Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations Adult Education Arts Education 21st Century Skills Readiness Project Charge ACLS with drafting a policy on underperforming adult education programs for review and discussion in FY 10 See page 3. Provide Establish a task administrators and force to identify arts educators the alignment of with disciplinethe Arts specific training, Framework with professional 21st Century Skills development, Identify districts sustained with model encouragement programs that and strengthen successfully student address 21st opportunities Century Skills in all arts disciplines Establish a system of regional and See page 6. statewide professional development for arts specialists and classroom Develop an accountability system for arts education Identify and highlight research-based models Identify and implement District Report Cards for Arts Programs See pages 6-7. Identify and replicate model arts education programs Include arts in licensure Create regional mentoring Integrate arts throughout the curriculum Develop and implement accountability system to ensure arts education Use technology to facilitate model 1 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations teachers See page 5. Community Service Learning 21st Century Skills Readiness Project and curriculum dissemination and professional development See page 5. Place resident artists in classrooms across the state See page 7. Convene a K-16 focus group of leaders in servicelearning to develop a plan for service-learning in MA Continue work on disseminating service-learning practices through a contextual learning website Encourage service-learning as a teaching and learning 2 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project technology. See page10. Educational Personnel Educational Technology English Language Learners/ Bilingual Education Develop a diversity summit Develop strategies that address the educator pipeline See page14. Use the level of “proficient” or above on the Technology Self-Assessment Tool (TSAT) as the federal reporting standards for teacher technology literacy proficiency See page 17. Require preservice teachers to be prepared to teach ELLs Reinstate bilingual educator licensure for twoway/dual Use the Council as a resource for vetting critical educational personnel issues See page14. Work in assessing and implementing the recommendations of the Governor’s readiness report See page14. Revise the TSAT to reflect the new PreK12 Technology Literacy Standards for students See page17. Review current regulations for the implementation of M.G.L. Ch. 71A Use titles for alternative language program types consistently Build capacity, using ARRA funds, to establish data systems that disaggregate information by Language Program Type, Reestablish ELL parent advisory councils Provide culturally and linguistically responsive American schooling Focus on higher education teacher preparation and in-service professional development Conduct school review of Focus on the variety and richness of languages and cultures from around the world that ELLs bring to school and the See educator development recommendations. See Curriculum and Instruction recommendations. 3 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations language programs with the requirement that teachers complete a comprehensive bilingual teaching program and demonstrate proficiency in both language and competency in content as well as second language pedagogy and culture Change the status of the four categories of Structured English Immersion preparation from guidance to regulation across all licensure groups Train and retool administrators in throughout the state to accurately describe the language of instruction and program format Develop and implement a plan of action to address the learning needs of ELLs who are underserved or not served Clarify or eliminate the OPT OUT classification Require achievement data which are disaggregated by Language Program type, duration, and student characteristics, duration in program, and demographics of ELLs Implement more Train the Trainer evidence-based programs provided by institutions of higher education for graduate credit Ensure that coordinated program reviews are conducted by professionals with knowledge and experience in working with ELLs Ensure state audit/oversight of teacher licensure depending on Language Program Type orientation to parents through parent advisory councils Provide documents and conduct meeting in a language parents and families understand Provide professional development for teachers and administrators to understand the strengths and needs of families from different cultures See page 23. 21st Century Skills programs for skills required by ELLs by language the 21st Century of instruction and Capitalize on the teacher first World qualifications language as a Develop a longresource for MA and short-term by widely plan to address the promoting twopersonnel way bilingual shortage in ESL, programs Bilingual, and See page 24. Bilingual/ESL Special Education, including council involvement See page 23. Readiness Project See Accountability Redesign for recommendations. 4 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations the areas of culture and language See pages 20-21. including language group and level of native language achievement Provide appropriate language programs where instruction in literacy and language development for pre-literate ELLs Monitor teacher credentials in language and content for quality of instruction Implement a plan and appropriate guidelines for implementation of Response to Intervention Establish culturally and 21st Century Skills Readiness Project See pages 22-23. 