2014-2015 Calendar Proof ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS General Office: Singer Hall, Room 465 Mailing Address: Department of Economics University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B. Canada, E3B 5A3 Phone: (506) 453-4828 Fax: (506) 453-4514 Email: econ@unb.ca Website: http://www.unbf.ca/arts/econ/ FACULTY Duhamel, Marc, BSc & MSc (Montreal), PhD (UBC), Vaughan Chair & Director of Policy Studies Centre - 2013 Dalkir, Elif, BS (Mathematics-METU), MS (Bogazici), MA (Mathematics-Kansas), PhD (Economics & Mathematics – Kansas), Assist. Prof. 2012 Dalkir, Mehmet S., BS, MS (Engineering-METU), MA (Kansas), PhD (Kansas), Assoc. Prof 2005 Farnworth, Mike, BA, MA (Qu.), PhD (McM), Assoc. Prof - 2000 Haan. Michael, BA (Dordt), MA (Windsor), PhD (Toronto), Assoc. Prof., Canada Research Chair, (Joint with Sociology), 2010 Lantz, Van, BA (Car.), MA (Dal), PhD (S.Fraser), Prof (Joint Forestry & Enviro Mgmt) - 2000 McDonald, Ted, BA (St. F.X.), MCom, PhD (Melbourne), Prof - 2001 Murrell, David, BA (Duquesne),BSocSc, MA (Ott), PhD (Qu), Prof - 1985 Myatt, Anthony E., BA (Lancaster), MA, PhD (McM), Prof - 1983 Passaris, Constantine E., BA (American U, Cairo), MA (Nfld), PhD (Leicester), Prof - 1972 Yevdokimov, Yuri, BSc (Sumy), MA (Academy of Science), MSc (Ill), PhD (Manit.), Prof (Joint Civil Eng.) - 1999 Yu, Weiqiu, BSc (Shandong), MA (UNB), PhD (S. Fraser), Prof & Chair - 1993 PROGRAMS OF STUDY The Department of Economics offers Majors and Honours programs to students in the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration and Science. The Department also offers a Minor to students from all 1|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof Faculties. The usual entry level courses are introductory microeconomics (ECON 1013 or ECON 1014) and introductory macroeconomics (ECON 1023 or ECON 1024). Students normally choose a Majors/Honours program in their second or third year and should register with the Department at the beginning of the academic year. Registration forms can be obtained from the departmental secretary in SH465 or downloaded from the departmental website at: http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/arts/undergrad/ba/economics/index.html. Minimum Academic Standards Students in all Faculties should note that the minimum grade in a course required by any of the Economics programs (Majors, Honours and Minor) is a "C". A grade of “D” is acceptable only if 1) the course is a normal part of the final year of that program, and is being taken for the first time in the final year; or 2) the course is not needed to meet the minimum credit hours of that program. ECONOMICS PROGRAMS TO ARTS STUDENTS Programs available to Faculty of Arts students include Majors and Honours in Economics, a Major in Economic Studies and a Minor in Economics. There is also a Minor in Public Policy jointly offered with Political Science. Major in Economics The Major consists of a minimum of 30 ch in Economics of which 24 ch must be in advanced courses (i.e., courses that start with the number 3 or higher are advanced). Required courses include ECON3023, ECON3013 , and a 3 ch course in statistics. Since the Economics Department does not offer an undergraduate statistics course, most statistics courses offered by other Departments are acceptable as an Economics statistics credit, e.g. ADM2623/ECON3601. Major in Economic Studies This Major consists of a minimum of 30 ch in Economics, of which 24 ch must be in advanced courses. There are no other restrictions on course selection. The Economic Studies Program is appropriate for those who want a liberal arts background in Economics without the commitment to theory and statistics required by the Major in Economics. Honours in Economics There are two Honours programs: Single Honours and Joint Honours. They are suitable for students who intend to become professional economists, particularly those who plan to do graduate work at UNB or another university. The Single Honours program consists of a minimum of 54 ch in Economics courses or approved substitutes. The Joint Honours program consists of 48 ch in Economics courses or approved substitutes. Students may substitute up to 9 ch of non-Economics courses for non-compulsory Economics courses. Department of Economics approval is required. These substitute courses must be 2|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. To remain in the Honours programs, a student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in Economics courses and approved substitutes. The following courses are compulsory for Honours students: ECON 3013 and ECON3023 , ECON3601/ADM2623 and ECON3628/ADM3628 or approved substitutes, ECON3665, ECON4013, ECON4023, ECON4625, and ECON4665. Minor in Economics In