Please Note: This is an exemplar of what a consensus map for a level 3 target language could look like. Of course, the teachers of a target language may need to rearrange the sequence, add/delete items, and customize it to fit the needs of their target language and their students. We will continue to engage in conversations, reflection and revisions as we explore how to more clearly align and articulate our higher level language consensus maps. World Language Consensus Mapping Exemplar- Level 3 7 units. Plus review Essential Question (s): (culture aspect included) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Theme/Unit Content Students can… (I, I, P) 1. Vacation and travel Countries Continents Making travel preparations Hotel Train station Airport Customs If statements (conditional) review Review past tense Review future Identify countries on a map Ask about a vacation Say what they would do in different locations if they could Express necessity Ask about what has been done Get travel information Ask for information at a train station or airport Buy tickets and Teaching Strategies Resources Assessment Strategies (I, I, P) Create a travel brochure and travel presentation to the class – convince them your trip is the best Blank maps – fill in designated countries and write sentences saying what they would do if they could go there. 2. The great outdoors 3. Entertainment Camping Nature Animals Activities Past tense review French: “être en train de” – in the process of The future Future of irregular verbs The verb to run Books Movies TV shows Music Relative pronouns Present participles Interrogative pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Review comparatives/ superlatives 4. The body and health Parts of the body Injuries make a transaction Pay hotel bill Identify vocabulary Say what happened Describe circumstances Say what they were doing when something else happened Tell what they will do Wonder what will happen Identify genres and give examples of each Describe a book or movie Ask for and give information about media/ entertainment Ask about preferences Recommend or advise against something Give opinions and why Identify body parts Ask and tell how Verb-board races Write a story about a weekend camping trip Game show simulation speed games for genres (students give examples of genres on slips of paper – two come up at a time and race to identify the genre first) Written Book/movie review Body drawings and label Giant body drawings 5. Work Illnesses The doctor The pharmacy The subjunctive of regular and irregular verbs and when to use it The gym Exercise and exercising/eating well The conditional “if” statements Professions and services Telephone and formal letter Future review The future perfect Present participles The verb to drive 6. Once upon a time Legends Fairytales fables you feel Describe symptoms Give advice Complain about health Sympathize with someone and express concern Identify professions and describe what they do and where they work Ask about future plans w/ work Ask about job descriptions Make polite requests Make a phone call Write a formal letter identify set the scene for a story continue and end a story Round robin w/ illnesses assigned – express concern and give advice French: Almost French, Sarah Turnbull Dialogue at doctor, pharmacy, or emergency room Simulate a professional phone conversation to get an interview Create a job announcement Reply to a job announcement in the form of a formal letter French: Shrek students read a fairy tale in the target language, rewrite it in their own words, create an imageonly power point, and then tell the story to the class with no notes 7. History/ Colonization Historical accounts from countries of language War vocabulary The past perfect Sequence of tenses in indirect discourse Relate a sequence of events in the past Tell what happened to someone else Describe the concept of colonization and the effects on language in countries French: La Bataille d’Algers Hotel Rwanda