
Notes from Meeting of
16 February 2010
The fifth meeting of the committee for multicultural curriculum transformation was held on
Tuesday, 16 February 2010, at 10:00 a.m. in Altgeld 203.
Laverne Gyant, Virginia Cassidy, Michael Gonzales, Robin Moremen, Judy
Santacaterina, Sally Conklin, Bill Goldenberg, Murali Krishnamurthi, Diana Swanson,
Mark Rosenbaum
Women’s History month starts March 1, 2010: March 2- sticker day, March 3: 1:15
“Women’s Voices, Women’s Visions in History.” A Panel, March 31: noon: "The Cultural
Politics of Salsa Dancing in Chicago: A Gender Perspective." With speaker Frances
Center for Black Studies hosts speaker February, 26: Racheal Moran.
Center for Latino Studies hosts speaker February, 25: Robert Huish. February 26- panel
discussion on the future of Cuban American Relations.
Michael Gonzales will be taking over the position of chair for the next two meetings.
January 19, 20010 Minutes approved after revisions of misspelled names.
An assessment was discussed in order to create a proposal for the affect of the institute.
Suggestions include:
Getting feedback from the participants by:
o Potential participants measured before the institute and semester after
the institute to measure teacher instruction potential.
o End of semester assessment to gain baseline on general teaching of
multicultural, followed by a pre/post survey the following semester.
o Part of application process is a one page pre/post.
o A number of open ended questions done on a scantron.
Getting feedback from the students by:
o A before/after design after the participant has transformed the course.
 Assessed the first day of class and the end of class measuring
what the students have gained from the course.
Issues that arose:
o can we rely on professors judgment?
o Does it asses how and in what way have the students been impacted?
o Long term participants that have been teaching may have transformed a
course long term, or numerous courses.
o How do we sample or measure?
Keynote Speaker
Keynote speaker possibilities were discussed. Suggestions include: Ruby Paine who averages
costs between $7,500-$15,000. There were two critiques of her seminars discussed. One
reviewer stated she reinforces stereotypes. E. Ethal Burt Miller who speaks on race, class,
gender, and spirituality. A suggestion was made to look broader into a Keynote speaker and
possibly find someone who talks about transformational strategies.
Closing remarks
Each committee member is to send Katy Smith two questions for students, two questions
for participants, and a goal for the institute. These will be compiled and discussed next
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 16 March, 2010
from 10:00-11:30 in Altgeld 203.