Announcements 3/14/12 Prayer Happy Pi day!

Announcements 3/14/12
Happy Pi day!
Exam 2: on track to finish by tomorrow morning
Frank &
A More General View of Focusing
Reading Quiz
A complex imaging system can be reduced to
an equivalent:
a. thin lens
b. thick lens
c. thin plate
d. thick plate
Reading Quiz
The effective beginning and end of the
equivalent thin lens are called the ______
a. dominant
b. primary
c. principal
d. secondary
e. serving
Principal Planes
Reading Quiz
For a laser cavity to be stable, the rays
a. must get back to the same height after one
round trip
b. must get back to the same height after an
infinite number of round trips
c. must remain at a finite height after an infinite
number of round trips
Laser Cavities
Result: should be stable if 1/2 (A + D) is between 1 and -1
Laser Cavities
HW P9.15
Result: should be stable if