A14 - Template for the Report

A14: Template for the Report
Validation / Standing Approval / ISR1 Panel
A sub-committee of Education Committee
Report of a Validation/Standing Approval/ISR2 Panel held on [insert date xx-xx-2016]
to consider [insert award and programme title]
The decision of the Validation/Standing Approval/ISR3 Panel is to recommend the following
to Senate:
[Tick one]
To approve the provision for a 5 year period or until the next Internal Subject Review
To approve the provision for a designated period of time (less than 5 years)
That the provision is not approved for the following detailed reasons [insert list of
reasons for non-approval]
The Panel affirms the following:
 [Insert affirmations]
The Panel commends the programme team on:
 [Insert commendations]
To ensure that the programme is fit for purpose, exceptionally, the Panel requires the
completion of the following CONDITIONS of approval, by [insert date xx-xx-2016]
1. ………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………… ..
Delete as relevant
Delete as relevant
3 Delete as relevant
RECOMMENDATIONS (Maximum of three)
To ensure that the programme(s) remains fit for purpose, the Panel makes the following
recommendations for action during the first year of operation, [insert academic year].
1. ………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………… ..
3. ………………………………………………[maximum of 3 recommendations]
Progress on these recommendations should be reported during the annual monitoring of the
Programme(s) in the Programme Plan for the first year of operation, [insert academic year].
Title and Name
e.g. Prof. Jane Smith
Insert rows as required
Job title
Head of School
Meeting with current students (anonymised):
Number of participants
Programme, level
Role on Panel
Student representative
[insert tick]
Insert rows as required
Meeting with members of the management and/or programme team:
Title and Name
Job title
Insert rows as required
Meeting with employers and professionals:
Title and Name
Employer/ Organisation / profession
Insert rows as required
Purpose of the event:
[Insert a summary of the key points: rationale, market demand, career destinations,
employer engagement and student engagement during development]
Presentation by the Proposing team:
[Insert a summary of the key points and include a reference to the location of the
presentation slides]
Criteria for programme approval:
[Insert a summary of how the proposal meets the broad criteria]
 Rationale for the programme, market demand and employment prospects for
 Benchmarking Academic Standards
 Aims and intended learning outcomes of the programme;
 Programme structure and curriculum content;
 Learning, teaching and assessment;
 Entry requirements;
 Enabling student development, achievement and engagement;
 Management and organisation;
 Adequacy of human and physical learning resources;
 Maintenance of academic standards and enhancement of quality at module and
programme level
 Valid, reliable, useful and accessible information about the provision
[Insert a summary of how the proposal meets any relevant specific criteria, as follows.]
 Collaborative partnerships and progression or articulation arrangements.
 Qualifications awarded in conjunction with another degree awarding body (Joint and
Double Qualifications)
 Qualifications awarded in conjunction with another degree awarding organisation
(e.g. Pearson Ltd., for Edexcel awards)
 Provision that involves accreditation by a Professional, Statutory and Regulatory
Body (PSRB)
Students’ views:
[insert a summary of the key points]
The Tour of Resources:
[insert a summary of the key points]
Employers’ views:
[insert a summary of the key points]
Standards and Enhancement Office
[insert date xx-xx-2016]