Program Quality Assurance Services
Special Education Agency: The Home for Little Wanderers
Program Review Onsite Year: 2013-2014
Programs under review for the agency:
A - Longview Farm Day Program
B - Longview Farm Residential Program
C - Southeast Campus Day Program
D - Southeast Campus Residential Program
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as
soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Program
Review Final Report dated 07/18/2014.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 07/18/2015
Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report
PS 4.4
Criterion Title
Advance Notice of Proposed Program/Facility
Immediate Notification
Applies To
PS 12.1
Teachers (Special Education Teachers and
Regular Education Teachers)
New Staff Orientation and Training
PS 12.2
In-Service Training Plan and Calendar
PS 16.7
Preventive Health Care
PS 4.5
PS 11.4
PR Rating
Criterion & Topic:
PR Rating:
PS 4.4 Advance Notice of Proposed Program/Facility Change
Partially Implemented
Applies To:
A - Southeast Campus Residential Program
B - Southeast Campus Residential Program
Department Program Review Findings:
A review of documentation indicated Longview Farm has made protocol changes regarding
runaways, transportation of students and supervision of students without the prior
approval of the Department as required.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Program will submit a Form 1 request to change the previously approved policies
regarding student runaways, transportation of students, and supervision of students.
Once approved by ESE, all appropriate staff will receive training on the revised policies.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Program Director - Yolanda Cloete
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Program will provide:
An agenda of the training topic.
The name, job title, and job description for the staff person responsible for the
development of the training for each topic.
The name, job title, and job description for the staff person responsible for the
implementation of the training for each topic.
The audiences to whom the training will be offered.
The dates and times of the training for each topic.
The length of time allotted for each topic.
A list of attendees for each training.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Program will ensure the above training will be included in New Staff Orientation
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
The name and job title of the staff person responsible for the development of this training
will be provided.
The name and job title of the staff person responsible for the implementation of this
training will be provided.
The name and job title of the staff person responsible for the documentation of this
training will be provided.
Provide and assurance that moving forward the program understands that before any
changes to a previously ESE approved policy can be made, a Form 1 request must be
submitted and approved and that upon approval the program will provide the training to
the appropriate personnel in a timely manner.
PS 4.4 Advance Notice of Proposed
Program/Facility Change
Basis for Decision:
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 09/04/2014
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
For the 10/31/2014 Progress Report, the program must submit the following:
1) an agenda of each training topic (runaways, transportation, and supervision)
2) the job title of the staff person responsible for the development of the training for each
3) the job title of the staff person responsible for the implementation of the training for
each topic
4) the audience to whom the training will be offered for each topic
5) the dates and times of the training for each topic
6) the length of time allotted for each topic
7) a list of attendees for each training
8) a written assurance that moving forward the program understands that before any
changes to a previously ESE approved policy can be made, a Form 1 request must be
submitted and approved and that upon approval the program will provide the training to
the appropriate personnel in a timely manner
For the 03/02/15 Progress Report, the program must submit the following for all
appropriate employees of the Longview Farm campus that are hired after 10/31/14:
1) the job title of the staff person responsible for the development of the training for
runaways, transportation, and supervision of students
2) the job title of the staff person responsible for the implementation of this training
3) the job title of the staff person responsible for the documentation of this training
4) a list of attendees
5) dates of trainings
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
PR Rating:
PS 4.5 Immediate Notification
Partially Implemented
Applies To:
A - Southeast Campus Residential Program
B - Southeast Campus Residential Program
Department Program Review Findings:
Longview Farm did not provide immediate notification to the Department as required for a
May 2014 serious incident involving two students; but did submit a Form 2 Incident
Report to the Department after being directed to do so.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Program will:
Develop procedures for reporting and documenting all serious incidents identified on the
Form 2.
Identify the name and job title of the staff person responsible for the reporting and
documenting all serious incidents on each campus and at the agency level, if appropriate.
Provide training to all appropriate staff regarding the procedures for reporting and
documenting serious incidents.
Submit a Form 2 Incident Report to ESE in a timely manner for all required categories.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Program Director - Yolanda Cloete
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Program will provide:
An agenda of the training topic.
The name, job title, and job description for the staff person responsible for the
development of the training for each topic.
The name, job title, and job description for the staff person responsible for the
implementation of the training for each topic.
The audiences to whom the training will be offered.
The dates and times of the training for each topic.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
The length of time allotted for each topic.
A list of attendees for each training.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Program will ensure the training of all appropriate staff will be included New Staff
Orientation Training under Behavior Management.
The name and job title of the staff person responsible for the development of this training
will be provided.
