
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Archaeology Interdepartmental Program
David Black - Department of Anthropology -
Susan Blair - Department of Anthropology -
Ryan Gibbon - Department of Anthropology -
Maria Papaioannou - Department of Classics & Ancient History
Archaeology Program Advisor
• Dr. David Black - Department of Anthropology, Annex C, Room 32A
Fredericton, NB
The Archaeology Interdepartmental Program offers a comprehensive, fouryear curriculum covering anthropological archaeology, classical archaeology
and related subjects. The core of the program is offered through the
departments of Anthropology and Classics & Ancient History. Students have
a choice of Minor, Major, Double Major, Honours or Joint Honours study,
with emphasis in either an Anthropological Archaeology stream or a
Classical Archaeology stream. The first two years of the program are
comprised of required courses, which provide foundational overviews of the
discipline of Archaeology. While the upper-level program structure allows
students to specialize in one of the two streams (Anthropological or
Classical), students are required to take upper-level courses from both
Minor, Majors and Honours Program
Students may enter the Minor program at any time before completing more
than 90 ch of undergraduate study, and after consultation with the
Archaeology Program Advisor. The Minor in Archaeology will consist of 24
ch of courses, forming a coherent sequence, distributed as follows:
• 6 ch of first-level archaeology;
• 6 ch of second-level archaeology;
• 12 ch of upper-level archaeology.
Students must achieve a grade of C or better in each individual course.
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Lower-Level Requirements:
First Level Requirements: ARCH (ANTH) 1303 and ARCH (CLAS)
Second Level Requirements: ARCH (ANTH) 2303 and ARCH
(CLAS) 2333
Upper-Level Requirements:
Major: Students may enter the Major program after completing 60 ch of
undergraduate study, and after consultation with the Archaeology Program
Advisor. The Major in Archaeology consists of 24 ch of upper-level courses,
distributed as follows:
• 15 ch in the student's chosen Archaeology stream;
• 9 ch in the other Archaeology stream;
Students must achieve a grade of C or better in each individual course.
Double Major: Students may undertake Double Major study in Archaeology
and another discipline; Archaeology requirements are the same as for a
Major. Students majoring in Archaeology may not undertake a Double
Major with Anthropology or Classics.
Honours: To be eligible for admission to the Honours program, students
must have:
• completed 60 ch of undergraduate study with a cumulative GPA 2.5 or
• completed at least 12 ch of Archaeology course work with a cumulative
GPA of 3.0 or higher in Archaeology courses.
For admission to Honours, students must apply in writing to the
Archaeology Program Advisor.
The Honours program in Archaeology consists of 36 ch of upper-level
courses, distributed as follows:
24 ch in the student's chosen Archaeology stream;
12 ch in the other Archaeology stream;
the above must include ANTH 5303 and CLAS 5013;
at least 3 ch of the above must be a recognized course involving
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
archaeological field research, or an acceptable equivalent; †
• at least 3 ch of a science, an applied science, computing, statistics, or a
technical subject relevant to archaeological practice. ‡
Students must achieve a grade of B- or better in each individual course.
Joint Honours: Students may undertake Joint Honours study in
Archaeology and another discipline. Students Honoring in Archaeology may
not undertake a Joint Honours with Anthroplogy or Classics.
Archaelogy requirements for a Joint Honours include 27 ch of upper-level
courses, distributed as follows:
18 ch in the student's chosen Archaeology stream;
9 ch in the other Archaeology stream;
the above must include either ANTH 5303 and CLAS 5013;
at least 3 ch of the above must be a recognized course involving
archaeological field research, or an acceptable equivalent.†
Students must achieve a grade of B- or better in each individual course.
†This requirement may be satisfied through completing a field school
program offered by Anthropology or by Classics & Ancient History, or
through field schools offered by other universities or research institutions, or
through field experience gained in a non-university setting, such as
employment on government-sponsored or private-sector cultural resource
management-based archaeological projects. Students should consult the
Archaeology Program Advisor in advance with regard to fulfilling this
‡Examples of UNB courses that would fulfill this requirement: introductory
biology, geology, chemistry or physics courses; introductory computer
science; STAT 2043 ; MATH 1003 ; PSYC 2113 ; ANTH 3052 ; BIOL
4352 ; GGE 1001 , 2423 ; FNAT 2703 . Students should consult the
Archaeology Program Advisor with regard to fulfilling this requirement.