Secondary Counselor Professional Growth Plan Self -Evaluation/ Goal Setting Name: Goal #1: Position: Location: Goal #2: Evaluator: Mentor: Goal #3: School Year: Date Self-Evaluation Minimally/ Emerging Effective Highly Effective Standard 1. School Guidance Curriculum and Instructional Skills 1-1. Counselor plans guidance curriculum based upon the Comprehensive Guidance Needs assessment results, Student Learning Outcomes, or other competencies, and/or other appropriate student needs indicators. 1-2. Counselor utilizes a variety of guidance curriculum resources when planning for the classroom. 1-3. Counselor creates lessons that meet the developmental needs of all students. 1-4. Counselor displays an understanding of students’ skills and knowledge (including those with special needs), and is responsive in the classroom to this information. 1-5. Counselor manages classroom effectively when implementing guidance curriculum. 1-6. Counselor uses clear communication and effective questioning and discussion techniques in an attempt to engage all students in the learning process. 1-7. Counselor assists classroom teachers in planning/ teaching guidance curriculum. 1-8. Counselor organizes the implementation of guidance curriculum with appropriate classroom teacher(s). 1-9. Counselor refers classroom teachers to appropriate guidance curriculum materials. Notes: Minimally/ Emerging Effective Highly Effective 1-10. Counselor provides professional development for classroom teachers on guidance curriculum. 1-11. Counselors informs classroom teachers of preferred guidance competencies for students on an annual basis. 2-1. Counselor utilizes pertinent information about student when developing the PLAN for College and Career Ready (SEOP). 2-2. Counselor assists students and/or parents/ guardians in developing appropriate goals in the PLAN for College and Career Ready (SEOP) process. 2-3. Counselor helps develop a process for scheduling the PLAN for College and Career Ready (SEOP) conferences and reminder calls so that parents feel welcome and want to participate in PLAN for College and Career Ready (SEOP) conference. 2-4. Counselor creates environment of learning, cooperation and respect for parents who attend the PLAN for College and Career Ready (SEOP) conference. 2-5. Counselor appropriately utilizes assessment data to both assist students in goal-setting as well as develop guidance program goals. 2-6. Counselor assists student in understanding different assessment instruments and how to utilize them. 2-7. Counselor is able to present assessment data so that constituents clearly understand and know how to use this data. 2-8. Counselor helps students and parents/guardians access the wide range of both educational and career opportunities. 2-9. Counselor understands and uses appropriate pieces of the Utah CIDS when planning/implementing guidance curriculum and/or doing the PLAN for College and Career Ready (SEOPs). 2-10. Counselor knows the state core curriculum and how it is used at their school. 2-11. Counselor completely understands and utilizes graduation or exit level requirements of the school/district. 2-12. Counselor pro-actively assists school administration in developing registration materials. 2-13. Counselor is competent in using the school’s computerized scheduling technology. Standard 2. PLAN for College and Career Ready Process Notes: Standard 3. Responsive Services and Drop-out Prevention Minimally/ 3-1. Counselor is efficient, thorough, resourceful about outlining for students, parents, teachers, and administrators how to refer students for individual or small group counseling. 3-2. Counselor implements individual or small group counseling as needed to appropriate students. 3-3. Counselor follows FERPA guidelines in receiving parental permission for individual or small group counseling. 3-4. Counselor utilizes techniques that are developmentally appropriate to both topic and student needs when engaging in individual or small group counseling. 3-5. Counselor responds flexibly to identified student needs, changing approaches as necessary. 3-6. Counselor consults with appropriate individuals regarding student’s needs in a timely and appropriate manner. 3-7. Counselor consults in a manner that facilitates compromise and cooperation with all parties involved in the process. 3-8. Counselor demonstrates both the rationale and the criteria for referring students with needs. 3-9. Counselor has developed and maintained appropriate/ effective referral sources both within the district and the community for students with needs. 3-10. Counselor is aware of when and how to make necessary referrals within the school district and/or community for students in need. 3-11. Counselor has developed an effective method of follow-up with students who have been referred. Minimally/ Standard 4. System Support Effective Emerging Emerging Highly Notes: Effective Effective Highly Effective 4-1. Counselor utilizes identified student needs from both formal and informal needs assessments when designing guidance program activities. 4-2. Counselor is well-organized as demonstrated both by contributing to and using timelines and calendars for guidance program activities. 4-3. Counselor establishes/implements program evaluation both formally and informally. 