The name and job title of the staff person responsible for the implementation of the New
Staff Orientation Training will be provided.
The name and job title of the staff person responsible for the documentation of this
training will be provided.
Provide and assurance that moving forward the program understands that a Form 2
Incident Report must be filed with ESE in a timely manner.
PS 4.5 Immediate Notification
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 09/04/2014
Basis for Decision:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
For the 10/31/2014 Progress Report, the program must provide the following:
1) a copy of the procedures that are developed for the reporting and documenting of all
serious incidents identified on the Form 2
2) the job title of the staff person responsible for the reporting and documenting of all
serious incidents at the campus level and at the agency level, if appropriate
3) an agenda of the training for serious incident reporting and documentation
4) the job title of the staff person responsible for the development of this training
5) the job title of the staff person responsible for the implementation of this training
6) a description of the audience to whom this training will be offered
7) a list of attendees for this training
8) the dates and times of this training
9) an assurance that the program will submit a Form 2 Incident Report to ESE in a timely
manner for all required categories
For the 03/02/2015 Progress Report, the program must provide the following:
1) the names and positions of staff hired at Longview Farm since October 31, 2014 that
training on this topic would have been appropriate
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
2) the dates of the training of each of these staff members
3) the job title of the staff person responsible for the implementation of this training
4) the dates of all serious incidents that have occurred since 10/31/2014 and the dates of
submission to ESE of the corresponding Form 2s
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
PS 11.4 Teachers (Special Education Teachers and Regular
Education Teachers)
Applies To: All
PR Rating:
Partially Implemented
Department Program Review Findings:
Based on documentation and interviews, not all teachers were appropriately licensed or
granted an appropriate waiver for the current school year.
Description of Corrective Action:
The program will ensure that all teachers will be appropriately licensed or waivered for the
subject and ages in which they are teaching.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Educational Administrator, Chris Gusman
Principal, Stan Buckley
Senior Director, DaQuall Graham
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
A 2014/2105 Teacher Roster and ELAR Activity Sheet for each teacher that indicates each
and appropriately licensed or waivered for the subject and ages in which they are
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Educational Administrator for each campus will review the credentials of all teaching
staff on a quarterly basis, minimally.
The Educational Administrator for each campus will meet each teacher on a waiver to
ensure progress is being made towards an appropriate license.
Criterion: PS 11.4 Teachers (Special
Education Teachers and Regular
Education Teachers)
Basis for Decision:
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 09/04/2014
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
For the 10/31/2014 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) a current teacher roster
2) an ELAR Activity Report that indicates each teacher is appropriately licensed or has
been granted an appropriate waiver for the 2014-15 school year
For the 03/02/2015 Progress Report, each campus must provide the following:
1) a current teacher roster
2) an ELAR Activity Report that indicates each teacher is appropriately licensed or has
been granted an appropriate waiver for the 2014-15 school year
3) a list of all unlicensed teachers and the meeting dates with the Educational
Administrator to discuss the status of obtaining appropriate licenses or waivers
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
PR Rating:
PS 12.1 New Staff Orientation and Training
Partially Implemented
Applies To:
Department Program Review Findings:
A review of staff records indicated that not all ESE required training topics were on the
orientation training schedule and that not all staff received all of the training that was
Description of Corrective Action:
The program will revise the New Staff Orientation Training Schedule to include all ESE
required topics.
The program will develop procedures to ensure all appropriate staff receive the required
trainings and how the training will be documented.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director, WLD - Matt McCall, LVF Program Director - Yolanda
Cloete, SEC APD - TBD
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Program will provide the following:
A revised New Staff Orientation Training Schedule that includes required ESE topics.
The job title and job description for the staff person responsible for the development of
the training for each topic.
The job title and location for the staff person responsible for the implementation of the
training for each topic
The job title and location for the staff person responsible for the documenting and
tracking this training to ensure all appropriate staff receive it in a timely manner.
The audiences to whom the training will be offered.
Dates and times of the training for each topic.
The length of time allotted for each topic.
A list of attendees for each training.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
The Program will provide:
The name, job title, and location of the staff person responsible for the oversight of this
How often the New Staff Orientation Training will be provided
An estimated timeline for the completion of this training.