addition to the Majors/Honours programs in Economics, a Minor in Economics is also available to students from all Faculties. The minor in Economics shall consist of at least 24 ch in Economics. The courses for the Minor must be from a "coherent set of sequence of courses" as called for by the general university regulations for a Minor. Minor in Public Policy This is a joint Minor proposed by the departments of Economics and Political Science. Students may minor in Public Policy by completing 24ch of courses offered by the Department of Economics and the Department of Political Science. Students are required to complete 24ch as follows: a. 6ch of economics chosen from: ECON 1014 or ECON 1013 , ECON 1024 or ECON 1023 , ECON 3505 , ECON 3705 , ECON 3905 . b. 6ch of introductory political science (POLS) courses chosen from POLS 1103, POLS1203 , POLS 2200 , POLS 2203 . c. 6ch of advanced economics (ECON) courses from ECON 3055 , ECON 3203 , ECON 3504 , ECON 3702 , ECON 3755 , ECON 3775 , ECON 3801 , ECON 3815 , ECON 3845 , ECON 3865 . d. 6 ch of advanced political science (POLS) courses from POLS 3211 , POLS 3212 , POLS 3227 , POLS 3251 , POLS 3253 , POLS 3257 , POLS 3282 , POLS 3292 , POLS 3391 , POLS 3461 , POLS 3647 , POLS 3281 . ECONOMICS PROGRAMS TO BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS Programs available to Faculty of Business Administration students include Minor in Economics, Major in Economics, Honours in Economics, and Honours in Finance and Economics. Minor in Economics In addition to the Major and Honours programs, a Minor in Economics is available to Business Administration students. The Minor consists of at least 24 ch in Economics. For the Minor ADM2623 and ADM2624 are treated as Economics credits. This means BBA students can earn a Minor in Economics by taking only four Economics courses in addition to ECON 1013 or ECON1014 and ECON 1023 or ECON 1024 . The courses for the Minor must be from a “coherent set of sequence of courses” as called for by the general university regulations for a Minor. 3|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof Major in Economics The Major consists of a minimum of 30 ch in Economics of which 24 ch must be in advanced courses. Business students should note because the Economics Department does not offer its own statistics and quantitative methods courses, that ADM2623 and ADM2624 are treated as credits for advanced Economics courses. Required course include , and ADM2623. Honours in Economics Business Administration students can complete an Honours in Economics. Honours requires a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for the 24 ch or more of advanced courses required. The required courses are as follows: 21 ch comprised of ECON 3013 , ECON3023, ECON3665, ECON4013, ECON4023, ECON4625, and ECON4665. An additional 3 ch of other Economics electives beyond the introductory level. Honours in Finance and Economics Business Administration students may complete an Honours in Finance and Economics. The program requires cumulative GPA of 3.0 for the advanced courses required. The required courses are as follows: 6 ch comprised of ADM 3415 and ADM 4445. 3 ch comprised of ADM 3628 or approved equivalent. 9 ch from: ADM 3435 , ADM 4416 , ADM 4425 , ADM 4426 , ADM 4421 , ADM 4450 , ADM 4455 , and ADM 4475 (or MATH 4853 ). 18 ch comprised of: ECON 3013 , ECON 3023 , ECON 3665 , ECON 4013 , ECON 4023 , and ECON 4625. ECONOMICS PROGRAMS TO SCIENCE STUDENTS Programs available to Faculty of Science students include Majors and Honours in Economics, Major and Honours in Mathematics/Statistics-Economics and in Earth Science-Economics, and a Minor in Economics. Majors and Honours Students are advised to carefully plan their selection and sequencing of foundation courses as each course is a prerequisite for higher level courses within the same subject area. Students normally choose a major or Honours in the second year and should register with the Department at the beginning of the academic year. Registration forms may be obtained from the departmental secretary in SH465 or downloaded from the departmental website at: http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/arts/departments/economics/index.html. Major in Economics A Major will consist of 42ch in Economics courses, 63 ch in other Science courses (including CS 1003 or CS 1073)and 21 ch of electives for a total of 126ch. The following courses are compulsory for this program: ECON 1013, 4|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof ECON 1023, ECON 3013, ECON 3023, ECON 4013, ECON 4023, ECON 3665, MATH 1003 or 1053, MATH 1013 or 1063, CS 1003 or 1073, STAT 3083, and STAT 3093. Course selection should normally conform to the following pattern: First Year (36 ch minimum) 1. ECON 1013, ECON 1023, CS 1003 or 1073, MATH 1003 or 1053, MATH 1013 or 1063 2. A total of 20 ch of first year science lecture and labratory courses in two subjects areas of Biology, Chemistry, Geology (Earth Sciences), and Physics Second Year (30ch minimum) 1. ECON 3013, ECON 3023, and 6 ch electives in Economics 2. Two additional courses of first year science lectures in the same subject area 3. STAT 3083, STAT 3093 4. 