ANIMAL SUBJECTS APPROVAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS California State University, Northridge, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) INSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL FOR THE USE OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS IN RESEARCH AND/OR INSTRUCTION PLEASE TYPE ALL RESPONSES AND OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES (last page of form) PRIOR TO PROTOCOL SUBMISSION. APPEND ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY TO ANSWER EACH QUESTION COMPLETELY. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED WITHOUT ACTION. POLICY California State University, Northridge, requires Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval for the use of all vertebrate animals in research and instruction. For any use of animals to be approved, the IACUC must receive complete and convincing evidence that such is consistent with the mission of the University, the principles and practices of the CSUN Guide for Facilities and Care of Animals Used in Research and Teaching, the specifications of the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the highest applicable medical and humane standards. IACUC approval: is limited in time; it may be granted for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months; is renewable for an additional two (2) years (on a yearly basis), after which a new protocol must be submitted; is not transferable; is based on the original submission; modifications in the approved use of animals may not be initiated without prior IACUC approval. PROCEDURES The following procedures are to be employed in securing approval for all uses of vertebrate animals at CSUN: 1. Applicants are invited to request a copy of the following documents from Research and Sponsored Projects (UN 275, x2901): a. CSUN Guide for Facilities and Care of Animals Used in Research and Teaching b. NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals c. IACUC Policies and Procedures/Application Form for Institutional Approval for the Use of Vertebrate Animals in Research and/or Instruction. Applicants should carefully review the content of these documents. 2. Applicants should complete the “Animal Subjects Approval Form,” obtain the necessary signatures, and submit the original to the Research and Sponsored Projects Office. In addition, please email a copy as an attachment to Please type all responses. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant without action. 3. The IACUC will communicate its response to the applicant no later than thirty (30) days after receipt. The response may be (1) approved, (2) disapproved, or (3) modifications requested. Approvals will be for the period indicated on the application up to a maximum of twelve (12) months. Upon the termination of an approval, applicants may apply for a renewal by completing an Animal Protocol Renewal Request form. Protocols may be renewed for two (2) additional years (on a yearly basis), after which a new protocol must be submitted. Modifications may be submitted to the IACUC on a Protocol Revision Form. 4. Applicants may appeal decisions of the IACUC within forty-five (45) days. Appeals should be addressed, in writing, to the Chair of the IACUC. Individuals appealing these decisions may be invited to address the IACUC personally. ANIMALS COVERED: All live vertebrate animals used by employees, faculty, and students of California State University, Northridge. WHO SHOULD COMPLETE FORMS: The Animal Subjects Approval Form and/or renewal request form needs to be submitted by employees and faculty planning to use animals. Forms can be downloaded from the Research website. ANNUAL REVIEWS: If you plan to conduct a multiple year project, you are required to submit annual renewal requests for your protocol. RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: The Federal Welfare Act, Section 27, states that it is unlawful for any member of an Institutional Animal Committee to release any confidential information including: trade secrets, processes, operations, style of work, apparatus, confidential statistical data, or income information. Please identify confidential information you have included in this form by circling the item number. APPENDICES: Please complete any attached appendices as applicable to your protocol. ANIMAL SUBJECTS APPROVAL FORM California State University, Northridge Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Please answer all questions completely, obtain the necessary signatures, and turn in the original to: Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, UN 265. You must also email a copy of your protocol as an attachment to For questions, call the Research Office, (818) 677-2901. Please type all responses. Last name (PI cannot be a student) First name Department Mail code Telephone FAX Email Title of project Funding agency (if any) Proposed start date mm/dd/yy Proposed end date (approvals are for 1 year) mm/dd/yy Species Please check all boxes that apply to your study. Type of protocol: New Continuation Type of project: Research Teaching Pilot Type of study: Breeding Acute Chronic (Recovery surgeries are considered chronic.) Is this an observational/behavior study only? Yes No Is this a field study? Yes No (If other species are involved, describe steps to minimize harm to them on separate page.) Is confidential information contained in this project or form? Yes No (If yes, see instructions on pages above.) RESEARCH PROCEDURES Type A Procedures No animal