Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. APPLICATION FORM PRE-SELECTION OF ORGANISATIONS INTERESTED TO BECOME TACSO SUPPORTED RESOURCE CENTRES TACSO Regional Office • Potoklinica 16 • 71 000 Sarajevo • t: +387 33 532 757 • f: +387 33 532 757 • e-mail: SIPU International AB Sweden • Ecorys International Netherlands • Intrac United Kingdom • Foundation Partners for Local Development Romania • Euclid Network United Kingdom • SMART Croatia MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicant(s) Contact Information for Lead Organisation The applicant's contact details for the purpose of this action: Full Name of applicant (in local language and in English) Abbreviation EuropeAid ID1 Legal status2 Registration Number Date of Registration Place of Registration Official address of Registration Country of Registration/ Nationality E-mail address of the Organisation Contact person Contact person's email Telephone number: Country code + city code + number Fax number: Country code + city code + number Website of the Organisation 1 To be inserted if the organisation is registered in PADOR. This number is allocated to an organisation which registers its data in PADOR. For more information and to register, please visit 2 E.g. Civil society organizations; Public sector organizations 1 Contact Information for Consortium Partners Full Name (in local language and in English) Legal status Registration Number Official address of Registration Contact information Full Name (in local language and in English) Legal status Registration Number Official address of Registration Contact information Full Name (in local language and in English) Legal status Registration Number Official address of Registration Contact information Full Name (in local language and in English) Legal status Registration Number Official address of Registration Contact information 2 2. Statement of political neutrality This confirms that the Applicant(s) is not under the influence of a political party. In case of consortium, the lead organisation confirms that this also applies also to the remaining consortium members. Name: Organisation: Position: Signature: Date and place: 3 3. Information about the Applicant's mission and goals Please provide your organisation's mission, key objectives and activities (max 1/2 page for lead organisation, 1/4 page per consortium member). 4 4. Systems for transparency and accountability 4.1 Annual income Please provide the following information, if applicable, on the basis of the profit and loss account and balance sheet of your organisation (amounts in thousands Euros): Turnover or equivalent Year Net earnings or equivalent Total balance sheet or budget Shareholders’ equity or equivalent Medium and long-term debt Short-term debt (<1 year) 2013 2012 4.2 Financing source(s) Please tick the source(s) of the revenues of your organisation and specify the additional information requested: Year Source 2013 □ EU 2013 □ Member States Public Bodies 2013 □ Third Countries Public Bodies 2013 □ United Nations 2013 □ Other International Organisation(s) 2013 □ Private Sector 2013 □ Member's fees 2013 □ Taxes/Local taxes/Government donations 2013 Total Percentage (total for a given year must be equal to 100%) Number of feepaying members (only for source = Member's fees) 5 Year Source 2012 □ EU 2012 □ Member States Public Bodies 2012 □ Third Countries Public Bodies 2012 □ United Nations 2012 □ Other International Organization(s) 2012 □ Private Sector 2012 □ Membership fees 2012 □ Taxes/Local taxes/Government donations 2012 Total Percentage (total for a given year must be equal to 100%) Number of feepaying members (only for source = Member's fees) 4.3 Annual Financial Reports The two most recent/available Annual Financial Reports shall be submitted as attachments to the application form (in English or in national language). 6 4.4 Governance Please, provide information regarding the lead organisation’s governance, decisionmaking and reporting structures and processes (max 1 page). 7 5. Provision of consultancy and training services to CSOs 5.1. Describe briefly at least three projects, programmes or training interventions for the civil society conducted during the last two years (max 1/2 page) 5.2. Provide a list of three staff members having three years of experience of civil society development Name Position 8 6. Conformation of availability of office space Please, confirm the availability of sufficient space to accommodate two national TACSO project staff members for the period between September 2014 to August 2017 with the provision of all basic office services (electricity, heating, tel. lines, cleaning, internet access, etc.). Yes No 9 ADDITIONAL SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Applicant's experience of similar actions 1.1 Experience by sector Please provide a detailed description of actions managed by the organisation/consortium over the past three years. This information will be used to assess whether the organisation/ consortium has sufficient and stable experience to assume the role of TACSO national resource centre. Sector Year(s) of Experience Experience in the past 5 years Number of Projects in the past 5 years Estimated Amount (in thousand Euros) in the past 5 years □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 help-desk services □ 1000+ □ Unknown □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 Training □ 1000+ □ Unknown information events □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 □ 1000+ □ Unknown 10 Sector support for monitoring and guidance of individual projects Year(s) of Experience Experience in the past 5 years Number of Projects in the past 5 years Estimated Amount (in thousand Euros) in the past 5 years □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 □ 1000+ □ Unknown □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 advocacy □ 1000+ □ Unknown □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 cross-border events □ 1000+ □ Unknown partner-matching □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 11 Sector Year(s) of Experience Experience in the past 5 years Number of Projects in the past 5 years Estimated Amount (in thousand Euros) in the past 5 years □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 □ 1000+ civil society PR and visibility □ Less than 1 □ Less than 1 year □ 1 to 5 □ Unknown □ Less than 1 □ 1 to 3 years □ 1 to 3 years □ 6 to 10 □ 1 to 5 □ 4 to 5 years □ 4 to 5 years □ 11 to 20 □ 5 to 20 □ 5 years + □ 5 years + □ 21 to 50 □ 20 to 75 □ 51 to 200 □ 75 to 150 □ 200 to 500 □ 150 to 300 □ 500+ □ 300 to 1.000 □ 1000+ □ Unknown 1.2 Key Activities Describe the key activities of the organisation/consortium in TACSO intervention areas (i.e. help-desk services, training, information events, support for monitoring and guidance of individual projects, advocacy, cross-border events, partner-matching, as well as civil society PR and visibility - max 4 pages). 12 2. National coverage Describe the way that your organisation/consortium covers the territory of the country with its services (max 1 page). 13 3. Target groups activities Describe the way your organisation/consortium provides services to specific target groups (max 1 page). 14 4. English language proficiency Confirm that the lead organisation has at least two professional staff members having proficiency in the English language: Yes No 15 5. Pool of trainers and experts Provide CV summaries (max ten sentences) of up to ten trainers/experts engaged in the organisation’s/consortium’s capacity building activities. 16 6. Research experience Describe the experience of the organisation/consortium in conducting research, surveys, etc. (max 1 page). 17 7. Cross-border experience Describe the regional experience of the organisation/consortium in cross-border events or partnership projects involving two or more countries (max 1 page). 18 8. Experience of EU projects Describe the experience of the organisation/consortium in the implementation of EU funded projects as well as supporting national EU accession processes (max 1 page). 19 PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by SIPU International/TACSO. To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the Contracting Authority requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below: 1. All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to SIPU International. 2. All partners must have read the Open Call document. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with SIPU International and represent them in all dealings with SIPU International in the context of the action's implementation. 3. The applicant must consult with its partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the progress of the action. 4. All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to SIPU International. 5. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be agreed by the partners before being submitted to SIPU International. I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to SIPU International. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice. Name: Organisation: Position: Signature: Date and place: 20