Name of Grant Program:
Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-ofSchool Time (ASOST-Q) – Continuation (FY16)
Fund Code: 530-A
CATEGORY A GRANTEES (programs receiving funds to implement quality enhancements)
This application for continuation grant funds includes end-of-year program reporting for current fiscal year
2014-2015 (FY15) grant activities, as well as proposed activities for FY16. Proposed activities for FY16
should be informed by lessons learned and program evaluation results from your current grant.
Continuation grant funds must be used to support continue or support new quality enhancements to
OST programming during the school year and/or summer (upon approval through August 31, 2016.)
 Proposed activities should be quality enhancements to existing programming and aligned to the
Purpose/Priorities outlined in the RFP/Funding Opportunity.
 Proposed quality enhancements should be informed by FY15 program evaluation and lessons
 Proposed quality enhancements may continue/build upon FY15 funded activities.
DUE DATE: August 4, 2015* (using the online link provided below)
*NOTE: If proposing to implement ONLY summer enhancement activities (July 1, 2016 – August 31,
2016), an email indicating as such must be received ( on or before August 4,
2015, and this application must be submitted (using the online link provided below) no later than
September 15, 2015.
Online Submission:
In order to facilitate the compilation of data related to the ASOST-Q grant, some information required for
your FY16 grant application must be submitted online. This includes information about FY15
implementation (09/01/2014-08/31/2015) and plans for FY16 (09/01/2015-08/31/2016).
The requested information must be submitted online using the following link:
Template for Part III-A - Required Program Information – Submit Online - page 1
Name of Grant Program:
Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-ofSchool Time (ASOST-Q) – Continuation (FY16)
Fund Code: 530-A
Online Submission Template
Directions: Below is a copy of the online questions for your planning purposes only. Please enter the
responses via the following link: When submitting, you will be able to save your responses and continue later by clicking on
the “save and continue” bar at the top of the online survey (after the first page). You will be prompted to
enter an email address, and a unique link will be sent to that email that will allow you to return to your
survey where you left off. You will also receive a PDF copy of your responses upon submission.
Organization (select from the dropdown on the online form)
Name of person completing this report
Email Address: (a copy of your submitted report will be sent to this address)
(FY15 Reporting) Quality Enhancement Areas: In which of the following areas were program
enhancements implemented using grant funds? (Check all that apply.)
 Comprehensive Academic/Non-Academic Programming
 Partnerships
 Serving Special Populations
 Family Involvement
 Highly Qualified Staff
5. (FY15 Reporting) # of Students Served or who benefitted from quality enhancement activities (by
School Year
(9/1/14 - 6/30/15)
(7/1/15 - 8/31/15)
6. (FY15 Reporting) Percent of Total Students Served or who benefitted from quality enhancement
activities (within each listed sub-group)
School Year %
(9/1/14 - 6/30/15)
Summer %
(7/1/15 - 8/31/15)
English Language
Students with
7. FY15 Success Stories (maximum 600 words, ~1 page): Please provide a brief summary of the
implemented program enhancement(s) and resulting successes.
8. Lessons Learned (maximum 600 words, ~1 page): Please describe lessons learned that will inform
continued program improvements and enhancements. Include an analysis of the data collected from
program evaluation activities, including, but not limited to, the grant-required APT-O and APT-Q.
Template for Part III-A - Required Program Information – Submit Online - page 2
Name of Grant Program:
Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-ofSchool Time (ASOST-Q) – Continuation (FY16)
Fund Code: 530-A
9. Partnerships (maximum 600 words, ~1 page): Please describe how existing and proposed new
partners support your implementation of OST programming. Indicate, where applicable, how partners
will be directly involved in proposed FY16 enhancements.
10. (FY16 Plans) Timeframe: Please indicate the timeframe during which FY16 enhancements will take
place. (Check all that apply.) Note: If proposing both school year and summer grant activities, please
be sure to submit a Part I (Standard Contract / Signature Page) and Part II (Budget/Budget Narrative)
for each timeframe. Both of these are in the Part I/II Excel Workbook found in the Required Forms
section of the Funding Opportunity RFP.
