HUMAN RESOURCE DIVISION PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT RESIGNATION FORM SECTION 1 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE EMPLOYEE (Please write in BLOCK letters) SECTION 1 Mr. Mrs. Miss First Name _______________ Middle Name _______________ Last Name_________________ Job Title: _______________________________ Employment Status: University employee Temporary employee Faculty / College / Institute / Center : __________________________ Department: ____________________________________ Final salary: ______________: month / day / hour Effective date of resignation: ____________________________________ (Your last day of employment) Reason for leaving: _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that this resignation is executed voluntarily, and that I wish to end my employment with Mahidol University. _____________________________________ Employee’s Signature ____________________ Date SECTION 2 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SUPERVISOR/ DIRECTOR SECTION 2 SUPERVISOR 1 Approve Disapprove Signature: ______________ Job Title: _______________ SUPERVISOR 2 Approve Disapprove Signature: ______________ Job Title: _______________ DIRECTOR/ DEAN Approve Disapprove Signature: ______________ Job Title: _______________ Resignation Procedures 1. Submit your original resignation to your supervisor 30 days prior to your last working day. 2. Contact HR department immediately for information on health insurance, welfare and benefits 3. The resignation can be restrained by a maximum of 90 days by the approver.