The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 September 9, 2005 Mr. Douglas Greer, Acting Director Robert M. Hughes Charter School 90 School Street Springfield, MA 01105 Re: Onsite Follow-up Monitoring Report: Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Verification and Special Education Mid-cycle Review Dear Mr. Greer: Enclosed is the Department's Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Monitoring Report together with findings regarding your district’s Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Review. This report contains the Department's findings based on the onsite activities conducted in your school district to verify the implementation status and effectiveness of corrective steps taken in response to your Coordinated Program Review Report issued on August 14, 2002. The Department will notify you of your district's next regularly scheduled Coordinated Program Review several months before it is to occur. At this time we anticipate the Department's next routine monitoring visit to occur sometime during the 2007-08 school year, unless the Department determines that there is some reason to schedule this visit earlier. While the Department of Education found certain noncompliance issues to be resolved, others were partially corrected, not addressed at all and/or new issues were identified by the Department’s onsite team. In areas where the district has failed to implement fully its approved Corrective Action Plan, the Department views these findings to be serious. As the Department previously informed you, in cases where a district fails to fully and effectively implement a Corrective Action Plan, which was proposed by your district and approved by the Department, the Department must then prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the district, which must be implemented without further delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action and further progress reporting included in the attached report together with any steps that must be taken by the district to fully implement new special education requirements. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Department's Onsite Chairperson by September 23, 2005. The district’s continuing failure to implement the required Corrective Action Plan described in this report will result in recommendation to the Commissioner of Education the withholding of state or federal funds and/or other enforcement action by the Department. Your staff's cooperation throughout these Follow-up Monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you require additional clarification of information included in our report, please do not hesitate to contact the Onsite Team Chairperson at (413) 284-0382. Sincerely, Joseph H. Dow, Supervisor Program Quality Assurance Services John D. Stager, Administrator Program Quality Assurance Services cc: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Carol Aranjo, School Committee Chairperson Yvette Joseph, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Encl.: Follow-up Monitoring Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW Robert M. Hughes Charter School ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL FINDINGS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Action Plan Submitted on: May 21, 2003 Progress Reports Submitted on: August 19, 2004 and April 5, 2005 Onsite Visit Conducted on: April 14, 2005 and April 15, 2005 Date of this Report: September 9, 2005 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Special Education Requirements SE 1 Assessments are appropriately Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not utilize assessments that use information from a variety of sources to By October 14, 2005, the charter school will train all of its staff members, in addition to its services coordinator and Document Reviews Student Assessments are selected and interpreted for students referred for special education. Partially Implemented Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) selected and interpreted for students referred for evaluation Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting gather relevant functional and developmental information. In addition, the charter school is not using technically sound instruments that assess the relative contribution of cognitive and behavioral factors that include physical and developmental factors too. For example, the charter school uses an evaluator whose assessments determine that every student in the school that is eligible for special education or related services has a visionrelated disability/disabilities. Lastly, the charter school Team is basing its its special education teachers, who evaluate students, including contracted staff that: 1. Assessments must be appropriately selected and tailored to assess specific areas of educational need. 2. Assessments will be provided in the student’s native language when appropriate 3. Only prescribed language modifications by the assessment developer may be used by the charter school evaluators. 4. A Team meeting will be immediately convened for all incoming students to review the student’s Record Reviews Interviews 2 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting findings/determinations on incomplete data and tests. IEP, review current district placement options, and determine what placement conforms to the student’s IEP in the least restrictive environment. The charter school must conduct its own trainings that meet all of the standards stated above. By January 17, 2006, the charter school must submit a copy of the following: 1. Training dates 2. Training agenda 3. Name (s) of presenter (s) 4. Sign-in sheet(s) that have staff person’s name and position. SE 2 Document Partially 3 The charter school does By October 14, 2005, the Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Required and optional assessments Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting not consistently conduct evaluations in all areas of suspected disability or disabilities. Also, the charter school does not conduct the required educational assessments for all students that are referred for a special education evaluation. charter school will train all of its staff members who evaluate students for eligibility or reeligibility, including contracted staff that: 1. Conduct assessments in all area(s) of suspected disability (ies). 2. Conduct assessments for the consideration of any needed assistive technology devices. 3. Conduct educational assessments/observations for all students referred for a special education evaluation utilizing all of the required elements on the Department’s Educational Assessment forms, Part A and Part B. By January 17, 2006, the charter school will submit a Reviews Implemented Student Record Reviews Interviews 4 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting copy of the following: 1. Training date(s) 2. Training agenda 3. Name(s) of presenter (s) 4. Sign-in sheet(s) that have staff person’s name, and position. SE 3 Special requirements for determination of specific learning disabilities Not Implemented 5 Under the previous standard, the charter school’s policies and procedures do not adhere to the mandated requirements for determining a specific learning disability; Therefore, the charter school does not implement the required process for SLD. “Statutory requirements for the determination of specific learning disabilities have been revised under the recently reauthorized IDEA 2004. Therefore, until final implementing regulations have been adopted, the Department is not making findings related to school district/charter school practices under the MidCycle Review Criterion SE 3. For districts/charter schools seeking to resolve a previous Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting finding in this area, the Department will extend the date required for final actions on part of school district/charter school to June 2006 and will consider resolution at any time following promulgation of final regulations.” 