6ch chosen from List A Note: Students who did not take ECON 1013, 1023 in their first year may enter the program by taking these courses in their second year. They should consult the Undergraduate Director in Economics for course selections. Third and Fourth Years(60 ch minimum) 1. ECON 4013, ECON 4023, ECON 3665 2. A minimum of additional 15 ch (advance level) in Economics 3. 21 ch of approved electives (at least 9ch must be advanced level as defined by the relevant Department) 4. 15ch chosen from List A (at least 6ch must be at advanced level as defined by the relevant Department). List A: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology (Earth Sciences), Mathematics, Physics, Statistics. Honours in Economics The Honours program is designed mainly for persons who intend to become professional economists, particularly those who plan to do graduate work in Economics at UNB or some other universities. The program emphasizes economic theory, mathematical economics, mathematics and quantitative research methods Admission to the Honours Program is restricted to persons who have earned a grade of B or higher in ECON 1013 and 1023 or MATH 1003 and 1013 or their equivalences, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. To remain in the Honours program a student must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 in Economics courses and approved substitutes, with no grade lower 5|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof than C in a required course. The Honours Program consists of 48ch in Economics courses, 63 ch in other Science courses (including CS 1003 or CS 1073 ) and 15 ch of electives for a total of 126 ch. The following courses are compulsory for Honours students: ECON 1013, ECON 1023, ECON 3013, ECON 3023, ECON 4013, ECON 4023, ECON 4625, ECON 4665, MATH 1003 or 1053, MATH 1013 or 1063, MATH 2003, MATH 2013, MATH 2213, CS 1003 or 1073, STAT 3083, and STAT 3093. Course selection should normally conform to the following pattern: First Year (36 ch minimum) 1. ECON 1013, ECON 1023, CS 1003, or 1073, MATH 1003 or 1053, MATH 1013 or 1063. 2. A total of 20 ch of first year science lecture and labratory courses in two subject areas of Biology, Chemistry, Geology (Earth Sciences), and Physics. Second Year (30 ch minimum) 1. ECON 3013, ECON 3023 and 6 ch electives in Economics 2. Two additional term courses of first year science lectures in the same subject area. 3. MATH 2003, MATH 2013, STAT 3083, STAT 3093 NOTE: Students who did not take ECON 1013, 1023 in their first year may enter the program by taking these courses in their second year. They should consult the Undergraduate Director in Economics for course selections. Third and Fourth Years (60 ch minimum) 1. 2. 3. 4. ECON 4023, ECON 4625, ECON 4665 MATH 2213 A minimum of 18 additional ch (advanced level) in Economics 12 ch chosen from List A (at least 6ch must be at advanced level as defined by the relevant Department) 5. 15 ch approved electives (at least 6ch must be advanced level as defined by the relevant Department) List A: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology (Earth Sciences), Mathematics, Physics, Statistics Major or Honours in Mathematics/Statistics and Economics The combination of mathematics, statistics and economics is a natural one as students will see practical applications of mathematics and statistics in their economics courses and the rigorous techniques from mathematics will aid students in their problem-solving 6|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof skills. Requirements for a Science degree are listed below. First Year First year required courses are listed under the BSc general regulations. MATH 1013 or 1063 must be included. CS 1003 or 1073 , one of ECON 1013 and 1023 or ECON 1001 and 1002 may be taken in first or second year. Recommended elective: STAT 2043 . Second Year MATH 2003 , 2013 , 2203 , 2213 , ECON 1013 , 1023 , CS 1003 or 1073 (if not taken in first year), plus approved electives to bring the course load to a minimum of 30 ch. Third and Fourth Years 1. MATH 3003 , 3043 , and two courses chosen from MATH 3033 , 3073 , 3213 , 3243 , 3373 , 3473 , 3803 , 4423 , 4433 or 4853 . 2. STAT 3083 , 3093 , 4443 , and three courses chosen from STAT 3303, 3383 , 4053 , 4073 or 4303 . 3. ECON 3013 , 3023 , 4013 , 4023 , 4625 , 4665 plus at least 3 additional term courses in Economics. 