Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Enhanced Programs for Students on an IEP Fund Code: 245-B PART III – REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION A. GENERAL INFORMATION 21st CCLC Program Coordinator: District: Email Address: Phone: In the chart below please list the names of all the sites for which you are applying for funding through Fund Code: 245-B and the year in which they are currently funded. FY16 Fund Code (put an X in the 21 CCLC OST Site Name appropriate box) Total number of unduplicated students on IEPs currently enrolled. Proposed number of additional students on IEPs to be enrolled. Start Date End date Total number of weeks of enhanced programming Start Date End date Total number of weeks of enhanced programming Site Name SY $ st 647-A: 647-B2: 647-A: 647-B2: 647-A: 647-B2: School Year Summer (if applicable) Funds Requested per Site Summer $ Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Funds Requested Total Value of Match (Reminder: Must be at least 10%) $ Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Enhanced Programs for Students on an IEP Fund Code: 245-B B. PROJECT SUMMARY (50 word maximum) 1. Describe how these funds will be used to enhance the current 21 st CCLC program in order to increase the number of and better serve students on Individual Education Plans (IEPs). C. LESSONS LEARNED (1 page maximum) If you are a previous or current recipient of a Fund Code 245 grant (for other sites) respond to the questions below if not skip to D. 1. Describe lessons learned in implementing the Fund Code 245 grant and how those lessons have been applied to this application. 2. Provide evidence of previous success in providing services and programming to students on IEPs. Include the number of students targeted and actual number served. D. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION (8 pages maximum) For each site proposed copy, paste, and respond to the following questions in the same order as they are listed below. 1. Describe the composition of the planning team and the resources and/or expertise they brought to the development of this grant application. 2. Describe the target population for this grant. Be very specific in describing the particular disabilities of the students to be served, their area(s) of greatest need, and how that need was determined (e.g., IEPs). Describe the barriers the program has experienced in serving this population. (Please note these grant funds cannot serve students on a 540 plan.) 3. Describe how current activities and/or proposed new activities will be designed to ensure students with disabilities are fully engaged with peers without disabilities. Include the following: Provide specific examples of either the types of activities to be offered or ways in which students will be fully included in current activities. Describe how the enhancements will contribute to increased achievement, healthy development, and increased socialization for students with disabilities. Provide the student-to-staff ratios. 4. If you are a community based agency (CBO) or currently contract with a CBO to operate the program, describe your (their) experience working with students on an IEP and the process for providing professional development and appropriate supervision. Please note that if these funds are being used to hire additional staff they must be directly supervised by a certified special education teacher. If not applicable indicate NA. 5. If you plan to hire additional teaching staff describe the number of additional staff that will be hired and their special education credentials. If not applicable indicate NA. Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Enhanced Programs for Students on an IEP Fund Code: 245-B 6. If you plan to hire additional paraprofessionals describe their qualifications and the process for providing appropriate supervision. Please note that if these funds are being used to hire additional paraprofessionals they must be directly supervised by a certified special education teacher. If not applicable indicate NA. 7. If you plan to contract for additional services with an outside agency or CBO, describe their experience working with the targeted population, and describe how you will ensure that staff have appropriate experience, support, and supervision. Additionally, describe the added enhancements they will provide. If not applicable indicate NA. 8. Describe the process that will be used to maintain ongoing communication and collaboration with the IEP Team Chair and/or classroom teacher(s) regarding students with IEPs served by the program. 9. If the proposal includes providing professional development, technical assistance, and/or consultations, provide the names of the individuals and/or organizations providing the service, their background and experience, the specific topics and/or services to be provided and timeframe for implementation. 10. If students to be served currently utilize, or the applicant is proposing to purchase, specialized materials and/or equipment, including augmentative and alternative communication aids or devices or other assistive technology, provide the follow: Describe the training that will be provided to ensure that staff has the necessary knowledge to appropriately use the items; and Describe the rationale for purchasing the particular materials and/or equipment. E. EVALUATION (1 page maximum) Recipients will be required to utilize the Survey of Academic Youth Outcomes (SAYO) for all students served by these funds. 1. If an IEP calls for assessment modifications or accommodations describe what, if any, accommodations may be needed in the administration of the SAYO (Teacher, Staff and/or Youth versions). 2. Describe any efforts that will be used in addition to the SAYO to evaluate the impact of these additional resources and enhancements on students served by these funds. Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Enhanced Programs for Students on an IEP Fund Code: 245-B F. SUSTAINABILITY 1. Use the chart below to list financial resources and in-kind contributions that have been cultivated to support programmatic efforts. Be specific about the actual match secured in relation to the total amount of your budget request. Include the value of both dollar and in- kind contributions. Please note: The only transportation costs allowed are for the purpose of including students served by these funds on field trips. These funds cannot be used to transport students to or from the 21st CCLC program. These funds may be used to provide specialized transportation for the purpose of including targeted students served by these grant funds on field trips. Funding Category Transportation (example) Staffing (including, but not limited to, administrators, instructional staff, planning time, supervision, etc.) Professional Development Partners/Vendors Materials/Supplies Transportation Other: (please describe below)* Total Anticipated Non 21st CCLC FY16 Funds *Other: TOTAL Anticipated Non-21st CCLC Funds Site 1 TOTAL Anticipated Non-21st CCLC Funds Site 2 TOTAL Anticipated Non-21st CCLC Funds Site 3 (list site name below) (list site name below) (list site name below) Special Education Funds $5,000