6 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 4 Report of assessment results SE 6 Determination of transition services (Emphasis on practices in determining needed transition planning and services and consideration of courses of study related to needed Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Student Record Reviews Not Applicable Interviews None The charter school does summarize in writing the procedures employed, the results, and the diagnostic impressions of its utilized assessments in terms that are educationally relevant to the student’s needs. The charter school only serves students in grades kindergarten through eighth. 7 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified transition) 8 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 7 Transfer of parental rights at age of majority and student participation and consent at the age of majority SE 8 Evaluation Team composition SE 9 Eligibility determination: Timelines for evaluation, immediate provision of IEP Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not use required elements on the N1 form when developing an IEP. It only uses the required elements of the N1 form when proposing an evaluation/assessment. See findings under SE 1 and SE 2. Furthermore, the charter school must submit to the Department five N1 forms used in the process of developing an IEP by January 17, 2006. Not Applicable None The charter school only serves students in grades kindergarten through eighth. Substantially Implemented Student Record Reviews The charter school has the appropriate personnel present at all of its Team meetings. Interviews Document Reviews Partially Implemented Student Record Reviews Interviews 9 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Basically, the charter school is using its own form that does not encompass the elements from the N1 form. 10 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 10 End of School Year Evaluations SE 11 Schedule district response to parent request for independent educational evaluation SE 12 Frequency of Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school has a defective policy concerning parental requests for independent education evaluations. The policy is defective because it allows the charter school to approve or disapprove a parent’s right to request an independent education evaluation. The charter school is utilizing defective assessments when it is The charter school must revise its current policy concerning parental requests for independent education evaluations so that it adheres to all of the regulatory requirements. A copy of this revised policy must be submitted to the Department by January 17, 2006. Document Reviews The charter school does consistently conduct end of the school year evaluations. Student Record Reviews Interviews Document Reviews Not Implemented Interviews Document Reviews The charter school does in all cases, with parental consent, conduct full re-evaluations 11 Partially Implemented See findings under SE 1 and SE 2. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) re-evaluation Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Student Record Reviews every three years or sooner for all its students that are consistent with the requirements of federal law. Interviews 12 conducting these threeyear evaluations. See findings under SE 1 and SE 2. Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 13 Progress Reports and content Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Student Record Reviews Interviews SE 14 Annual review Team meeting Substantially Implemented SE 15 Outreach by the School District (Child Find) Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Student Record Reviews Interviews Documents Reviews Interviews The charter school does routinely send parents of children with disabilities reports on their progress toward reaching the goals set forth in their IEPs, at least as often as parents are informed of progress of non-disabled children. The charter school does in all cases, at least annually on or before the anniversary date of the implementation of the IEP, review, revise, or develop a new IEP. The charter school has annual outreach to the community groups, schools, and professionals from which promotion or transfer of students in need of special 13 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified education may be expected. 14 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 17 Initiation of services at age three and Early Intervention transition procedures SE 18A IEP development and content Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not after the IEP has been fully developed determine the appropriate placement to deliver services on a student’s IEP. Also, the placement selection by the By October 14, 2005 the district will train all special education staff members: 1. Prior to a change in placement, a Team meeting must be convened; 2. Placement selected by the Not Applicable None The charter school only serves students in grades kindergarten through eighth. Substantially Implemented Document Reviews The charter school’s IEP Teams do develop IEPs with the appropriate content. Student Record Reviews Interviews SE 18B Determination of placement; immediate provision of IEP to parent Student Record Reviews Partially Implemented Interviews 15 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Team is not in all cases the least restrictive environment. 16 Team is the least restrictive environment consistent with student needs. By January 17, 2006 the district will submit a copy of the following: 1. Training date(s) 2. Training agenda 3. Name(s) of presenter(s) Sign-in sheet(s) that have staff person’s name and their positions. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 19 Extended Evaluation Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Interviews Document Reviews SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does routinely conduct extended evaluations if the Team finds a student eligible for special education and finds the evaluation information insufficient to develop a full or partial IEP. Partially Implemented Student Record Reviews Substantially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Student Record Reviews SE 22 IEP implementation and availability (Emphasis on provision of IEP services Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Interviews Student Record Reviews Interviews The charter school has an IEP in effect for eligible students at the beginning of each school year and begins IEP services without delay once an IEP has been accepted by the student’s parents. 17 The charter school does not provide small group settings for students even though the settings are recommended by the IEP team. See findings under SE 18B. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified without delay; provision of the IEP at the beginning of the school year; and, alternative methods of service delivery where there is a lack of space and/or personnel)) 18 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 24 Notice to Parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child or the provision of FAPE SE 25 Parental consent SE 26 Parent participation in Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Student Record Reviews Interviews Substantially Implemented Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not utilize N1 or N2 forms to notify parents of its refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the student. Also, the charter school does not utilize these forms, the N1 and N2, to notify parents of the provision of FAPE. By January 17, 2006, the charter school must choose five randomly selected student records and provide copies of the N1 or N2 forms to the Department that were utilized along with any other supporting evidence including parent referral letters. Document Reviews Substantially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Student Record Reviews Interviews Student Record Reviews The charter school obtains informed parental consent as required by state and federal laws. The charter school does consistently ensure that parents are part of the IEP Teams. 19 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) meetings (Emphasis on district’s attempts to ensure parent participation at IEP Team meetings) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Interviews 20 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 27 Content of Team meeting notice to parent SE 28 Parent provided the IEP or notice of no eligibility together with notification of procedural safeguards and parents' rights SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of home Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not consistently provide an IEP to the parent/parents immediately following the development of the IEP at the Team meeting. The charter school must provide documentation of what it presently provides to parents immediately following the development of the IEP at the Team meeting. This documentation is due at the Department by January 17, 2006. Student Record Reviews Team notices contain the required contents. Student Record Reviews The charter school does provide parents with notification of procedural safeguards and parents’ rights. Interviews Substantially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Document Reviews Interviews The charter school does provide information to a parent or parents in the native language of the home, when it is necessary. 21 Partially Implemented Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Partially Implemented The charter school’s PAC is not active and it does not have any officers or by-laws. Partially Implemented The charter school does not provide a full continuum of services for students enrolled. The charter school along with the current PAC members must create by-laws and elect officers for its parent advisory council. The charter school must provide a copy of its bylaws and a list of its officers indicating what role that they serve to the Department by January 17, 2006. The charter school must submit to the Department a list and a description of the continuum of services that it provides to the students enrolled from the least restrictive to the most restrictive educational setting. This requirement is due at the Department by January 17, 2006. Student Record Reviews SE 32 Parent advisory council for special education The charter school has established a parent advisory council (PAC). Interviews Document Reviews SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements SE 37 Procedures for approved and Method(s) of Verification Student Record Reviews Not Applicable None The district is a Commonwealth Charter School. 22 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified unapproved out-of-district placements 23 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 38 Educational services in institutional Settings (ESIS) SE 39 Procedures used to provide services to eligible students enrolled in private schools at a private expense SE 42 Programs for young children three and four years of age SE 43 Behavioral interventions Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Substantially Implemented Interviews The charter school implements its responsibilities to students in institutional settings. Not Applicable None The district is a Commonwealth Charter School. Not Applicable None The charter school only serves students in grades kindergarten through eighth. Document Reviews Partially Implemented 24 The charter school does not in all cases conduct behavioral assessments or By October 14, 2005 the charter school will train all special education staff, Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting create behavioral intervention plans for students whose behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others. including the Director, the disciplinarian, and, the psychologist that positive behavioral interventions must be: Implemented within the 1. general education classroom before referring the student to alternative programs; 2. Procedurally implemented on a consistent basis throughout the district; 3. Implemented on a consistent basis as indicated by a student’s IEP. By January 17, 2006 the district will submit a copy of the following: 1. Training date(s) 2. Training agenda 3. Name(s) of presenter(s) Student Record Reviews Interviews 25 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting 4. Sign-in sheet(s) that have staff person’s name and position. 26 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Not Implemented Interviews SE 49A Special transportation Not Applicable Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not provide the related services for each eligible student, as indicated on his/her IEP. The charter school must provide copies of 10 randomly selected service delivery grids for students and any documentation to evidence that the students received the services that were required on the IEP. Also, the charter school must submit a list of the related services that it provides to its students along with the names and qualifications of the individuals that provide them. These requirements are due at the Department by January 17, 2006. Student Record Reviews SE 49 Related services Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance None The charter school is responsible for the provision of special transportation only for students who reside outside of the district in which the charter school is located. By the terms of its charter, the Robert M. 27 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Hughes Charter School does not enroll students who reside outside of the district. 