 School Year (09/01/2015 - 06/30/2016)
 Summer (07/01/2016 - 08/31/2016)
11. (FY16 Plans) Quality Enhancement Areas: In which of the following areas will program
enhancements be implemented using grant funds? (Check all that apply.)
 Comprehensive Academic/Non-Academic Programming
 Partnerships
 Serving Special Populations
 Family Involvement
 Highly Qualified Staff
12. (FY16 Plans) Proposed # of Students who will benefit from quality enhancement activities (by gradelevel)
School Year
(09/01/2015 - 06/30/2016)
(07/01/2016 - 08/31/2016)
13. (FY16 Plans) Proposed Percent of Total Students who will benefit from quality enhancement
activities (within each listed sub-group)
School Year %
(09/01/2015 - 06/30/2016)
Summer %
(07/01/2016 - 08/31/2016)
English Language
Students with
Template for Part III-A - Required Program Information – Submit Online - page 3
Name of Grant Program:
Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-ofSchool Time (ASOST-Q) – Continuation (FY16)
Fund Code: 530-A
14. (FY16 Plans) Total Funding to Support OST Programming - Please complete the chart below
describing all funds that support the OST programming that is being enhanced through this grant.
Please indicate the amount of funding, and in the “Source(s)” column briefly list the sources. Please
do not include the amount you are requesting from this proposal.
Federal (include 21st cclc here)
State (include Early Education and Care (EEC)
contracts/vouchers here)
Private (include foundation grants, private
donations, etc.)
Template for Part III-A - Required Program Information – Submit Online - page 4
Name of Grant Program:
Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-ofSchool Time (ASOST-Q) – Continuation (FY16)
Fund Code: 530-A
15. FY16 Quality Enhancement Plans (maximum 2 pages): Using the chart below, and based on the lessons learned that are described above, please provide a
description of the proposed program quality enhancements (including for each: anticipated outcomes, budget justification) for FY16 grant funds request.
 The activities proposed should directly align to the quality enhancement areas selected above for FY16.
 Activities may build upon/continue quality enhancements that were implemented in FY15. Be sure to provide updated anticipated outcomes based on any
progress made to date.
Instructions/Tips: Responses may be in bulleted or paragraph form. Cells will expand to fit the text you type. Please do not change the column widths. Delete or
add rows as needed.
For each proposed enhancement activity, using the key below, please indicate which quality enhancement areas are addressed in parentheses at the end
of the description.
CAN=Comprehensive Academic/Non-Academic Programming; P=Partnerships; SP=Serving Special Populations (inclusion); FI=Family Involvement; HQ=Highly
Qualified Staff
Proposed Enhancement Activity (and Enhancement Area):
Please provide a brief description (1-2 paragraphs) of each proposed
enhancement activity.
All staff will be trained in service-learning or other project-based
learning (PBL) and are expected to incorporate this teaching and
learning approach, as appropriate, into their offerings. (CAN, P, HQ)
Anticipated Outcome(s):
Briefly describe what change(s) is (are)
expected as a result of the enhancement
 5 staff trained
 Minimum of 5 new activities offered
that incorporate SL or PBL.
 Approximately 50 students will
engage in SL and/or PBL.
Grant Budget Justification:
Briefly describe how grant funds will
support the enhancement activity.
Funds will support initial training of staff,
as well as coaching support as they plan
and implement their projects.
Template for Part III-A - Required Program Information – Submit Online - page 5
Name of Grant Program:
Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-ofSchool Time (ASOST-Q) – Continuation (FY16)
Fund Code: 530-A
16. FY16 Anticipated Training/TA/PD Needs - Please describe your training, technical assistance, and/or
professional development needs in each of the areas below.
T/TA/PD needs
Comprehensive Academic/Non-Academic
Serving Special Populations
Family Involvement
Other (please describe)
Template for Part III-A - Required Program Information – Submit Online - page 6
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