Name of Grant Program: Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Fund Code: 701 PART IV – REQUIRED STATISTICAL INFORMATION PLEASE NOTE: This version of the document is for local data collection and documentation purposes only. All data for Part IV must be entered into the surveys created through SurveyMonkey. See the RFP Required Forms section for more instructions. Below are the links to the individual sections of the survey. Part IV Program Contact Information and Sections A and B (Survey Link) Part IV, Sections C (Survey Link) Part IV, Sections D, E, F and G (Survey Link) Part IV, Sections H (Survey Link) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part IV Program Contact Information and Sections A and B – Survey Link: Program Contact Information District: __________________________________ Kindergarten Coordinator (Primary contact for all grant and programmatic issues in FDK) Name: Position: Mailing Address: Phone: Extension: Email: Second Kindergarten Contact (Co-coordinator or other administrator involved with the FDK) Name: Position: Mailing Address: Phone: Extension: Email: Check if the second contact wishes to receive the FDK email updates and announcements. Fiscal Contact Name: Position: Mailing Address: Phone: Extension: Email: Check if the fiscal contact wishes to receive the FDK email updates and announcements. List additional names and email addresses of individuals who wish to receive the FDK email updates and announcements. 1 Name of Grant Program: Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Fund Code: 701 Answer the following questions with the most accurate data available for FY2012. All grantees should complete this section. A. Program Structure in FY2012 1. Total number of children enrolled in kindergarten (all classes) as of June 2012 ________ 2. Estimated number of children who entered kindergarten without preschool experience ________ (Definition of preschool: public preschool, community-based preschool/child care, Head Start, licensed family child care.) 3. a. Number of children enrolled in full-day kindergarten ________ b. Of those in 3a, number enrolled who were experiencing homelessness 4. a. Total number of full-day kindergarten classrooms ________ ________ (Include grant funded and non-grant funded full-day kindergarten, multi-age and substantially separate classrooms with kindergarten-age eligible children that operated in FY2012.) b. Of the number in 4a, the number of classrooms serving children on IEPs ________ (Include classrooms that serve children on IEPs for “related services only.”) 5. Does the district offer transitional kindergarten classrooms? Yes (# of classrooms _____) No (Transitional kindergarten is a separate program for kindergarten-age eligible students between PreK and K as well as 1st grade-age eligible students between K and 1st grade.) 6. Total number of part-time kindergarten sessions 7. a. What is the range of full-day class sizes?* ________ to _________ (lowest #) (highest #) b. What is the range of part-time class sizes?* ________ to _________ (lowest #) (highest #) ________ ________ (average class size**) ________ (average class size**) * Do not include substantially separate special education classrooms with regulated class sizes. **Average class size is the total number of kindergarten students divided by the total number of classrooms. 8. a. How many children are being retained in kindergarten for the 2012-2013 school year? ________ b. Of the number in Question 8a, how many are students who will be placed in transitional kindergarten classrooms as defined in Question 5 for the 2012-2013 school year? ________ 2 Program Structure in FY2012 (continued) 9. Rank the three greatest challenges for creating a Preschool - Grade 3 Continuum in the district. (1 for most challenging; 2 for second most challenging; 3 for third most challenging) a. ___ Developing aligned curriculum b. ___ Implementing aligned assessments and methods of reporting c. ___ Continuity of instructional methods across and within PreK to Grade 3 d. ___ Implementing tiered instruction / tiered systems of support e. ___ Implementing developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) f. ___ Access to free, universal full-day kindergarten g. ___ Access to universal full-day preschool for three and four year olds h. ___ Engaging school leadership to foster and strengthen a PreK through Grade 3 system i. ___ Linking and collaborating with early education and care programs in the community j. ___ Family engagement and family-teacher partnerships to develop educational goals for students k. ___ Appropriate adult-child ratios that foster strong relationships and DAP l. ___ Class sizes of 20 or fewer students m.