4-4. Counselor explains the guidance program’s philosophy, priorities and practices to staff, parents, and community. Notes: Minimally/ Emerging Effective Highly Effective 4-5. Counselor serves on both building level and district level committees as appropriate. 4-6. Counselor works well with other school personnel in the best interest of both the students and the school District. 4-7. Counselor works with other school personnel in carrying a “fair share” load of responsibilities as appropriate. Minimally/ Effective Highly Standard 5. Reflection and Continuous Growth Emerging 5-1. Counselor is involved in appropriate professional organizations, college coursework, workshops, and Conferences. 5-2. Counselor is aware of current developments in the counseling profession, including technological advances. 5-3. Counselor carries out responsibilities as established by job description in a prompt and accurate manner. 5-4. Counselor uses available technology for both management of responsibilities and as a counseling tool. 5-5. Counselor manages time, people and materials well. 5-6. Counselor arranges flexible schedule to accommodate meetings with parents/guardians, serve on committees, etc. 5-7. Counselor modifies performance based upon constructive feedback. Minimally/ Standard 6. Leadership and Collaboration Emerging Notes: Notes: Effective Effective Highly Effective 6-1. Counselor creates a climate of open communication with students, parents, educational staff, and school community members. 6-2. Counselor is respectful and friendly when interacting with students. 6-3. Counselor makes self available to all students. 6-4. Counselor cooperates well with school administration, teachers, support staff, and school community members. 6-5. Counselor cooperates with parents in the best interest of the student. 6-6. Counselor initiates communication with parents whenever appropriate. Notes: Minimally/ Emerging Effective Highly Effective 6-7. Counselor effectively deals with expressions of conflict in a constructive manner. 6-8. Counselor knows how to be discrete in handling confidential information and in dealing with difficult situations. 6-9. Counselor acts in a timely manner when advocating for students as well as promotes equity for all students. 7-1. Counselor knows and adheres to both district policies and legal guidelines. 7-2. Counselor maintains confidentiality when appropriate. 7-3. Counselor demonstrates respect for the diverse values of students, school staff, and the community. 7-4. Counselor promotes cultural diversity and inclusiveness in both school policy and interpersonal relationships. Standard 7. Professional and Ethical Behavior Notes: Professional Learning Goals Goal #1 Standard/Performance Expectation/Student Learning Goal: Action Steps and Data: Benchmarks and Data: Goal Status Date: Full Attainment Considerable Attainment Partial Attainment Minimal/No Attainment Evidence of Attainment: Write detailed action steps and the data you will use to determine whether each benchmark is met. Include PD plans. Set benchmarks to check your progress throughout the year (minimum 3). Also include data you will use to ensure your progress is adequate at each benchmark. Provide evidence that shows progress or attainment of the goal: Action Step 1: __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ Evidence: Data: Data: Data: Data: __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ Data: Data: Data: Data: Action Step 2: Setting SMART Goals (by Doran, Miller and Cunningham) Example: Between March 15 and May 1, I will be able to run 1 mile nonstop. S = Specific and Strategic 1 mile M = Measurable miles A = Action Oriented run R = Rigorous, Realistic, and Results-Focused running distance T = Timed and Tracked 6 weeks Evidence: Professional Learning Activities: -College Courses and/or State Approved In-Service -Workshops/Conferences/District Courses/Staff Development -Service in Professional Activities in an Educational Organization -Education Research and Innovation -Other Professional Development Activities Professional Learning Goals Goal #2 Standard/Performance Expectation/Student Learning Goal: Action Steps and Data: Benchmarks and Data: Goal Status Date: Full Attainment Considerable Attainment Partial Attainment Minimal/No Attainment Evidence of Attainment: Write detailed action steps and the data you will use to determine whether each benchmark is met. Include PD plans. Set benchmarks to check your progress throughout the year (minimum 3). Also include data you will use to ensure your progress is adequate at each benchmark. Provide evidence that shows progress or attainment of the goal: Action Step 1: __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ Evidence: Data: Data: Data: Data: __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ Data: Data: Data: Data: Action Step 2: Setting SMART Goals (by Doran, Miller and Cunningham) Example: Between March 15 and May 1, I will be able to run 1 mile nonstop. S = Specific and Strategic 1 mile M = Measurable miles A = Action Oriented run R = Rigorous, Realistic, and Results-Focused running distance T = Timed and Tracked 6 weeks Evidence: Professional Learning Activities: -College Courses and/or State Approved In-Service -Workshops/Conferences/District Courses/Staff Development -Service in Professional Activities in an Educational Organization -Education Research and Innovation -Other Professional Development Activities