distress or pain during research protocol and no anesthesia, analgesia, or distress relief needed (e.g., observational studies, handling captive animals in a class). Type B Procedures Type C Procedures Minor animal distress or pain during research protocol not relieved by anesthesia, analgesics, or other pharmacological agents (e.g., trapping and handling wild animals, toe or ear clipping, blood drawing). Type D Procedures Moderate distress or pain during research protocol even if anesthesia, analgesics, or other pharmacological agents are used to relieve distress for some of the protocol (e.g., surgery employing pain-relieving/reducing pharmacological agents). Severe distress or pain during research protocol even if anesthesia, analgesics, or other pharmacological agents are used to relieve distress for some of the protocol (e.g., research conducted on pain/stress in which no pain-relieving/reducing pharmacological agents are employed). ANIMAL NUMBERS AND CARE Species and/or Strain of Animal No. Animals involved in Research Procedures (see above) A B C D Animal Care Building & Room Arrival mm/dd/yy No. of cages Animals per cage Days of care Reuse/ Euthanize Total animals/yr List source(s) (e.g., vendor name) for all vertebrate animals involved in this study. For wild animals, list state or federal collecting/possession permit numbers. If animals are to be taken to another room(s) for preparations and procedures, please indicate location(s). Building and Room Number(s): Are there any specific requirements for care or cleaning for the animals involved in this study? If yes, please describe. FOR IACUC AND RESEARCH OFFICE USE ONLY Disposition: • Approved Chair, IACUC, or Institutional Official Yes Date received • Approved as amended • See attached memo Date • Other No 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Please provide a nontechnical description of the project (research or teaching) and its potential value, bearing in mind that the IACUC membership includes faculty not engaged in animal research, administrative personnel, and community volunteers. Please use language understandable to the layperson to indicate the overall purpose, goals, and significance of your project. If this study duplicates another study, state why it is necessary. 2. SUPPORTING LITERATURE The USDA requires that you to name two or more databases and references describing the use of the vertebrate animal model(s) you have selected, if appropriate, and/or to support your justification for the use of vertebrate animals for your project. In addition, please indicate whether non-animal models have been developed in your area of research, and if so, describe why they cannot be used to meet your goals. 3. Please indicate whether your procedures with animals will include any of the following. (1) Restraint (including handling)? Yes No Type? (2) Food restriction? Yes No Duration? (3) Water restriction? Yes No Duration? (4) Injection? Yes No Route and agent? (5) Tumor growth? Such as occurs following a specific treatment and/or injection of tumor cells or monoclonal antibody-producing hybridomas. Yes No (Please sign agreement in Vivarium office.) (6) Blood collection? Yes No If yes, indicate volume, frequency, and drawing location in box below. Please check with Vivarium veterinarian for guidelines. (7) Chemical agents? (e.g., adjuvants) Yes No (8) Radioactive material? Yes No Radiation Safety Permit # (9) Biohazardous materials? Yes No Biological Safety Approval? (e.g., infectious agents, mutagens, carcinogens, recombinant DNA, etc.) (10) Other invasive procedures? Yes No (Please explain fully in question 4.) Yes No a. For each chemical, radioactive, or biohazardous agent, list the (1) agent, (2) dose/kg body mass, (3) route of administration, and (4) frequency of administration. Please list only one agent per line. b. What are the potential health risks to humans and/or animals for each of the agents listed above? Be specific. c. Will the animals housed in the Vivarium or will staff/personnel be exposed to any of the above agents? Explain. d. Describe special animal care requirements relating to the use of any of the above hazardous materials. Are there any special containment facility requirements? e. Describe special precautions for animal handlers, including researchers and/or Vivarium staff. f. Describe waste and animal disposal requirements. 4. PROCEDURES TO BE PERFORMED For each species, describe the procedures to be performed on live vertebrate animals indicating: a. the type(s) of procedure(s) (treatments, surgery, tissue collection, injections, behavioral tests, etc.); b. the number of procedures to be performed on each animal and what endpoints will be established; c. expected effect of each procedure on the animal, including but not necessarily restricted to pain and discomfort; d. whether and when the animal will be euthanized during or following the procedures; e. drugs administered, including frequency and dose, and biohazardous materials if used; f. for animals brought into the Vivarium, either originally from a vendor or the wild, or after a procedure in another location, note the duration of quarantine/isolation and criteria for return to the Vivarium. 