PS 12.1 New Staff Orientation and
Basis for Decision:
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 09/04/2014
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
For the 10/31/2014 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) a revised New Staff Orientation Training Schedule that includes all required ESE topics
2) the job title and location of the staff person responsible for the development of the
training for each topic
3) the job title and location of the staff person responsible for the implementation of the
training for each topic
4) the job title and location of the staff person responsible for documenting and tracking
of all new staff training
5) a list of all staff hired at each campus since 08/26/2014
6) a list of dates and times of the training of each topic for all staff hired since 8/26/2014
7) a description of where the New Staff Orientation Training documentation will be kept
and accessed when needed
For the 03/02/2015 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) a list of all staff hired at each campus since 10/31/2014
2) a list of dates and times of the training of each topic for these new staff members
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
PR Rating:
PS 12.2 In-Service Training Plan and Calendar
Partially Implemented
Applies To:
Department Program Review Findings:
A review of staff records indicated that not all ESE required training topics were on the inservice training schedule and that not all staff received an average of 2 hours of in-service
training per month.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Program will revise the In-Service Training Schedule to include ESE required topics.
The program will revise the In-Service Training Schedule to ensure
average of 2 hours of in-service training per month.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Director, WLD - Matt McCall, LVF Program Director - Yolanda
Cloete, SEC APD - TBD
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Program will provide the following:
all staff receive and
Expected Date of
A revised New Staff Orientation Training Schedule that includes required ESE topics.
The job title and job description for the staff person responsible for the development of
the training for each topic.
The job title and location for the staff person responsible for the implementation of the
training for each topic
The job title and location for the staff person responsible for the documenting and
tracking this training to ensure all appropriate staff receive it in a timely manner.
The audiences to whom the training will be offered.
Dates and times of the training for each topic.
The length of time allotted for each topic.
A list of attendees for each training.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Program will provide:
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
The name, job title, and location of the staff person responsible for the oversight of this
A review of staff training on a quarterly basis to ensure all appropriate staff receive all
Documentation of all trainings centralized can accessible when requested in reasonable
PS 12.2 In-Service Training Plan and
Basis for Decision:
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 09/04/2014
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
For the 10/31/2014 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) a revised In-Service Training Schedule that includes all required ESE topics, the
audience for each training, the dates of each training, and the length of time of each
training to ensure at least 24 hours of annual training is offered
2) the job title and location of the staff person responsible for the development of the
training for each topic
3) the job title and location of the staff person responsible for the implementation of the
training for each topic
4) the job title and location of the staff person responsible for documenting and tracking
the In-Service Training for each campus
For the 03/02/2015 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) a printout of the In-service Training for 10 staff members from each campus
2) a summary of the last quarterly review of In-service Training attendance
3) a description of where the training documentation will be kept and accessed when
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
PR Rating:
PS 16.7 Preventive Health Care
Partially Implemented
Applies To:
Department Program Review Findings:
A review of student records indicated that physical exams, annual dental exams, vision
screenings, hearing screenings, postural screenings, and immunizations for all students
were not documented.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Program will:
Develop a procedure to obtain a copy of the last physical exam, the date of the last dental
exam, the dates of the last vision/hearing/postural screenings, and immunization record
for each student.
Develop a procedure for ensuring all required health information is documented in each
student record.
Provide the name, job title, and location of the person responsible for obtaining and
documenting all required health information for each campus.
Provide an estimated timeline for initially obtaining all required health information and
how often such information is requested.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Nurse(s) at each site and Director of Nursing for the agency.
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Program will provide:
The name, job title, and location of the person responsible for obtaining and documenting
all required health information for each campus.
A chart of all current MA students with the dates of the last physical exam, the date of the
last dental exam, the dates of the last vision/hearting/postural screenings, and if the
immunization record is current.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Program will provide:
The name, job title, and location of the staff person responsible for the oversight of the
required health information.
An estimated timeline of how often all required health information is requested.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan
PS 16.7 Preventive Health Care
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 09/04/2014
Basis for Decision:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
For the 10/31/2014 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) a copy of the procedure that was developed to obtain a copy of the last physical exam,
the date of the last dental exam, the dates of the last vision/hearing/postural screenings,
and immunization record for each student
2) a copy of the procedure that was developed for ensuring all required health information
is documented in each student record
3) provide the job title of the person responsible for obtaining and documenting all
required health information for each campus
4) provide an estimated timeline for obtaining all required health information upon
enrollment and how often such information is requested until it is obtained
5) provide an estimated timeline for obtaining updated required health information and
how often such information is requested until it is obtained
6) a chart of all current MA students that indicates the date of the last physical exam, the
date of the last dental exam, the date of the last vision/hearting/postural screening, if the
immunization record is current, and dates of effort to obtain any missing information
For the 03/02/2015 Progress Report, each campus must submit the following:
1) an updated chart of all current MA students that indicates the date of the last physical
exam, the date of the last dental exam, the date of the last vision/hearting/postural
screening, if the immunization record is current, and dates of effort to obtain any missing
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
The Home for Little Wanderers Corrective Action Plan