5 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Gifted and Talented Education Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project linguistically appropriate guidelines for special education assessment, eligibility, and implementation of IEPs See pages 21-22. Require gifted and Mandate the talented topics in identification and elementary service of gifted teacher and talented certification students with programs focus on inclusive representation Create See page 28. coursework standards for Academically Advanced licensure and for professional development requirements for those serving gifted and talented students 6 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project See page 28. Global Education Support preprofessional and professional development for teachers, so they can infuse their teaching with wider global knowledge, while working with state-level educational organizations to provide professional development and resources to bring global education to scale in MA Provide minigrants/seed money to provide professional Appoint council members to serve on frameworks and curriculum review committees to ensure a global perspective is infused Organize the first conference on Best Practices for Global Education Locate and disseminate, in print and online, replicable best practices Expand current foreign language offerings and require the K12 study of world Develop connections with other advisory councils to promote a global perspective in their work Collaborate with departments of education in other states to share new information, practices and lessons learned, and build/contribute to a common knowledge base See page 32. 7 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations development for teachers and administrators including grants for international study tours, infusing global education into existing curriculum, developing global education related service learning models, and awarding outstanding global education teaching See page 32. languages in the context of developing cultural understanding and global citizenship Explore strategies for integrating the global diversity in our school populations into global education teaching models Research opportunities for federal and foundation funding of world languages, professional development and international exchanges See page 32. 21st Century Skills Readiness Project 8 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations Interdisciplinary Change the date to revise the Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework to 2009 See page 35. Health Education & Human Services Life Management Skills Assist with opportunities for professional, curriculum and teacher develop in 18 for 18’s – A Guide to Entering Adulthood Responsibly See page 40. Support integration and application of life skills into the core academic content/curriculum areas with help refining the format, features and delivery mechanisms to better meet the needs of diverse audiences and settings. See page 40. 21st Century Skills Readiness Project Provide reimbursement equity among the various councils Change the procedure to select the advisory council chairperson See page 35. Vet the 18 for 18’s – A Guide to Entering Adulthood Responsibly with other advisory councils Receive greater emphasis and support in developing and offering opportunities for life skills education See page 40. Vet the 18 for 18’s – A Guide to Entering Adulthood Responsibly with subcommittees of the Readiness Project Recognize that achievement and expectation of life skills mastery is an essential component of educating the whole child See page 40. 9 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Mathematics and Science Education Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations Address issues of teacher professional development and provisions of adequate resources to all teachers and students in conjunction with the current framework revision Establish oversight: review the current recertification regulations and find ways to ensure the quality of professional development programs in mathematics that count towards recertification Establish and 21st Century Skills Readiness Project Revise the Science and Technology/Engin eering Curriculum Framework to embed student learning outcomes for scientific skills into each content topic at all grade spans See page 43. Develop guidance for districts in developing their own in—house capacity to assess students’ progress in concept formation and intellectual development through inquiry and experiential activities See pages 43-44. 10 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project publicize standards: create and publicize a new area on the career advancement website that lays out standards for content-based professional development Provide examples of high-quality professional development programs Seek out high quality programs: provide professional developers with a mechanism for reporting the extent to which they meet the standards See pages 43-46. 11 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations Parent & Community Education & Involvement Racial Imbalance Include culturally responsive and culturally relevant styles of pedagogy in professional development for and within all school districts Increase financial and/or career ladder incentives Develop policies that support the highest standard for academic achievement Include culturally responsive and culturally relevant styles of instruction in professional Continue work on compiling research, data and literature into a briefing paper Develop proposed draft rubrics and indicators for each standard to be used as a tool to help both schools and families understand what the standards look like in “real life” See page 49. Support training for educators on effective communication with family, parents and guardians particularly those of children of color, special needs and English 21st Century Skills Readiness Project Share proposed standards with stakeholder groups and other interested advisory councils Find volunteer schools that would “field test” the draft rubrics. See page 49. Review crosscultural competency and cross-cultural proficiency within all levels of ESE’s structure and staffing Reinstate and expand Chapter 636 funding Develop universal full day rigorous early education programs See page 53. 12 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers of color for schools with high numbers of students of color and low-income students Include crosscultural competency and cross-cultural proficiency measurable outcomes connected to educator and administrator initial and professional licensure, as well as recertification processes Create training that will result in culturally development for and within all school districts See page 53. language learners See page 54. 