The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 December 14, 2005 Lawrence Callahan, Superintendent Salem Public Schools 29 Highland Avenue Salem, MA 01970 Re: ’06 Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report Dear Dr. Callahan: Enclosed is the Department of Education's ’06 Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report. This report contains findings based on onsite monitoring activities conducted to verify the implementation status and effectiveness of corrective action activities approved by the Department that were intended to address findings of noncompliance included in the Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Report issued on June 3, 2002. (In the remainder of this letter, please read “district” as meaning “school district or charter school.”) As you know, one component of the Department’s Mid-cycle Review process is the review of your district's self-assessment in the area of English learner education (ELE). The purpose of this activity is to determine if your district is beginning to implement the significant changes in M.G.L. Chapter 71A, this state’s law governing the education of limited English proficient students that was adopted by voters as Question 2 in 2002. The Department has reviewed your district’s ELE self-assessment documents and is providing you now with advisory comments and actions to be implemented in anticipation of your district’s next scheduled Coordinated Program Review. Where indicated in our report, your district is urged to request technical assistance in areas that, based solely on your self-assessment documents, were found not likely to be fully implemented. To secure assistance, you may consult with your Mid-cycle Review Chairperson or call Robyn Dowling-Grant in Program Quality Assurance Services at 781-3383732. You may also consult with staff in the Department’s Office of Language Acquisition and Achievement at 781-338-3534 and obtain additional ELE guidance documents through the Department’s web site at . The Department will notify you of your district's next regularly scheduled Coordinated Program Review several months before it is to occur. At this time we anticipate the Department's next routine monitoring visit to occur sometime during the 2007-2008 school year, unless the Department determines that there is some reason to schedule this visit earlier. While the Department of Education found certain noncompliance issues to be resolved, others were partially corrected, not addressed at all and/or the Department’s onsite team identified new issues of noncompliance. As the Department previously informed you, in cases where a district fails to fully and effectively implement a Corrective Action Plan, which was proposed by your district and approved by the Department, the Department must then prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the district, which must be implemented without further delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action and further progress reporting included in the attached report together with any steps that must be taken by the district to fully implement new special education requirements. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Department's Onsite Chairperson by January 6, 2006. Your staff's cooperation throughout these Follow-up Monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you require additional clarification of information included in our report, please do not hesitate to contact the Onsite Team Chairperson at 781-338-3703. Sincerely, Dean Paolillo, Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services John D. Stager, Administrator Program Quality Assurance Services c: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Dr. James O’Connor, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Encl.: Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MID-CYCLE COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW REPORT Salem Public Schools ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL FINDINGS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Date of Coordinated Program Review (CPR): December 10-14, 2001 Date of Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Approval: November 25, 2002 Dates of this Mid-cycle Review Onsite Visit: November 16-17, 2005 Date of this Report: December 14, 2005 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Yes Documentation and student records Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Special Education Requirements (including new IDEA-2004 Requirements SE 6 Determination of Transition Services The district engaged in a Special Education Department meeting to discuss the new IDEA requirements and existing Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 1, 2005 Page 1 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Yes Student records indicate that Team attendance continues Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements standards regarding the transition planning activities for students. The Department’s “Transition Planning Chart” was reviewed with the special education staff. Transition components, involving other human service agencies and integrating the decisions into the IEP were also elements of the staff training. Student records examined indicated the district was implementing transitional activities for older students. In addition, the district provided the Department with recently completed IEPs that reflect the results of the district’s training efforts. The Department also selected records independent of the district’s examples of its efforts to meet current regulatory requirements. SE 8 IEP Team No Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 2 of 21 The district will notify the building principals of the Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified composition and attendance SE 12 Frequency of reevaluation SE 13 Progress Reports and content Yes Documentation and student records Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements to be an issue. Team attendance is not reflective of the necessary persons needed to develop the student’s IEP nor did the district document the participation of the other Team members through alternative means. In some cases, regular education teachers did not participate in the Team meeting. Team meetings did not always have the person designated with the authority to commit the resources of the district. continuing issues regarding regular education staff attendance at Team meetings and lack of attendance by persons designated with the authority to commit the resources of the district. Student IEPs that are translated paraphrase the actual text of the English The district will demonstrate that progress reports are being translated. A sample of five In addition, after notifying principals, the district will conduct a sample student record review and examine recent Team attendance for each school. The results of the district’s review will be reported to the Department as part of an April 15, 2006 progress report. District status reports and the student records indicate that the district is re-evaluating students every three years (or sooner, if