A14: Template for the Report Report Validation / Standing Approval / ISR1 Panel A sub-committee of Education Committee Report of a Validation/Standing Approval/ISR2 Panel held on [insert date xx-xx-2016] to consider [insert award and programme title] 1. DECISION The decision of the Validation/Standing Approval/ISR3 Panel is to recommend the following to Senate: [Tick one] 2. To approve the provision for a 5 year period or until the next Internal Subject Review To approve the provision for a designated period of time (less than 5 years) That the provision is not approved for the following detailed reasons [insert list of reasons for non-approval] COMMENDATIONS and AFFIRMATIONS The Panel affirms the following: [Insert affirmations] The Panel commends the programme team on: [Insert commendations] 3. CONDITIONS To ensure that the programme is fit for purpose, exceptionally, the Panel requires the completion of the following CONDITIONS of approval, by [insert date xx-xx-2016] 1. ……………………………………………… 2. …………………………………………… .. 1 Delete as relevant Delete as relevant 3 Delete as relevant 2 4. RECOMMENDATIONS (Maximum of three) To ensure that the programme(s) remains fit for purpose, the Panel makes the following recommendations for action during the first year of operation, [insert academic year]. 1. ……………………………………………… 2. …………………………………………… .. 3. ………………………………………………[maximum of 3 recommendations] Progress on these recommendations should be reported during the annual monitoring of the Programme(s) in the Programme Plan for the first year of operation, [insert academic year]. 5. PANEL AND PARTICIPANTS OF MEETINGS Panel: Title and Name e.g. Prof. Jane Smith Insert rows as required Job title Head of School Meeting with current students (anonymised): Number of participants Programme, level Role on Panel Chair Student representative [insert tick] Insert rows as required Meeting with members of the management and/or programme team: Title and Name Job title Insert rows as required Meeting with employers and professionals: Title and Name Employer/ Organisation / profession Insert rows as required 6. DISCUSSION Purpose of the event: [Insert a summary of the key points: rationale, market demand, career destinations, employer engagement and student engagement during development] Presentation by the Proposing team: [Insert a summary of the key points and include a reference to the location of the presentation slides] Criteria for programme approval: [Insert a summary of how the proposal meets the broad criteria] Rationale for the programme, market demand and employment prospects for graduates; Benchmarking Academic Standards Aims and intended learning outcomes of the programme; Programme structure and curriculum content; Learning, teaching and assessment; Entry requirements; Enabling student development, achievement and engagement; Management and organisation; Adequacy of human and physical learning resources; Maintenance of academic standards and enhancement of quality at module and programme level Valid, reliable, useful and accessible information about the provision [Insert a summary of how the proposal meets any relevant specific criteria, as follows.] Collaborative partnerships and progression or articulation arrangements. Qualifications awarded in conjunction with another degree awarding body (Joint and Double Qualifications) Qualifications awarded in conjunction with another degree awarding organisation (e.g. Pearson Ltd., for Edexcel awards) Provision that involves accreditation by a Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) Students’ views: [insert a summary of the key points] The Tour of Resources: [insert a summary of the key points] Employers’ views: [insert a summary of the key points] Standards and Enhancement Office [insert date xx-xx-2016]