PEP: SPS Evaluation Form (doc)

Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Performance Enhancement Program for Supportive Professional Staff
Academic Year
The Performance Enhancement Program [PEP] is intended to assist employees and supervisors in
communicating performance-related issues. It has the goal of strengthening the employee’s ability to
contribute to the overall goals of the Division of Student Affairs. It is a tool for planning performance, setting
goals and objectives, discussing career development, and measuring and documenting performance. All
evaluation forms pertaining to employees are to be treated in a confidential manner.
Suggestions for Completion:
1. Review notes relative to the employee: Since the PEP form is normally used as part of an annual evaluation, the first step in the
review process should be an examination of any documentation, notes, projects, goals, etc., which were pertinent to the
evaluation period.
2. Review expectations for the position: Review job description, performance standards, or any other documentation that
provides information concerning the expected level of performance. Relate comments specifically to meeting/not meeting/
exceeding job description expectations, whenever possible.
3. Complete the form: Mark all appropriate boxes. Consider the employee’s performance relative to the stated expectations, as
well as general expectations. If a particular area is not a part of the employee’s expectations, select the “Does Not Apply” box.
4. Add comments: Add any specific comments that might help to explain the rating selected and its relationship to employee’s job
description. If any category is rated as “Fails to Meet Expectations,” indicate what steps are needed for improvement. Include
anything the supervisor will do (i.e., provide additional training), as well as specific steps to be taken or changes to be made by
the employee. If any category is rated as “Exceeds Expectations” or “Exemplary,” specific examples which justify that rating
must be provided.
5. Attach documentation: If there is additional performance-related documentation that is pertinent to the review, please attach
it to the PEP form.
6. Establish a date for follow-up review, if needed: This typically is only required in situations where a rating of “Fails To Meet
Expectations” or “Partially Meets Expectations” has been given; however, you or your department may choose to review
performance as frequently as needed.
7. Provide the PEP Preparation Form to the employee: This equips the employee with a structured method of preparing for the
evaluation. Notify the employee that the Preparation Form will be attached to his/her PEP form and will become part of the
personnel file.
8. Have a PEP-talk: Discuss the Evaluation form with the employee and listen to his/her comments related to the PEP Preparation
Form. Discuss any areas for improvement, and steps that will be taken by either party. If there are any additional comments,
from the reviewer or the employee, that seem appropriate to add to the form after your discussion, please do so.
9. Sign the form: You and the employee should sign the PEP form in the appropriate locations.
10. Copies: Make 3 copies. Distribute to (a) employee, (b) departmental file, (c) departmental Director
Performance Enhancement Program (PEP)
Employee Name
Position #:
Leadership, Initiative & Problem Solving
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Takes responsibility for all aspects of job; frequently seeks out improvements or enhancements to work; brings forth new
initiatives to enhance Division’s mission. Exhibits creativity; inspires and energizes others. Makes effective decisions or
recommendations; demonstrates an ability to understand and approach a problem from various viewpoints. Takes appropriate
initiative in trying to resolve problems.
Completes work independently; rarely needs reminders or guidance to complete regular tasks; seeks additional skills, information,
etc. Independently develops and initiates goals and objectives; effectively motivates and mentors others. Uses sound judgment
and effective use of resources in resolving problems; demonstrates good understanding of the larger issues related to the problem
or concern.
Follows through to meet schedules, goals, or deadlines with minimum supervision. Effectively communicates priorities and goals
to others; initiates action and assumes responsibility for projects/tasks related to assigned area. Demonstrates good judgment in
resolving routine problems; brings concerns to supervisor/manager when appropriate.
Occasionally fails to follow through to meet schedules, goals or deadlines; frequent supervision required. Seldom communicates
priorities and goals to others; rarely initiates actions or assumes responsibility for projects/tasks related to assigned area.
Occasionally exhibits poor judgment or has difficulty in making routine decisions.
Needs regular guidance, direction, or reminders regarding assigned or routine work. Does not sufficiently communicate goals or
priorities; waits for others to initiate action rather than assuming responsibility for tasks/projects related to assigned area.