warranted) as required by regulation. Yes Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 3 of 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Yes Method(s) of Verification Student Record Review Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements version rather than provide a literal and contextual translation of the actual English version. In addition, some translated progress reports did not reflect the current IEP goal. Progress reports from out-of-district placements to parents with a home language other than English were not translated before providing the progress reports to the parent. Progress reports do not always indicate whether the student’s progress is anticipated to meet the annual goal for which the progress report was written. progress reports (both the English and translated copy) will be provided to the Department. Please provide copies of Spanish translations. The district’s corrective action is due April 15, 2006. The district is conducting annual reviews as evidenced by the documentation within the student records. The Department, however, did note some concerns (under SE 8) regarding Team participation at the annual Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 4 of 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance review meetings. SE 25B Resolution of disputes Yes Interview and Documentation The district’s Special Education Director has indicated resolution meetings prior to proceeding to the BSEA are being conducted. Furthermore, the district notifies the BSEA regarding any rejected IEPs received by the district. SE 30 Notice of procedural safeguards Yes Documentation The district is using the interim brochure. A copy was provided to the Department for review. SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities more than 10 days Yes Student Records and Documentation The district is conducting Functional Behavioral Assessments and developing manifestation determination procedures consistent with federal requirements. Because of past procedural violations, the district initiated corrective action per Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 5 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance order of the Department to revise its procedures and provide staff training at the middle school. Other Special Education Requirements Originally Cited in CPR Report SE 2 Required Assessments Yes Student Record Review The student records indicated that district staff members are completing required assessments. SE 7 Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority Yes Student Records and Documentation The student records contained notice of the transfer of rights. The district provided a copy of its letter as part of the district’s documentation. SE 9 Timelines Yes Student Records and Documentation The district is date-stamping documents entered into the student folders. In addition, Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 6 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements The district’s letter, however, as noted previously in the 2001 Coordinated Program Review does not fully inform parents of their rights to an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). The district must develop a notice to parents that apprises the parent’s of their rights to an IEE that is consistent with existing state and federal requirements. The corrective action is due April 15, 2006. Nonparticipation justifications do not As part of the district’s review of student records, the district will for the 2005 school year, the district implemented “ESped” software to manage timelines. While there were some instances of testing extending past the 30-day timeline, in general, Team meetings and testing were completed within the 45 days. SE 11 IEEs Student Records and Documentation Student records and documentation indicates the district is conducting IEEs as noted previously in the Department’s coordinated program review of 2001. The district’s letter to parents now indicates that a Team meeting will be held within 10 school working days. SE 17 Transition Services SE 18A Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 7 of 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) IEP Development Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements specifically indicate the basis for removal from the general education setting, in some instances, the basis for removal was not written on the IEP despite specifying services under part “C” of the service delivery grid. Nonparticipation justifications need more specificity regarding the individual child’s need for removal from the general education setting. In some instances, nonparticipation justification statements were written that suggested the student was removed solely because curriculum modification was necessary. IEPs for students who are Limited English Proficient are not indicating how the English language needs impact the provision of special education services. Furthermore, in some IEPs the services and goals identified do not always examine the nonparticipation justification statements; in addition, the district should review with the Team chairpersons the need for clear, specific nonparticipation statements. The district will also advise chairpersons to include discussion of the student’s LEP status (if appropriate of course, to the student) and the impact on the provision of services when at the Team meeting. The district should review N1 notices for the IEPs examined to ensure the key questions on the notice are fully addressed. Lastly, the district will conduct professional development that reminds staff that all identified areas of need must be addressed in the development of the IEP. The district’s corrective action is due April 15, 2006. Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 8 of 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance reflect the identified needs of the student. For example, in one IEP reviewed, the Team repeatedly identified the student as having emotional needs (both in the evaluations and in the body of the IEP itself) in addition to academic needs, however, the Team did not develop a goal or identify services that were intended to address the emotional needs of the student. A person with the authority to commit the resources and the attendance of a regular education teacher continues to remain an issue with the district. N1 notices do not fully address the Department’s key questions that explain to the parent or guardian the basis for the district’s proposed IEP. Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 9 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements SE 19 Extended Evaluation Yes Student Records The Department onsite Team did not find inappropriate uses of extended evaluations within the student records selected for review. SE 22 Yes Student Records Student record review indicated the district makes multiple efforts to ensure IEPs are signed and provides services to only those IEPs consented to by the parent or guardian. SE 24 Notice Yes Student Records Required notices were contained in the student records. SE 25 Parent Consent Yes Student Records Student records reviewed by the onsite Team indicated consent forms were present and signed by the parent or guardian. IEP Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 10 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Yes SE 29 Communications SE 31 Education Surrogate Parents (ESPs) Yes Interview The district is aware of the procedures for contacting the Education Surrogate Parent (ESP) program to identify and assign an ESP when necessary. SE 32 PAC Yes Interview The district has experienced difficulties with the Parent Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements In most cases, the Department noted that IEPs and documents were translated into the primary language of the parent and interpreters were used at Team meetings when necessary. In a few instances, the Department noted that some correspondence, including the IEP itself, was not translated. The district needs to improve its consistency in assuring the translation of documents. The district will review with staff the need to ensure that all documents are translated when required. Verification of the review will be provided to the Department by April 15, 2006. Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 11 of 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Yes Data gathered from the district indicates that the district does not document its onsite monitoring activities, instead, relying on “Team meeting summary notes” that do not sufficiently convey the activities used for monitoring out-of-district placements. Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Advisory Council (PAC) and is currently in the process or re-constructing the PAC with appropriate by-laws. SE 35 Assistive Technology Yes Student records indicate that assistive technology is provided to students when needed. Student Records and Interviews SE 37 Procedures for Out-of-District SE 39 Private School at Private Expense Student Records Yes Interview and Documentation Students in private schools at private expense are receiving IEP services. The district Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 12 of 21 The district will provide five samples of recently conducted onsite monitoring activities. The corrective action is due April 15, 2006. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Yes Students in preschool programs have all services listed in part “c” of the service delivery grid. In some cases, these students are identified on their placement page or in the IEP as having an integrated preschool program, however, the integrated program is not reflected when one examines the service delivery grid of the student. The district will provide three integrated pre-school service delivery grids that reflect the actual provision of services in the correct setting for the students. The corrective action is due April 15, 2006. conducts evaluations, reviews, develops IEPs and provides services to students placed in private schools at private expense. Interviews and student records SE 42 Programs for Young Children SE 43 Behavioral Interventions Yes Student Records and Documentation The district provided sample behavior intervention plans for students that illustrate the nature and scope of behavioral interventions undertaken by district staff to modify negative student Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 13 of 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance behaviors. SE 44 Recording Suspensions SE 45 Procedures for 10 day suspensions Yes Documentation The district has recently initiated corrective action in this regard with all principals and assistant principals per order of a DOE corrective action through the Problem Resolution System. Student Records and Documentation The district has developed clear procedures consistent with the requirements of current federal law. The district’s codes of conduct/agenda books contain the disciplinary procedures for students with disabilities. All special education staff members were provided professional development in the requirements of this standard. Student records reviewed by the Department were not indicative of any procedural violations for students with disabilities. Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 14 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements SE 53 Paraprofessionals Yes Documentation & Interviews Paraprofessionals have received and continue to receive training in providing special education services. The district provided examples of ongoing professional development opportunities for paraprofessionals. Furthermore, the district has documented that a majority of its paraprofessionals are considered “highly qualified” under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). SE 54 Professional Development Yes Documentation & Interviews The district has conducted training on the IEP process and development, transition, other new IDEA 2004 requirements and procedural requirements for students with disabilities facing disciplinary action. (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 15 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR requirements) SE 56 Program Evaluations Approved Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented and Effective Or New IDEA Requirements Implemented Yes Method(s) of Verification Basis of Findings Regarding Corrective Action Plan Activities Or Basis of Findings Regarding Implementation of New IDEA Requirements Documentation The district used consultants to evaluate the special education program for its effectiveness. MCAS achievement, communication between school personnel, program models and service delivery models were also subject to review and recommendation. In addition, parents were surveyed in the 2003-2004 school year to solicit information regarding the effectiveness of special education services within the district. Corrective Action Plan Determined Not Fully Implemented Or Additional Issues Have Been Identified Basis of Findings Regarding Incomplete or Ineffective Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan Or Basis of Findings of Additional Noncompliance Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 16 of 21 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements Salem Public Schools English Learning Education (ELE) Requirements Mid-Cycle Review Advisory Comments Resulting From The Department’s Review Of Local Self-Assessment Documents (Please refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR-ELE legal requirements and related implementation guidance at ) ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 1 Annual Assessment Advisory Comments Resulting from the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Document Submission Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements to be Implemented in Anticipation of the District’s Next Scheduled Coordinated Program Review The district should ensure that individual scores of the required testing are also kept in the individual student records. ELE 2 MCAS Participation Please see ELE 1 above. ELE 3 Initial Identification The district has appropriate initial identification procedures. ELE 4 Waiver Procedures The district had developed appropriate waiver procedures and a waiver application. ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure The district’s training activities are focused on developing capacity within regular education. This should continue to be the district’s focus. The district must build capacity for a Sheltered English Immersion program within all schools. The district should continue to expand its training efforts to classroom teachers at all the elementary schools to ensure “program schools” exist for all schools within the district. The district will identify the teachers Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 17 of 21 ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 6 Program Exit and Readiness ELE 7 Parent Involvement Advisory Comments Resulting from the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Document Submission Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements to be Implemented in Anticipation of the District’s Next Scheduled Coordinated Program Review trained to provide Sheltered Instruction during the 2005-2006 school year. The district will indicate its ability to provide Sheltered Instruction at each school within the district. The progress report is due April 15, 2006. The district has developed appropriate program exit criteria and procedures. The documentation seems to indicate involvement primarily through Title I and parent/ teacher conferences. The district is seeking parent input through program evaluations. The Department suggests that the district makes an active effort to tailor a program evaluation survey specifically to ELE and if possible, garner involvement through school site representation (i.e. school councils). The district will identify the additional efforts taken to elicit parent participation. The progress report is due April 15, 2006. The district needs to ensure it has the ability and means to support students that are not placed in a Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) setting. If the parent has “opted out” of SEI, what types of ESL supports are available at each level (i.e. elementary, middle and high)? What is the nature and frequency of the available support from appropriately licensed ESL staff? ELE 8 Declining Entry to a Program The district will identify the available ESL supports at each level and provide examples of the supports to students. The progress report is due April 15, 2006. ELE 9 Instructional Grouping The district groups students of different ages only if the students have the same English proficiency level. ELE 10 Parental Notification The district provides translated notifications to parents. The district should continue ensure translated documents are available for report cards, progress reports and handbooks. Furthermore, the district should continue to ensure the Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 18 of 21 ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Programs and Services Advisory Comments Resulting from the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Document Submission availability of translated documents in the low incidence languages - an essential element of compliance with this criterion. The district provides translated programs of study. The district should review its data to ensure LEP students have access to programs such as special education services, Title I, vocational studies and placement in honors or advance placement classes. The district must ensure that documents advertising nonacademic, extracurricular activities are translated into low incidence languages. Samples of translated documents into the low incidence languages of the district will be provided to the Department as part of the April 15, 2006 progress report. ELE 12 Equal Access to Nonacademic and Extracurricular Programs ELE 13 Follow-up Support Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements to be Implemented in Anticipation of the District’s Next Scheduled Coordinated Program Review The district had developed appropriate follow-up procedures for LEP students, including the use of Individual Student Success Plans. What is unclear, however, is who the responsible district personnel are that monitor the students. Is this a responsibility of guidance? The classroom teacher? If so, is it clear what the lines of communications are? Also, what actions are expected of staff when the student is struggling and is not making effective progress and language issues are suspected as the cause of the student’s difficulties? The district should seek to clarify the persons responsible and the actions expected from staff members at each school. The district will address the questions raised by the Department and provide its correction action activities as part of the April 15, 2006 progress report. ELE 14 Licensure and Fluency Requirements The district should maintain updated licensing requirements. If possible, the district should consider providing opportunities for regular educators to receive professional development that would lead to possible “dual” or “multiple” Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 19 of 21 ELE Criterion Number and Topic Advisory Comments Resulting from the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Document Submission licensure - an ideal model for the provision of a Sheltered English Immersion program. Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements to be Implemented in Anticipation of the District’s Next Scheduled Coordinated Program Review Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 20 of 21 ELE Criterion Number and Topic Advisory Comments Resulting from the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Document Submission ELE 15 Professional Development Requirements The district’s professional development should ensure that regular education staff are adequately prepared to develop and provide Sheltered English content. If possible, the district should seek to broaden the staff receiving the professional development across all schools and content areas at the middle and high school levels (i.e. science, math, social studies, etc.). ELE 16 Equitable Facilities (To be reviewed during next CPR visit) The district should anticipate a tour of facilities and classroom observations during the next Coordinated Program Review. ELE 17 DOE Data Submission Requirements and Program Evaluation ELE 18 Records of LEP Students(To be reviewed during next CPR visit.) Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Further Progress Reporting Requirements to be Implemented in Anticipation of the District’s Next Scheduled Coordinated Program Review The data submission is sufficient. The district should anticipate that the Department would examine the individual records of students identified as Limited English Proficient during the course of a Coordinated Program Review. The district may wish to consider conducting its own preliminary record review and examining the contents of student records using the Department’s procedures to determine its compliance with state requirements. Salem Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report December 14, 2005 Page 21 of 21