2015-16 Programme Plan Template 2015-16 Programme Plan Overview The Programme Plan evaluates the current health of a programme, or by exception, a cluster of programmes (with agreement from the AGC-SELE) and proposes actions for development based on evidence of significant issues/good practice and situational factors. For on-campus programmes, the author of the programme plan is normally the Programme Leader. For off-campus programmes, it is normally the Link Tutor together with the partner Course Manager will complete the document. In the case of a cluster of programmes, the plan’s author is required to work with the cluster Programme Leaders to agree and update the plan. Where the programme is delivered On Campus and at Off Campus locations, the Link Tutor will produce individual Programme Plans. The On Campus Programme Leader is expected to review the suite of Programme Plans prior to publishing to identify common items. The common items should either be addressed within all the Programme Plans or be escalated for attention at Subject level through the SASER (Subject Annual Self Evaluation Report). The purpose of the Programme Plan is to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of academic standards and quality at programme and module level. It should identify good practice and opportunities for development at module and programme level. It should identify areas for improvement and identify key priorities with specific timeframes. The Programme Plan provides: A review of the previous year’s programme management (issues, good practice, enhancement activity) – Completed in October 2015. A narrative comprising an analysis of programme monitoring data (including statistics about applicants, enrolment, progression and achievement, employability, demographics, exit velocity) over a three year period. As data follows the student life cycle, respective sets of statistics become available at different points in the academic cycle. The programme plan should be refreshed and updated prior to presentation at each of the 3 SSLCs that occur throughout the academic year. The plan is updated by inclusion of additional data/ information as it becomes available, as follows. Examples include the DHLE data and information about recruitment. It is expected that the data will be available as per the following schedule: Data Type Recruitment Profile Progression Attainment MEQ NSS UPSS DLHE Expected release date Early – Mid October Early – Mid October Early – Mid October Early – Mid October February and July Mid October Mid October June Updated PP presented to SSLC November November November November May and following November February February Following November Identification of Significant Action Points in tabular format taken from Qualtrack/a PQEP (evidence will include programme monitoring data analysis, External Examiner Reports, minutes from committees/boards, Module Reports, 1 Module Reports, School Quality Enhancement Plans/Local Academic Plans and the University Quality Enhancement Plan). The Programme Plan is a ‘live’ document which enables consideration of the data along with other information throughout the academic year. Action points can be identified on a cyclical basis as the evaluation of data occurs. A table containing Significant Action Points for the current academic year and beyond Significant Action points that have resource implications must first be formally agreed with your Head of School/Division prior to publication and dissemination of the Programme Plan. The procedure is as follows: If resources are required for implementation, agreement and comment from the Head of School to indicate support for the plan and investment is required prior to dissemination. If the Head of School/Division is not able to support the implementation only due to budget constraints, note should be made that the Head of School will include the request will be considered for inclusion in the local planning process for the next academic session. If the Head of School/Division is not able to support the investment for the foreseeable future, the item should be reconsidered and if necessary the proposed action changed to one that requires less or no investment; Publication and dissemination of the Programme Plan Once the Programme Plan has been written, it should be published and disseminated, as follows: 1. The Programme Plan should be forwarded to Head of School/Division and the Academic Group Coordinator, SELE; 2. The agreed Programme Plan should be uploaded by the author onto the Quality Portal on Moodle 2 following consideration at each SSLC (for advice about the location and access to the relevant Quality Portal please see the AVC SELE for your School/Division). 3. The programme plan should be presented to each Student Staff Liaison Committee for discussion/consultation/progress report/approval, as follows. a. October 2015 in draft - following EE Report and before first Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) b. January 2016 - at end of Semester 1 with updates for second SSLC c. June 2016 - at end of Semester 2 with updates for summer SSLC if held 4. The Programme Plan is then received by the School/OCD Board via the School/OCD Quality Standing Panel. 2 PROGRAMME PLAN 2015-16 PROGRAMME TITLE OR LIST OF PROGRAMMES IF CLUSTERED Date and Version of this document 1 Review of previous year Consider key strengths and issues of programme management and delivery. Provide an audit trail to sources of evidence (approx. 300 words). Append to the Programme Plan the PQEP items from QualTrack which detail the External Examiner comments and also append your letter of response to the External Examiner’s comments. The external examiner reports are available on line at the following location http://www.bolton.ac.uk/Quality/EEE/ExternalExaminersReports/Home201415.aspx A PDF of the External Examiner Report and a copy of the Programme Leaders formal letter of response to the External Examiner should both be appended to this Programme Plan. 2 Data Analysis What important messages are coming from your data reports? Are there any trends over time that require your attention? Provide an overview here and incorporate actions where appropriate into Section 3 either to promote good practice, maximize on opportunities or address issues of concern. Provide a short evaluative overview of between 500-1000 words 3. 2015-16 Programme Significant Actions Points Relating to Programme(s) – (insert Title(s)) UK Quality Code Chapter (see below1) B4 Enabling student development and achievement Evidence sources Matters identified Intended outcomes Action to be taken to achieve intended outcomes Target Date 2015-16 2016-17 Action by (role) Reported to Evaluation Progress (process or report (Traffic evidence) light system Red, Amber Green and Blue for complete)2 Improved attendance, retention and progression of foundation year students. Strengthen personal tutor interventions. Evaluate teaching, learning and assessment strategies and support via Foundation Programme Network. 2015-16 Programme Leader, Personal Tutors SSLC Nov 2015 School Board xXX 2016. Evidence: % attendance and % pass rate increasing - Good practice (GP) - Area for improvement (AFI) Foundation module registers Module statistics (July 2015 Assessment Board) Programme monitoring data (2014-15) SSLC Minutes May 2015 AFI: Foundation year retention and progression needs to be improved Amber – Personal tutoring interventions applied (Nov 2015) UK Quality Code Chapter: B1 Programme design, development and approval, B2 Recruitment, selection and admission to HE, B3 Learning and teaching, B4 Enabling student development and achievement, B5 Student engagement, B6 Assessment of students and the recognition of higher learning, B7 External examining, B8 Programme monitoring and review, B9 Academic appeals and student complaints, B10 Managing higher education provision with others, B11 Research degrees, Part C Information. 2 Red = not going to achieve intended outcome within stated timeline/Amber = problems identified and additional action needed to bring back on track/Green = on track to achieve intended outcomes within planned timeframe/Blue = Actions completed and intended outcomes achieved. 5 4 Overview of future plans for the programme Looking further to the future than the current academic session, provide an overview (approximately 500 – 1000 words) of future opportunities that will influence the Programme Plan and help to determine the direction of the programme. What are the opportunities to be exploited or the threats that need to be mitigated and how does the Programme Team plan to deal with these issues? . 5 Details of any resource implications*. *If any resource implications for actions are presented on a version of the Programme Plan then these should be first discussed and agreed by the Head of School before publication/dissemination. To be signed by: Head of School/Division Signature of Support ……………………………………………………… Date ………………………………… Comment(s) by Head of School/Division To be signed by: AVC SELE ……………………………………………………… Date ………………………………… To be appended to the Programme Plan: External Examiner Report for the relevant year of delivery; Formal Letter of Response from the Programme Leader to the External Examiner.