4. An additional 9 ch of electives so that the total in third and fourth year is 66 ch. The minimum total number of credits for the degree is 135 ch. Recommended electives: MATH 3413 , MATH 3813 , and any of the courses listed above. Honours Requirements Math 3103 and 3113 must be taken and MATH 3003 becomes an elective course. Honours students must take a total of 33 ch of upper level MATH/STAT courses. The minimum GPA for an honours degree from the Faculty of Science is 3.0. Note: Some year-to-year variation in Economics course selection is possible. For example a student taking ECON 1013 , 1023 in year 1 may wish to take ECON 3013 , 3023 in year 2. Major in Geology (Earth Sciences)/Economics First Year Students follow the first year Science curriculum. MATH 1003 or 1053 , 1013 or MATH 1063 must be taken. ECON 1001 , 1002 or ECON 1013 , 1023 may be taken in the first or second year. ESCI 1001 , 1012 must be included; ESCI 1703 is recommended. One of ESCI 1006 or 1017 must be included; it is recommended that students take both laboratory courses. 7|Page 2014-2015 Calendar Proof Second Year ESCI 2131 , 2142 , 2212 , 2321 , 2703 , STAT 2043 , one of MATH 2003 and 2013 or 1503 and 2513 , plus ECON 1013 , 1023 if not taken in the first year. ECON 3013 and 3023 should be taken in the second year if ECON 1001 , 1002 or ECON 1013 , ECON 1023 were taken in the first year. Third and Fourth Year ESCI 3131 , 3322 , 4312 , 4461 , 4472 , 4442 plus a minimum of 1 term course in Geology (Earth Sciences), ECON 3013 , 3023 , 3665 , 3755 , 3794 , 4013 , 4023 plus a minimum of 2 term courses in economics, CS 1003 and a minimum of 4 additional approved term courses. Minor in Economics A minor in Economics is available to Science students. It consists of at least 24 ch in Economics with a grade of 2.0 or better. For the minor up to 6 ch in statistics courses from other Departments may be treated as equivalent to Economics statistics and therefore counted as an Economics credit. The courses for the minor must be from a “coherent set of sequence of courses” as called fo by the general university regulations for a Minor. Additional Programs: Cooperative Education Program The Department operates a small Co-operative Education (Co-op) Program available to academically qualified Honour and Majors in Economics and Majors in Economic Studies. It is coordinated through the Faculty of Business Administration. This Program offers students the opportunity to undertake paid work-terms, the work to include economic research and analysis beyond classroom instruction. The Program offered within the Department consists of a minimum of three (3) four-month work-term sessions which may or may not be taken consecutively depending on the work-term offer taken. These work-term sessions are in addition to the normal eight semesters of academic study. The Program allows the student to obtain a Major in Economics or Economic Studies or Honours in Economics in addition to Co-op participation. Students normally apply to enter the Co-op program after completing the first year of study, but later admission may be possible. The following Program rules apply: 1. 2. 3. 4. 8|Page Admission into the Program is selective. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 while participating in the Co-op Program. Students must successfully complete CS1043 Introduction to Computers before entering the Co-op Program. Completion of CS2525 Microcomputer Applications is recommended before entry into the Program. Students must be fully registered at UNB during each work-term so that they can be considered as full-time students while working. A Co-op fee will be charged for each registered 4-month work-term to cover placement 2014-2015 Calendar Proof 5. 6. 7. 8. and administration costs. Students must undertake a minimum of 3 work-terms. The work-terms may alternate with study-terms, or the terms may run consecutively over two or three terms, depending on employer demand. Each 4-month work term will be monitored directly by the employer, and by the departmental Co-op Director through oral and written communications with the employer and student. The student must complete a work-term report after each 4-month term. Work-term evaluations by the employer and work-term reports must be satisfactory for the Co-op designation to appear on university transcripts. Each successful work-term will appear on the student’s transcript. Students must complete at least one study-term after their last work-term. The term "Co-operative Education in Economics" will follow the degree designation on the student’s final transcript. © University of New Brunswick | Change Accessibility Settings | Contact the University Secretariat | Academic Inquiries Search Calendar 9|Page