Announcements 10/7/11 Prayer We’re likely not going to finish dispersion today, so you might want to wait until after Monday before doing Lab 3 (Dispersion). I just got the exams from the Testing Center, TA & I will work on grading them today & this weekend. Non Sequitur Reading Quiz Which of the following was not a major topic of the reading assignment? a. Dispersion b. Fourier transforms c. Reflection d. Transmission Reflection/transmission at boundaries: The setup x=0 Region 1: light string in-going wave reflected wave i ( k1xw1t ) transmitted wave AI e i ( k1xw1t ) ARe i ( k1xw1t ) f1 AI e Region 2: heavier string Goal: How much of wave is transmitted and reflected? (assume k’s and w’s are known) i ( k1xw1t ) ARe f1 AI cos(k1x w1t I ) AR cos(k1x w1t R ) AT ei ( k2 xw2t ) i ( k2 xw2t ) f2 AT e f 2 AT cos(k2 x w2t T ) Why are k and w the same for I and R? (both labeled k1 and w1) “The Rules” (aka “boundary conditions”) a. At boundary: f1 = f2 b. At boundary: df1/dx = df2/dx Boundaries: The math x=0 i ( k1xw1t ) f1 AI e B.C.1: i ( k1xw1t ) i ( k2 xw2t ) ARe f1 x0 f 2 f2 AT e Goal: How much of wave is transmitted and reflected? x0 AI ei (k1 0w1t ) ARei (k1 0w1t ) AT ei (k2 0w2t ) AI e iw1t ARe AI AR AT iw1t AT e and iw2t w1 w2 Boundaries: The math x=0 i ( k1xwt ) f1 AI e B.C.2: df1 dx x 0 i ( k1xwt ) ARe df 2 dx ik1 AI e f2 AT e Goal: How much of wave is transmitted and reflected? x 0 ik1 AI ei ( k1xwt ) ik1 AR ei ( k1xwt ) iwt i ( k2 xwt ) ik1 ARe x 0 iwt k1 AI k1 AR k2 AT ik2 AT ei ( k2 xwt ) ik2 AT e iwt x 0 Boundaries: The math x=0 Goal: How much of wave is transmitted and reflected? AI AR AT k1 AI k1 AR k2 AT 2 equations, 3 unknowns?? x y z Like: How do you solve? and 3x 3 y 5z Can’t get x, y, or z, but can get ratios! y = -0.25 x z = 0.75 x Boundaries: The results x=0 The results…. Goal: How much of wave is transmitted and reflected? AR k1 k2 r AI k1 k2 “reflection coefficient” AT 2k1 t AI k1 k2 “transmission coefficient” Recall v = w/k, and w is the same for region 1 and region 2. So k ~ 1/v Can write results like this: AR v2 v1 r AI v1 v2 AT 2v2 t AI v1 v2 Special Cases x=0 The results…. AR v2 v1 r AI v1 v2 AT 2v2 t AI v1 v2 Do we ever have a phase shift in reflected or transmitted waves? a. If so, when? And what is it? What if v2 = 0? a. When would that occur? What if v2 = v1? a. When would that occur? Power x=0 1 Recall: P mw 2 A2v 2 Region 1: m and v are same … so P ~ A2 PR R r2 PI (A = amplitude) r,t = ratio of amplitudes R,T = ratio of power/energy Region 2: m and v are different… more complicated …but energy is conserved, so easy way is: PT T 1 r2 PI Quick Writing We saw that A1cos(kx + 1) + A2cos(kx + 2) gives you a cosine wave with the same k, and hence wavelength. If you add a third, fourth, fifth, etc., such cosine wave, you still get a simple cosine wave. See How can you then add together cosine waves to get more complicated shapes? Or can you? Wave packets HW 17-5 Wave packets, cont. Results: a. To localize a wave in space, you need lots of spatial frequencies (k values) b. To remove neighboring localized waves (i.e. to make it non-periodic), you need those frequencies to spaced close to each other. (infinitely close, really) Dispersion A dispersive medium: velocity is different for different frequencies a. Any real-world examples? Why do we care? a. Real waves are often not shaped like sine waves. – Non sine-wave shapes are made up of combinations of sine waves at different frequencies. b. Real waves are not infinite in space or in time. – Finite waves are also made up of combinations of sine waves at different frequencies. Focus on (b) for now… (a) is the main topic of the “Fourier transform” lectures