Facilitator Notes: Exploring Clarity by Comparing the New and Former MA Mathematics Standards Guiding question: How are the new standards different in terms of content and clarity and what are the implications for teaching and learning? Snapshot description: Participants look at the 2011 standards in the crosswalk document for their grade level to find topics that they are currently teaching, things that have changed, and areas requiring more exploration. Goals - participants will: Engage with the new standards at their grade level. Understand the relationship between the old and the new standards. Collaborate with peers to identify areas where they would like support or further learning. Discuss implications for teaching and learning. Time estimate: 1 hour. Audience: PK-12 teachers, coaches, and administrators. Requisite background: General familiarity with the new standards and exposure to the Overview presentation (available at http://www.doe.mass.edu/candi/commoncore/). Equipment, resources and tools needed: Computer and projector Highlighters, poster paper, markers, easel PowerPoint presentation Hardcopy of Crosswalk for each participant, at least at their grade level (available as "side-by-side comparison documents" at http://www.doe.mass.edu/candi/commoncore/) Handout: Crosswalk Summary Sheet Activity Intro and Overview of Crosswalk Description, Resources, and Tips Participants should be seated by grade levels at their tables (administrators and coaches can make their own group or join grade level groups). Each participant should have a Crosswalk document. Time (and Your Notes) 10 minutes Slides 1: Introduction Slide 2: Desired outcomes Slide 3: Clarity The new standards support improved curriculum and instruction due to increased focus, rigor, clarity, and coherence. By comparing the old and the new standards side-by-side, this activity allows participants to examine the detailed and precise language in the new standards. The precision and depth of this language is as important of a change as the shifting of topics between grade levels. Slide 4: Overview of the crosswalk document Discuss the Crosswalk and its five sections. April, 2011 MA ESE 1 ESE Math Framework Exploration: Clarity Note that the Critical Areas are similar to the NCTM Focal Points and that they point to the central mathematical goals of each grade level. Slide 5: Structure of the standards comparison table Describe the structure in section 4, including columns for new standards, old standards, and comments. Depending on time, for slides 4 and 5 it may be helpful for participants to look at their Crosswalk document. Slide 6: Example of activity Demonstrate the activity of highlighting standards that are currently taught, underlining any new topics, and circling any terms or phrases that are unfamiliar or unclear or that they would like to further explore. Slide 7: Directions for activity Give explicit directions for activity. Leave this slide posted as participants complete the activity. Engage with the Standards at your grade level, individuall y Facilitator should circulate and guide participants as they: - Highlight parts of the new standards that they already teach and that they feel they currently do well - Underline anything new. This may be in terms of the standards/topics but it could be something that they feel their current curriculum materials don't address sufficiently. - Circle terms or phrases that are unfamiliar or unclear. These could be things that they think will be particularly challenging and point to areas where they need support or further study. 25 minutes Participants are unlikely to get through a grade level during this amount of time. Remind them that they are simply getting exposed to the changes. Near the end of the allotted time, make sure that participants spend some time looking at the end of the crosswalk to consider the unmatched standards. April, 2011 MA ESE 2 ESE Math Framework Exploration: Clarity Discuss Summary Sheet questions as a small group Pass out the Crosswalk Summary Sheet, one per person plus an extra per small group. 20 minutes Slide 9: Crosswalk summary sheet Ask participants to spend a couple of minutes considering the questions and making some notes. Then discuss the questions in a small group, possibly writing responses on a shared summary sheet, with one person designated as a "reporter" to share out. Try to ensure that these discussions go beyond the changes in topic placement at a grade level. Participants should also think about the clarity of the new standards and broad implications for teaching and learning. Share out as a whole group Slide 10: Whole group wrap-up This time should be used to wrap-up the activity, either sharing insights from the Crosswalk Summary Sheet or discussing one or more of the wrap-up questions. 5 minutes . Facilitator may strategically surface information that was picked up during the small group work. Try to end the session on a high note with positive implications of the new standards. Slide 11: Feedback and resources Possible extensions April, 2011 - Continue with the main activity until participants have finished their grade level. - In vertical teams, prepare summaries of changes at each grade level. - Focus on the areas that were circled that require further exploration. Develop recommendations for professional development. MA ESE 3