28 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 50 Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Responsibilities of the School Principal and Administrator of Special Education Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not currently have a District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP). Also, the charter school did not provide any documentation on the duties and responsibilities of the director as they pertain to the process. The charter school must develop a DCAP, which may be part of a multi-year strategic plan. Also, the charter school needs to ensure that the director of the school or his/her designee has oversight of the process. By October 14, 2005 the charter school will ensure that the director fulfills all required elements of the curriculum accommodation plan and that all staff members are trained on these requirements (refer to MOA 18 in the 2005 – 2006 Coordinated Program Review School District Information Package for further details). By January 17, 2006, the charter school will submit a copy of the following: Document Reviews (MOA 18 in 2005-2006 monitoring instruments) Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation The charter school has appointed a director and a special education administrator. Student Record Reviews Interviews 29 Partially Implemented Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting 1. 2. 3. 4. 30 Training date(s) Training agenda Name(s) of presenter(s) Sign-in sheet(s) that have staff person’s name, and position. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 53 Use of paraprofessiona ls SE 54 Professional development regarding special education SE 56 Special education programs and services are evaluated Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school does not have a formal process in place to evaluate its special education programs and services. The charter school must draft a proposal of how it plans to regularly evaluate its special education programs, services, and administrative areas. A copy of this proposal must be provided to the Department by January 17, 2006. Not Applicable None Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Interviews The charter school currently does not employ any paraprofessionals. The charter school considers the needs of all staff in developing training opportunities and provides a variety of offerings, which include the required topics. Document Reviews Not Implemented Interviews Civil Rights Requirements 31 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Although the charter school has completed home language surveys for all students, it has not completed the required screening instruments for those students indicating a first language other than English at home and therefore cannot adequately determine how many students must be classified as limited English proficient. The charter school has developed a useful policy manual for its ELE program, but to date has not created an adequate SEI program for eligible students. The district must complete the required testing and forward the results to the Department of numbers of students determined to be LEP based on the results by January 17, 2005. MOA 1 Identification of limited English proficient students Partially Implemented MOA 2 Program modifications and support services for limited English proficient students Not Implemented 32 The charter school must implement the requirements of an ELE program for those students identified as limited English proficient and describe to the Department all elements of the full implementation of this program by January 17, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) MOA 3 Access to full range of education programs Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The charter school has a policy statement regarding pregnant students, but the policy is deficient because it requires pregnant students to obtain a doctor’s excuse for activities to be avoided. By October 14, 2005, the charter school must develop a new policy for pregnant students that meets all of the requirements under this criterion. A copy of this new policy must be submitted to the Department by January 17, 2006. Document Reviews The charter school provides all of its students access to its education programs. Student Record Reviews Interviews Document Reviews MOA 6 Availability of in-school programs for pregnant students MOA 7 Information to be translated into languages other than Method(s) of Verification Partially Implemented Interviews Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Interviews The charter school does translate general announcements and notices of extracurricular activities and other opportunities in the primary language of the home. 33 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified English 34 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified MOA 13 Availability of information and counseling on general curricular and occupational/ vocational opportunities Substantially Implemented MOA 14 Counseling and counseling materials free from bias and stereotypes Substantially Implemented MOA 17A Use of physical restraint on any student enrolled in a publicly Substantially Implemented Document Reviews Student Record Reviews The charter school does offer information and counseling on the general curriculum and occupational/vocational opportunities to all of its students. Interviews Document Reviews Interviews Document Reviews Interviews The charter school ensures that counseling and counseling materials are free from bias and stereotypes on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, and homelessness. The charter school has developed and implemented staff training at least annually on the use of restraint consistent with regulatory requirements. 35 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified funded education program MOA 23 Comparability of facilities Substantially Implemented Document Reviews The charter school provides equitable facilities for all of its students. Interviews Observations Title I Requirements 36 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) TI 8 Evidence regarding selection of LEP students Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Substantially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Although the charter school has a school-parent compact, there is no evidence of a parental involvement policy that meets the required information for this criterion. By October 14, 2005 adopt, in writing, policies and procedures for parental involvement that meet the criteria and ensure that this policy is adopted in collaboration with parents and distributed to them in the language of the home. A copy of these policies and procedures must be received at The charter school has completed a statement indicating that LEP students are served on the same basis as other students. No further action is required. TI 11 Evidence of written policies and procedures for parental involvement Partially Implemented 37 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting the Department by January 17, 2006. TI 24 Evidence of comprehensive needs assessment Substantially Implemented The charter school presented evidence of a comprehensive needs assessment The charter school shall continue to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment on an annual basis. TI 24A Establish a mechanism to annually evaluate the effectiveness of the Title I program and services Not Implemented 38 The charter school has not established a mechanism to annually evaluate the effectiveness of the Title I program and services. By October 14, 2005, have in place a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the Title I program and services and complete an evaluation of the 2004-2005 school year program using this procedure. A copy of the written description of this mechanism and a copy of the evaluation for the 2004-2005 school year is due at the Department by January 17, 2006. 39