What is the Effect and Why

What’s The Effect?
High altitude
Wings that spread
Webbed foot
Low altitude/Sea level
Wings that flutter
Hoofed foot
Fur as a body covering
Deep roots on plants
Grass with seeds
Shallow roots on plants
Tree with cones
Scales as a body covering
Part 1: Match each trait or environmental condition with the “effect” from the boxes below.
Wings spread out for flying
and diving and feathers
make wings silent
Holds air near the animal’s
Warmer, more resources
Can renew itself every year
with seeds that it produces
Protects skin of animal
Foot acts like a paddle in
the water
Foot is protected by a hard
Fast-moving wings allow
bird to move forward and
Roots can gather water
quickly from surface
Roots can reach ground
water, anchor the plant
Colder, more wind, less
oxygen, less resources
Produces cones filled with
seeds after several years
Part 2: Support your matching with a reason of WHY this effect is important.
Example: Wings that spread are important to a bird of prey so that it can swoop down and pick up its
prey. The feathers keep the wings quiet so that the prey (ex: a mouse or rabbit) cannot hear the bird
coming to catch it!
KEY:What’s The Effect?
High altitude
Wings that spread
Webbed foot
Colder, more wind, less oxygen,
less resources available
Wings spread out for flying and
diving and feathers make wings
Wings that flutter
Foot acts like a paddle in the
Fast-moving wings allow bird to
move forward and backwards
Foot is protected by a hard
Deep roots on plants
Grass with seeds
Low altitude/Sea level
Warmer, more resources
Fur as a body covering
Holds air near the animal’s skin
Scales as a body covering
Protects skin of animal
Roots can reach ground water,
anchor the plant
Shallow roots on plants
Roots can gather water quickly
from surface
Hoofed foot
Can renew itself every year
with seeds that it produces
Tree with cones
Produces cones filled with
seeds after several years
WHY is this important? (some ideas, not necessarily inclusive!)
Wings spread out for flying
and diving and feathers
make wings silent
Bird of prey can swoop
down and catch prey; also
silent wings so prey is not
aware of danger
Holds air near the animal’s
Animal is kept warm in
colder climates
Foot is protected by a hard
Foot is not cut by hard
objects; animal able to
protect self through
kicking; used to break
through snow and rocks
Colder, more wind, less
oxygen, less resources
Harder for organism to
survive; less organic
matter so less soil; must
survive harsher climate
Warmer, more resources
Less competition for
resources, less harsh
conditions so survival is
Can renew itself every year
with seeds that it produces
Maintains the population
from year to year without
the plant using resources
to winter over
Protects skin of animal
Animal is protected from
rough and sharp surfaces it
may move over (rocks,
Fast-moving wings allow
bird to move forward and
Bird can move in and out
and among flowers to feed
Foot acts like a paddle in
the water
Animal can propel self in
water to find food or to
escape predator
Roots can reach ground
water, anchor the plant
Plant is held up and does
not easily fall over; roots
can reach water deep in the
soil even if the surface is
Produces cones filled with
seeds after several years
Uses less resources over
time since tree grows
slowly; must use energy to
winter over
Roots can gather water
quickly from surface
More surface area for plant
to gather water from so
that plant takes full
advantage when rare rains