351847 | European Integration and the social dimension: strengthening regional cooperation of trade unions in the Balkans Regionalna kancelarija projekta Trg Nikole Pašića 5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel: (+381 11) 333 5431/2 Fax: (+381 11) 333 5436 Emilija Grujić Mob: (+381 69) 101 1572 E-mail: emilija.grujic@onthewaytoeu.net E-mail: goran.pavlov@onthewaytoeu.net Web: http://www.onthewaytoeu.net http://www.onthewaytoeu.org http://www.naputukaeu.net Belgrade, 1st May 2015 On the Way to the EU – Integration and Social Dimension A collaborative project between the ETUC and the regional TU network "Solidarnost" with the support of the EC www.onthewaytoeu.net Concept Trade unions as social partners and important component of a democratic civil society must not stand on the sidelines when it comes to the design of the road in the EU. They must and they want to participate. It is not an exclusive concern of governments. The participation of civil society is a key design element of the integration process. The TUs have to take responsibility and an active role, especially when it comes t o the social dimension of integration in the EU. They must acquire competence and cooperate with each other. Project Tasks & Goals Experience transfer: Croatia and Slovenia have already accomplished the EU integration process. The experience of unions of these countries and the sustainable expertise of the European Trade Union Confederation, its institutions and its member organizations must be passed on to the TUs in the project partner countries. Networking: The project has the ambition to mobilise expe rts of the project partners around the central issues and build up knowledge pools that would work together on sustainability of the network(s). The intention: to secure the necessary resources to help strengthening the capacities of trade unions in the region, to intensify the existing trade union cooperation platform in the region and, in-fine, to allow trade unions in the Balkans to be stronger actors in the EU accession process. Activities & Topics of the Working Groups - Social dialogue and industrial relations - Workers’ rights and labour legislation - Trade Union reforms: statutes and internal regulations & workers representation at company-level: Legislation and concepts - Health and safety - Migration Project is supported by the European Commission. - Environment Statutary plenary meetings of the Regional Trade Union Network Solidarnost: a coooperation platform of ETUC affiliates (10 TUs) from SLO, CRO, SRB, MNE, MK, BH (both entities); KO BSPK is also taking part Steering committee meetings Project Method - regular meetings of the working expert groups - ongoing communication and visibility by usage of IT - publication of findings and analysis on the project's website www.onthewaytoeu.net - counseling and preparation of policy papers - building up of continuous communication channels with the delegations of the European Commission in the reference and beneficiaries countries Work programme An online platform will be set-up for this joint Trade Union Network for EU integration, and could be composed of both: - a website (open and accessible to the public): offering links and documents (project reports, information sheets) to relevant stakeholders inside and outside the trade union movement, and - a dynamic / interactive forum (restricted access to the members): providing different spaces for the members of the different thematic networks / working groups, to facilitate communication, exchange of views and document sharing, among them. Perspectives The first phase of the project will end on 31 Dec 2015 with an option of extension, depending on the qualitative evaluation of the first year of the project. ETUC acts as the “incubator” (managing the funding contract during the 1st year), but then the Regional Trade Union Network will need to register formally to become the direct beneficiary of the operative grant from 2016 until 2018, so that it runs its operations “autonomously” in the years to come with the active support of the ETUC. Project is supported by the European Commission.