21st Century Skills Readiness Project which focused on student achievement Create opportunities for people of color to participate in discussions, conferences, and policy-making on issues of race Develop staffing guidelines for ESE and school districts that staff composition will more closely reflect the demographics of the Commonwealth Review and address current diversity of staffing within ESE Increase efforts to 13 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations responsive and culturally relevant instruction and pedagogy within school districts Support training for educators on effective communication with family, parents and guardians particularly those of children of color, special needs and English language learners Research how higher education addresses skill building and mastery for teachers of color Seek greater clarity in data reporting to clearly identify 21st Century Skills Readiness Project diversify the staffing of ESErelated committees in charge of the implementation of programs Encourage public schools, including charter schools, to have mandates to achieve racial diversity within school populations Review and address whether ESE currently operates and supports crosscultural competency and cross-cultural proficiency within all levels of its organization, structure, and 14 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations percentages of staff of color in school districts engaged in classroom or individual student instruction and counseling, supervision of teacher performance, and school administration See pages 53-54. 21st Century Skills Readiness Project staffing Research whether the relative success of charter schools is related to their exemption from the mandate for racial balance, and/or retain selected populations Research and analyze how current ESE policies help or hinder schools to close the racial achievement gap Disaggregate and examine data for socio-economic, race, language, and gender diversity to that interventions can be implemented to rectify hidden 15 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project undesirable trends See pages 53-55. School and District Accountability and Assistance Proceed with the next operational steps: statutory language, incorporation of self-assessment process, cutoffs for transition between levels, and requirements for intervention Vet the revised standards and indicators with districts to secure widespread support before district reviews begin in FY10 See page 57. Raises concern about the adequacy of resources and the capacity available to meet statutory requirements of 40 school district reviews in FY10 and to provide targeted assistance to all districts requiring intervention See page 57. 16 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Special Education Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project Appoint a representative of general education to this council to broaden and deepen discussion Post the white paper entitled “Applying the Child-First Ethic When Serving Students with Disabilities in Educational Settings” on the ESE website and send an advisory of its availability to general and special education personnel. Continue working to create a statewide definition for suspension so that accurate reporting 17 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project can be submitted Continue to improve upon working to meet the target set for the State Performance Plan, Indicator 15, Identification and Correction of Noncompliance Consider data collected via the State Performance Plan indicators and examine how this data an improve outcomes and policy Consider creating a virtual statewide information sharing platform regarding strategies and resources in special education 18 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project See page 60. Technology/ Engineering Education Urge educator preparation programs as part of their general education requirements for all grades and subject areas to include a contentdriven course sequence containing science and engineering components Urge ESE to establish a program that actively recruits, supports and provides mentorship for mid-career professionals from Create and maintain, in partnership with professional organizations a 21st Century Skills website where educators can find resources Integrate more thoroughly technology/engine ering and the engineering design process into the teaching of mathematics, science, social studies, and other areas Host an annual statewide conference to Recommend the acceptance of Technology/Engineeri ng as a laboratory science by the Board of Higher Education for the purpose of admission to state colleges and universities See page 69. Recognize and reward community organizations that contribute to the support of partnerships between schools, local industries and higher education that encourage the application of 21st Century Skills See page 69. 19 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Vocational Technical Education Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations industry interested in teaching technology/engine ering See pages 68-69. showcase yearlong capstone projects completed by 1112th gr. students and archive on the website noted above See page 69. Support ongoing updating of the VTE Frameworks within a three-year cycle See page 74. Expand Professional Development Institutes for Educators to include courses for VTE technical teachers and curriculum specialists See page 74. Develop a tracking system database to a higher level and begin the development of shared formative written and performance assessments for teachers, with adequate professional development to support successful implementation Work closely and collaboratively Begin to investigate long-term options with regards to expanding the capacity of the VTE system in order to provide access to more students and reduce the significant waiting lists See page 74. 21st Century Skills Readiness Project Appoint a task force that includes representation from higher education, ESE, guidance professionals, techprep, and the council to develop and implement a plan to extend, expand, and streamline postsecondary linkages with community colleges for the VTE Class of 2010 and beyond See pages 73-74. 20 Advisory Councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Recommendations 2008-2009 Advisory Council Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 1 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 2 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 3 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 4 Commissioner’s Working Goals and Priority 5 Educator Development Curriculum and Instruction Accountability Redesign Supports for Students and Families State Leadership and Operations 21st Century Skills Readiness Project with the VTE community on the Certificate of Occupational Proficiency to reach agreement on a design and implementation model that maximizes value to graduating students while providing meaningful instructional improvement data to teachers and administrators See page 74. 21