to create support for Ecosanitation toilets for schools in rural areas
- to design regulation that makes Ecosanitation legal within a Water &
Sanitation directive;
To the local company:
- to convince the company to invest in locally produced Ecosanitation
toilets for schools
Human Rigth to Safe Drinking Water is a universal right
World Bank and UNDP continues to promote traditional and expansive
sanitation (centralized tubing systems)
You will be joined to this meeting by:
- Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
- Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities
You are invited to a meeting at the Ministry of Sanitation & Planning
Offices. You will be meeting:
- Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
- Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene
and Sanitation;
- Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 16 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Water and Sanitation
Water and Sanitation
Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities
In 15 years after the dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system
that was widespread and functioning is falling apart, due to a lack of
maintenance. Only bigger cities get international subsidies, but villages are
facing real health problems, especially in children. Ecosanitation is a new,
decentralized and cheap alternative
Your aim:
To the government:
- to create support for Ecosanitation toilets for schools in rural areas
- to design regulation that makes Ecosanitation legal within a Water &
Sanitation directive;
To the local company:
- to convince the company to invest in locally produced Ecosanitation
toilets for schools
Human Rigth to Safe Drinking Water is a universal right
World Bank and UNDP continues to promote traditional and expansive
sanitation (centralized tubing systems)
You will be joined to this meeting by:
- Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
- Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
You are invited to a meeting at the Ministry of Sanitation & Planning Offices.
You will be meeting:
- Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
- Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene and
- Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 17 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Water and Sanitation
Scenario 3:
Water and Sanitation
Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
Funding from the European Union and UNDP is limited and should be used
for the earmarked centralized sanitation systems in cities bigger then
20.000 inhabitants. That is already a challenge – adapting legislation to
new (unproved) systems is time consuming
- to maintain the subsidies for the allocated purposes
- to avoid adapting legislation to new systems as it is time consuming
- Dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system is falling
apart, due to a lack of maintenance.
- Only bigger cities get international subsidies, but villages are facing
real health problems, especially in children.
- Ecosanitation is a new, decentralized and cheap alternative
- Human Rigth to Safe Drinking Water is a universal right
- World Bank and UNDP continues to promote traditional and
expansive sanitation (centralized tubing systems)
Your aim:
The lobbyists you are meeting at the Ministry of Sanitation & Planning
Offices. You will be joined by
- Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene
and Sanitation;
- Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
The lobbyists in the meeting will be:
- Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
- Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
- Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 18 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Water and Sanitation
Scenario 3:
Water and Sanitation
Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene and
Children in rural areas are increasingly ill from water-born diseases like
diarrhoea, but also from intoxicated ground water due to leaking water &
sanitation pipelines. You have seen an interesting pilot project on
Ecosanitation in a local school with promising results.
- to make clear that the health problems related to water-born
problems are increasing in rural areas
- to make the Ministry of Planning & Sanitation curious to visit the pilot
- to make the investors curious to visit the pilot project
- the dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system is falling
apart, due to a lack of maintenance.
- Only bigger cities get international subsidies, but villages are facing
real health problems, especially in children.
- Ecosanitation is a new, decentralized and cheap alternative
- Human Rigth to Safe Drinking Water is a universal right
- World Bank and UNDP continues to promote traditional and
expansive sanitation (centralized tubing systems)
Your aim:
The lobbyists you are meeting at the Ministry of Sanitation & Planning
Offices. You will be joined by
- Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
- Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
The lobbyists in the meeting will be:
- Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
- Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
- Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
Page 19 (20)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Water and Sanitation
Scenario 3:
Water and Sanitation
Director of an enterprise producing Sanitation product (toilets).
The porcelain industry is taken over by China: new areas of investment are
necessary. Why not try porcelain toilets in Ecosanitation – It could be a
market opportunity and it seems easy to make
- to get an opportunity to visit a pilot project
- to convine the Ministry of Planning & Sanitation to give subsidies for
an up-scaled pilot
- to present yourself as an ally to the NGO’s
- the dismantling of the Sovjet system the sanitation system is falling
apart, due to a lack of maintenance.
- Only bigger cities get international subsidies, but villages are facing
real health problems, especially in children.
- Ecosanitation is a new, decentralized and cheap alternative
- Human Rigth to Safe Drinking Water is a universal right
- World Bank and UNDP continues to promote traditional and
expansive sanitation (centralized tubing systems)
Your aim:
The lobbyists you are meeting at the Ministry of Sanitation & Planning
Offices. You will be joined by
- Senior Civil servant from the Ministry of Sanitation and Planning;
- Junior Civil servant from the Ministry of Health working on Hygiene
and Sanitation;
The lobbyists in the meeting will be:
- Director of a Women’s organisation working on hygiene and children.
- Advocay officer for an NGO working on water and sanitation issues;
- Head of a rural school with poor santitation facilities
 MDF copyright 2016
ref:612921477 JP
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