5. NUMBERS Indicate the number of animals you plan to use for each experimental procedure, justified according to accepted statistical principles. For breeding protocols, please indicate how many litters/clutches will be required to produce adequate numbers for your studies. Please indicate the maximum number you plan to generate by breeding and whether this number is different than the number that you plan to use for experiments. Numbers here must match those listed on the first page. 6. PAIN AND/OR DISCOMFORT a. Will the animals be exposed to uncomfortable or painful stimuli or procedures? Yes b. Will the pain or discomfort be minimized by the use of anesthetics and/or analgesics? Yes (Analgesics must be used following recovery surgery unless sufficient justification is provided.) No No If the answer to either (a) or (b) above is yes, please indicate the following: 1. Anesthetic to be used? 2. Dose? 3. Route of administration? 4. Frequency? 1. Analgesic to be used? 2. Dose? 3. Route of administration? 4. Frequency? c. Are you using neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA)? Yes No Are you combining NMBA with general anesthesia? Yes No (If the answer is yes to either question above, see Vivarium for agreement.) 1. What kind of NMBA? 2. Dose? 3. Frequency? 4. Route of administration? 5. Name of anesthetic? 6. Monitoring equipment? BP EEG Other d. In the event that you are unable to relieve pain or suffering, please indicate by your initials below that you agree to euthanize the animal(s) immediately or contact the Vivarium veterinarian. Initial here (typed OK): ________ (In the event that an animal held in the Vivarium is experiencing severe distress or is moribund and the PI or his/her designee(s) cannot be reached, the animal may be euthanized by the Vivarium veterinarian or Vivarium staff in consultation with the veterinarian.) 7. EUTHANASIA Euthanasia must be conducted in accordance with the Guidelines on the Panel of Euthanasia of the AVMA. Please list acceptable method(s) of euthanasia that will be used in this study for each species and check appropriate box(es) below. If you are uncertain about the suitability of a particular euthanasia method, consult the Vivarium veterinarian. CO2 Agent, dosage, and route? Other, describe Chemical overdose 8. TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE WITH VERTEBRATE ANIMALS TO BE USED IN THIS STUDY Who will perform procedures? Faculty Student(s) Who will supervise procedures? Faculty Vivarium technician(s) Others (e.g., veterinarian, non-CSUN faculty or technicians; specify below) Others (e.g., veterinarian, non-CSUN faculty or technicians; specify below) Name of supervisor(s): Please list the names of all individuals who will come into contact with the animals involved in this project, and indicate their past training and experience with the species to be used. Also, indicate whether these persons have received training by the Vivarium, including relevant IACUC training materials. Note that all employees working with vertebrate animals must receive appropriate training. Faculty who have had previous training at other institutions must attest to receiving such training. In addition, faculty are responsible for assuring appropriate training for their staff and students. Faculty who house animals in the Vivarium are required to document their training and that of their staff and students. This documentation must be placed in the Training Logs located in the Vivarium. Training materials are available from the Vivarium and from the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects. 9. EXPERTS Please list one or more experts whom the IACUC may contact who are familiar with the experimental procedures proposed in this study and who could offer an opinion regarding the appropriate use of vertebrate animals for this project. Faculty or a veterinarian would be appropriate. Indicate whether you would allow this/these expert(s) to review this form. 10. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Please attach a copy of your current résumé/CV (or if currently on file in the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, please indicate). Principal Investigator Assurance: I agree to abide by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the USDA Animal Welfare Regulations (CFR 1985) and Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996) and the CSUN’s policies governing the use of vertebrate animals for research, testing, teaching, or demonstration purposes. I also certify that the proposed studies do not represent unnecessary duplication of experiments. I will permit emergency veterinary care to animals showing evidence of pain or illness, if the desired effect(s) of the above-approved techniques are not achieved. The information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge. No deviation from Type C or D procedures (where proposed), will be attempted without prior written approval from IACUC. Appropriate space and funding are available for this study. The use of non-animal alternatives has been considered and found unacceptable at this time. I declare that all procedures involving live vertebrate animals will be performed under my direct supervision or under that of another qualified scientist as listed above. Technicians or students who will be involved have been trained in proper procedures in animal handling and in any invasive procedures or euthanasia to be used in this project. Principal Investigator (PI cannot be a student) Approvals: Date Signatures certify that adequate space, food/housing resources, supervision, maintenance equipment, and training in handling of this/these particular species will be available. Signatures below needed only if animals will be housed in the Department of Biology Vivarium. Chair, Department of Biology Date Vivarium Technician Date