Student-Made Weather Tools Instructions Anemometer: You will need: 4 small paper or plastic cups 2 pieces of cardboard or 2 binder rulers 1 pencil with eraser (unsharpened is best) 1 push pin or partly opened paperclip tape, staples, or glue 1. Make an X from the two pieces of cardboard. If using a binder ruler (see picture) line up the center holes and tape together in an X. 2. Attach a cup on the bottom edge of each arm using tape, staples, or glue. 3. Connect the center of the X to the pencil eraser using the push pin or a partially opened paperclip (good for students you don’t trust with a push pin!) Make sure it moves freely. Optional: For a base, use another cup weighted with sand or pebbles, or use a lump of clay. Barometer: You will need: large glass jar large balloon straw rubber band tape or glue ruler or other measuring device 1. Cut the neck off of the balloon and stretch it over the bottle’s opening. 2. Position one end of the straw in about the center of the balloon and secure it in place with tape or glue. 3. Place the barometer/jar next to a ruler or other measuring device so that the straw’s movement can be noted and measured. Mark high and low. 4. Calibrate by checking the actual barometric pressure and marking on a background. Thermometer: You will need: 1 small bottle, jar, or tube that can stand alone cap, clay or rubber cement to seal the bottle 1 transparent straw or you can use the straw end of a pipette rubbing alcohol food coloring 1. Cut the straw (or pipette) to fit ½ inch from the bottom of the container to about 2 inches above the container. 2. If using a cap, make a hole in the cap that will fit the straw and thread the straw through. Secure with rubber cement or a little clay. 4. If you are using clay, make a ball large enough to seal the bottle. Push the straw through the clay and mold it around to form a seal. (Check to make sure no clay got into your straw.) 5. Fill the container about ¾ full of rubbing alcohol. Add food color of your choice. 6. Seal the cap into place with the straw extending out of the top about 2 inches. Weather vane: You will Need: 1 straw 1 paper or plastic cup 1 unsharpened pencil 1 straight pin or partially unbent paperclip construction paper glue or tape 1. Cut one large and one small triangle and a square base from the construction paper. 2. Make a hole in the bottom of the cup large enough to hold the pencil. 3. Glue or tape the cup to the base. Mark the corners North, East, South, and West. 4. Make slits in both ends of the straw. Slide the paper triangles into the slits as shown 5. Push the pin or paperclip through the center of the straw and into the pencil eraser. 6. Push the pencil into the cup and secure with tape or glue. 7. The arrow will point to the direction from which the wind is coming. This direction is the name of the wind – a north wind blows from the north to the south. Rain gauge: You will need: 1 soda bottle or other straight sided container 2 bamboo skewers (These can be dangerous, use with caution.) packing tape or duct tape Sharpie marker 1. Measure up the bottle from the bottom and mark in centimeters. 2. Cut the top off the bottle at the shoulder and invert it into the bottom. Use two small pieces of tape to secure it. (You’ll remove these to empty the gauge.) 3. Tape one skewer to each side of the bottle so that they extend below the bottom of the bottle about 4 inches. These will allow you to push the bottle into the ground to stabilize it.