Consistently demonstrates poor judgment; rarely consults a higher authority when needed. Demonstrates little understanding of
the larger issues related to the problem or concern.
Comments/Recommended Action:
Quality & Quantity of Work
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Work is unfailingly of high quality; errors or omissions are extraordinarily rare. Completes an impressive volume of work;
continually seeks new ways of gaining efficiency. Volunteers to take on extra assignments.
Makes an extra effort to ensure work is of the proper quality; double checks for accuracy if needed. Seeks project-improvement
feedback. Completes regular assignments and has demonstrated ability and willingness to handle a larger capacity of work.
Is usually accurate and thorough in performance of duties; consistently demonstrates concern for quality. Regularly completes the
expected amount of work.
Is occasionally inaccurate in performance of duties; periodically demonstrates lack of concern for quality. Sometimes fails to
complete the expected amount of work.
Errors or omissions are often evident; work frequently needs to be corrected, redone, or double-checked. Regularly lags behind,
has a backlog of work, or produces less than expected.
Comments/Recommended Action:
Planning, Organization & Prioritization
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Develops advance 1-3 year plans with normally accurate projections. Considers the interrelatedness of all areas.
Normally plans and prioritizes projects well in advance while anticipating and remaining flexible to unforeseen, required changes.
Consults collateral areas when planning.
Plans activities efficiently; sets priorities to optimize use of time; anticipates consequences; recognizes problems requiring
attention; sets appropriate goals.
Frequently unorganized, may miss deadlines or project due dates. May improperly prioritize projects or efforts.
Consistently misses deadlines or project due dates, is unable to prioritize projects or efforts; lacks organizational skills.
Comments/Recommended Action:
(Job Knowledge & Efforts in Professional Development)
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Displays professional behavior at all times. Promotes and initiates the development of ethical standards within given profession.
Extremely knowledgeable; is respected as a valuable resource. Seeks wide range of knowledge. Is actively involved in, holds office,
or serves on committees for national and state professional organizations. Authors articles and does presentations for others in
the profession.
Is professional in words and actions even in difficult situations. Promotes ethics and ethical decision-making in others. Displays
strong knowledge of job and its contribution to the Division of Student Affairs’ mission. Actively seeks to gain knowledge and skills
not only within obvious areas, but also in collateral areas that increase understanding and knowledge.
Consistently follows professional codes of ethics. Is honest and trustworthy. Handles confidential information appropriately.
Demonstrates solid understanding of job expectations. Attends relevant conferences/training, reads relevant journals and
magazines, and applies learned skills, ideas, and principles.
Occasionally lacks professional decorum. Occasionally dishonest or misleading. Exercises questionable judgment relating to ethical
standards of the profession. Initiates or spreads unsubstantiated rumors. Demonstrates insufficient understanding of the job
and/or its purpose or impact on others. May attend conferences/training when asked, but fails to apply principles or knowledge
gained to actual situations.
Unprofessional in words and/or action. Frequently dishonest or misleading. Encourages others to violate professional ethics.
Demonstrates little understanding of the job and/or its purpose or impact on others. Does not seek to increase skills or career
Comments/Recommended Action:
Interpersonal Relations &/or Supervision
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Consistently communicates with others in a professional, pleasant, and cooperative manner; works effectively with co-workers,
students, and others. Works in partnership with staff to develop departmental, personal, and professional goals, encourages staff
growth; maintains a cohesive work unit.
Works cooperatively and effectively with others; demonstrates willingness to compromise and seeks to understand and
incorporate other viewpoints. Encourages staff development; provides ongoing feedback, constructive criticism, and
encouragement; delegates work, but maintains appropriate oversight.
Works cooperatively with others; communicates problems clearly and effectively. Provides adequate training, support, coaching,
counseling to staff; delegates work appropriately; fosters an effective work environment.