___ Well-qualified instructional aides/paraprofessionals n.___ Evaluating the quality of learning environments o. ___ Using standards, curriculum, and assessment to support the needs of the whole child p. ___ Other_____________________________________________________________________ B. Staffing for Full-Day Kindergarten Classrooms in FY2012 10. a. Complete this chart to show the presence of instructional aides in each full-day classroom in FY2012. Two examples are provided in the shaded area. This chart should reflect the presence of instructional aides regardless of whether or not they are paid by the grant. Instructional Aides in Full-Day Classrooms FY2012 Number of FDK Classrooms Number of FDK Classes with Full-Time Instructional Aide(s) Number of FDK Classes with Part-Time Instructional Aide(s) Average FTE for Part-Time Aide(s) Number of FDK Classrooms with NO Instructional Aide(s) e.g., 10 8 2 .5 0 e.g., 6 0 6 .45 0 (The total number of FDK Classrooms listed in the first column should add up to the same number listed in A4a on page 1.) b. What is the range of adult-child ratios in the full-day kindergarten classes? 1:____ to 1:____ (lowest)* c. What is the average adult-child ratio in the full-day kindergarten classes? (highest)** 1:____*** *Lowest = smallest number of children per adult (teacher, instructional aide) in a class. Do not include specialists working with children with disabilities for short periods of time only. Include part-time instructional aides as 1. **Highest = largest number of children per adult. ***Divide the total number of children by the total number of adults (e.g., 60 children, 3 teachers, 3 instructional aides = adult-child ratio of 1:10). Do not include substantially separate special education classrooms. 3 Part IV, Sections C – Survey Link: District: __________________________________ C. Status of NAEYC Accreditation in FY2012 Select one of the three following possibilities related to NAEYC Accreditation status and answer the related questions 11. _____ Worked on NAEYC Accreditation * Chart 11.a: Data on # of Accredited Buildings and Classrooms i. ii. iii. Number of Buildings Number of Accredited Total Number of with Buildings Accredited Full-Day Kindergarten Full-Day Kindergarten Classrooms in Classes buildings in Column 2 iv. Of the number provided in 11.a.iii, how many will be up for reaccreditation in FY 2013 Based on the number listed in question 11.a.ii (number of buildings accredited), list the names of the NAEYC accredited buildings in the district. Chart 11.b: Accreditation Status for Classrooms in Buildings that are not Accredited v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Classes in Classes Classes Denied Classes Awaiting Classrooms Enrollment Accepted for Candidacy Assessment Deferred by and/or Candidacy Decision NAEYC Application (Self-Study) x. Total Number of Classes Not Involved in NAEYC* * If there is a number in Column x, please explain why they are not involved in the accreditation process. Chart 11.c Accreditation Status for Preschool Classrooms xi. xii. Number of Preschool Classes Number of Preschool Classes NAEYC Involved in NAEYC Accredited 12. _____ Worked on an alternatives to NAEYC accreditation a. What instrument did the district select as part of its alternative to accreditation approach to address quality? (See options on next page.) 4 Status of NAEYC Accreditation in FY2012 (continued) American Montessori Society (AMS) - NAEYC Joint Accreditation Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Accreditation Ready Schools Assessment Tools of the Mind Work Sampling System b. Complete Attachment D: Report of Use of an Alternative to NAEYC Accreditation in FY2012 and attach to the district’s continuation grant application. 13. _____ requested a one year postponement from NAEYC Accreditation in FY2012 (Postponement is for one year only. Be sure that there is a plan for FY2013 to either pursue NAEYC accreditation or to apply for an Alternative to Accreditation as outlined in Part III, Section II, Question 3d.) 14. Does the district plan to request a one-year postponement from NAEYC Accreditation for FY2013? Yes___ or No___ Part IV, Sections D, E, F and G – Survey Link: District: __________________________________ D. Inclusion in FY2012 15. a. How many children in full-day kindergarten have Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs)? b. Of the # in Question 15a, how many were in inclusive/integrated* classrooms? (*defined as “fully-included” – included with peers at least 80% of the day) _____ _____ 16. a. How many children in part-time kindergarten have Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs)? _____ b. Of the # in Question 16a, how many were in inclusive/integrated* classrooms? (*defined as “fully-included” – included with peers at least 80% of the instructional time) _____ E. Schedule and Options 17. When does the district conduct kindergarten screening for incoming students? January - March July - September April - June Other - Describe: 5 Schedule and Options (continued) 18. If full-day kindergarten is offered district-wide, does a part-time option exist for families that do not want the full-day program? Yes No If yes, select the option. Parents pick the student up mid-day. District offers a session of part-time kindergarten as needed. Other. Describe: 19. If full-day kindergarten is not offered district-wide, how are children selected for the full-day classes? Based on the location of the elementary school or early childhood center. By lottery. Parent request or as needed. Other criteria or process. Describe: F. Screening and Assessment 20. Which of the following does the district use for screening children entering kindergarten? (Check all that apply.) Early Screening Inventory (ESI) BATELLE BRIGANCE PPVT DIAL-R Ages and Stages Questionnaire District-developed Screening Tool Other tool: ______________________________________________ 21. Which domains of kindergarten students’ development are assessed in an on-going way by the full-day kindergarten program? (Check all that apply.) Please list the instruments that are used to assess the domains that are checked. Domain Assessed? Instruments Used to Assess: Social and emotional Physical health Language and literacy Mathematics Other Domains Assessed: 22. If a domain is not assessed, please explain why. 6 G. Collaboration and Partnerships 23. Has the district partnered with any of the following public- or community-based organizations to support one or more of the grant objectives (check all that apply) Preschool program(s) in the public schools Preschool program(s) in the community Head Start Family child care providers Medical field Public Library Business field Higher Education Community and family engagement programs After-school and out-of –school time programs Other: __________________________________________________________________ Part IV, Section H – Survey Link: District: __________________________________ H. Tuition 24. Did the district charge tuition for full-day kindergarten in FY2012? Yes No (If yes, answer questions 24a, 24b, 24c, 25a and 25b; if no, skip to question 26) a. How many children paid some amount of the tuition (exclude children for whom the tuition was waived)? _____ b. Was there a revolving account in FY2011? _____ Yes _____ No c. If yes, what was end balance as of June 30, 2011? $__________ 25.a. $___________ Total Cost of Providing Full-Day Kindergarten in FY2012 25.a.1. $________ Contributions from FY2011 Revolving Account (if applicable) 25.a.2. $________ Contribution towards the cost from 701 grant funds 25.a.3. $________ Contribution towards the cost from the local funds 25.a.4. $________ Contribution from other funding sources (e.g., other grants, in-kind) not tuition 25a.5. $_________ Sub-total for non-tuition contributions towards the FY2012 cost (= Total of 25.a.1 through 25.a.4) $___________ Remaining balance to be covered by annual tuition (25.a minus 25.a.5) $___________ Total amount of tuition collected from families in FY2012 (= projected balance as of 6/30/12) 7 Tuition (continued) b. If there is a variance between the balance that needed to be covered in FY2012 and the amount of tuition collected (i.e., more tuition was collected than the balance that needed to be covered), how does the district plan to handle the overage? ______ The balance will be completely rolled-over to the FY2013 revolving account. ______ The balance will be refunded to families. ______ A portion of the balance will be rolled over to the FY2013 revolving account and a portion will be refunded to families. $__________ Rolled Over to FY2013 Revolving Account $__________ Refunded to Families 26. Will the district charge tuition in FY2013? Yes___ or No____ 27. If yes, what is the final FY2013 tuition for full-day kindergarten? $________________ (annual) 28. Has the district submitted a FY2013 Tuition Policies Statement of Assurance and sliding fee scale? Yes No (If no, please attach the Statement of Assurance and sliding fee scale to your contribution grant application.) 8