Seldom willing to cooperate and often communicates in a manner that causes conflict. Seldom works in partnership with staff to
develop departmental and personal goals; rarely encourages staff growth; has difficulty maintaining a cohesive work unit.
Rarely cooperates; communications with others are characteristically unprofessional or negative. Maintains either too much or too
little control over staff; provides insufficient attention to staff development; disrupts cohesive work unit.
Comments/Recommended Action:
Use of Resources
(Innovation & Efficiency)
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Maintains significant and up-to-date knowledge about available resources; continually seeks improvements and efficiency, as well
as constructive cost reductions; highly innovative in their day-to-day work
Frequently seeks enhancements that will improve productivity without creating unnecessary expenses; effectively balances
operating needs with budgetary constraints; innovation is apparent on a regular basis
Is knowledgeable about equipment, materials, processes, and other available resources. Operates within budgetary constraints.
Demonstrates lack of attention to resource management, or excessive attention which may hinder quality or productivity of unit.
Rarely willing/able to identify current resources and ideas to enhance program effectiveness; lacks an attitude of innovation
Regularly mismanages allocated resources. Unable/Unwilling to identify or adapt current resources and ideas to enhance program
effectiveness; not innovative in their work
Comments/Recommended Action:
PEP Year
– Employee Name
Adaptability & Versatility
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Will initiate change to accommodate new situations without being asked; accepts additional responsibilities eagerly; often views
change as a positive solution.
Demonstrates willingness to adapt easily to changing situations; usually approaches change positively, and accepts new
responsibilities without complaint.
Accepts changes and modifies procedures/schedules accordingly, when asked.
Accepts changes and modifies procedures/schedules accordingly, only when asked repeatedly or reminded often.
Demonstrates resistance to change; may appear resentful or reluctant to change; exhibits behaviors that undermine change.
Comments/Recommended Action:
Ambassador of Core Values
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Does Not Apply
Initiates successful collaboration on a University-wide basis and promotes connections with groups outside the university
whenever beneficial, including partnerships focused on student learning. Regularly initiates programs, discussions, and policies
that promote diversity; helps others to value diversity. Conducts on-going review of student-centered nature of all programs and
services and initiates changes, as necessary.
Initiates collaboration with others inside and outside of assigned area, including partnerships focused on student learning.
Consistently collaborates. Demonstrates clear integration with Division’s mission and Core Values. Promotes diversity. Is able to
communicate to others the value of diversity.
Consistently discusses and works with other areas in planning, organization, and completion of assigned tasks. Treats all persons
fairly. Understands the value of diversity in the university community. Regularly discusses how programs and services are aligned
with Division’s Core Values and works to align programs and services with Core Values.
Occasionally works with other areas to plan, organize, and complete tasks. Often fails to consider how decisions and actions
impact others. Often performs tasks in isolation. Exhibits discrimination or makes remarks that would be necessarily interpreted as
discriminatory, offensive, or inflammatory. Infrequently considers how Division’s Core Values are important to Department’s
Usually performs tasks in isolation. Gives little or no consideration to how decisions and actions impact others. Engages in overt
discrimination and/or promotion of prejudice. Rarely considers how Division’s Core Values are important to Department’s Goals.
Comments/Recommended Action:
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets
Fails to Meet
Comments/Recommended Action:
PEP Year
– Employee Name
Performance Enhancement Program (PEP)
Employee Name
Position #:
For the period
, this employee
Meets some, but not all, requirements for this position. The following standards must be met to fulfill the requirements of
this position:
Consistently meets the requirements for this position
Significant contributions have been made in the following areas:
Professional development plans for this individual and supervisory support:
Documents reviewed and considered for this Performance Enhancement Program session:
PEP Preparation Form
Annual Report
Annual Planning & Assessment Documents
Please indicate Follow-up Review Date if needed (normally 3 months):
Employee’s Signature
Reviewing Supervisor’s Signature
2nd Level Supervisor’s Signature
(Employee note: Your signature indicates that you have received this information; it does not necessarily indicate agreement. If you
have additional comments, please make them on an additional page, and attach.)