The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 July 26, 2005 James M. Cassin, Superintendent/Director Greater Lowell Technical High School 250 Pawtuckett Boulevard Tyngsborough, MA 01879-2199 Re: Onsite Follow-up Monitoring Report: Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Verification and Special Education Mid-cycle Review Dear Superintendent/Director Cassin: Enclosed is the Department's Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Monitoring Report together with findings regarding your district’s Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Review. This report contains the Department's findings based on the onsite activities conducted in your school district to verify the implementation status and effectiveness of corrective steps taken in response to your Coordinated Program Review Report issued on July 11, 2002. While the Department of Education found certain noncompliance issues to be resolved, others were partially corrected, not addressed at all and/or new issues were identified by the Department’s onsite team. As the Department previously informed you, in cases where a district fails to fully and effectively implement a Corrective Action Plan, which was proposed by your district and approved by the Department, the Department must then prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the district, which must be implemented without further delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action and further progress reporting included in the attached report together with any steps that must be taken by the district to fully implement new special education requirements. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Department's Onsite Chairperson by August 12, 2005. Your staff's cooperation throughout these Follow-up Monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you require additional clarification of information included in our report, please do not hesitate to contact the Onsite Team Chairperson at 781-338-3747. Sincerely, Joel Krakow, Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services John D. Stager, Administrator Program Quality Assurance Services cc: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Michael Hayden, School Committee Chairperson Mary Jo Santoro, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Encl.: Follow-up Monitoring Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW Greater Lowell Technical High School ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL FINDINGS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Action Plan Submitted on 9/5/02 Progress Reports Submitted on 12/8/03, 6/29/04 Onsite Visit Conducted on April 11, 2005 Date of this Report July 26, 2005 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Special Education Requirements SE 3 Special requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Review of student records and The Department’s onsite review of student records and documents demonstrated that Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) for determination of specific learning disabilities Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified documents. the special requirements for determination of specific learning disabilities are implemented. 2 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Review of student records indicated that the district does not document its transition activities for students at the age of 14 and that goals are not clearly defined. For students who are 16, transition plans for moving from school to post-school activities were not indicated on IEPs. Please submit copies of agendas and sign-in sheets to the Department by October 15, 2005 demonstrating that appropriate staff have received training pertaining to helping students develop a vision statement at the age of 14 and transition activities for students 16 years and older. The Administrator of Special Education will check 4-6 sample folders to ensure that the district includes a clearly defined vision statement for each student’s IEP at the age of 14 and transition plans for students at the age of 16. Please submit the results of the record check to the Department by October 15, 2005. SE 6 Determination of transition services (Emphasis on practices in determining needed transition planning and services and consideration of courses of study related to needed transition) 3 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting SE 13 Progress Reports and content Review of student records indicated that progress reports do not consistently state what students have achieved and how their progress relates to the benchmarks and IEP goals. The Administrator of Special Education will check 4-6 sample folders to ensure that progress reports include clearly defined goals and benchmarks demonstrating the student’s progress towards the annual goals in the IEP. Please submit the results of the record check to the Department by October 15, 2005. SE 15 Outreach by the School District (Child Find) Review of documentation indicated that the district does not provide notice to parents describing the process for referring a student for Special Education. Please submit a copy of the district’s memo to parents pertaining to the Special Education referral process to the Department by October 15, 2005. 4 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting SE 18A IEP development and content Review of student records indicated that IEP goals are not consistently stated as annual or are measurable. Please submit copies of agendas and sign-in sheets to the Department by October 15, 2005 demonstrating that appropriate staff has received training pertaining to the development of IEP goals and objectives. The Administrator of Special Education will check 4-6 sample folders to ensure that IEP goals are both annual and measurable. Please also submit the results of the record check to the Department by October 15, 2005. SE 18B Determination of placement; immediate provision of Review of records indicated that reevaluations are not consistently completed within 45 days of parental By October 15, 2005, please submit copies of documentation maintained by the district that records the dates of all re-evaluation Team 5 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting IEP to parent consent. 6 meetings held during the spring and in September of 2005 demonstrating that the district is meeting the regulatory timelines for conducting a reevaluation. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 20 Least restrictive program selected SE 22 IEP implementation and availability (Emphasis on provision of IEP services without delay; provision of the IEP at the beginning of the school year; and, alternative Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Record reviews and interviews of special education administrative staff Review of student records and interviews with special education administrators indicated that students are placed in the least restrictive environment. Review of records, document review and interviews with special education administrators Review of student records, district documents and interviews, indicated that IEPs are implemented immediately after parental consent and that the district has an IEP in effect for each eligible student at the beginning of the school year. 7 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified methods of service delivery where there is a lack of space and/or personnel)) 8 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation SE 26 Parent participation in meetings (Emphasis on district’s attempts to ensure parent participation at IEP Team meetings) SE 28 Parent provided the IEP or notice of no eligibility together with notification of procedural safeguards and Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Review of records and document review Review of student records indicated that the district ensures parents are active participants in the Team process. Review of records and document review Review of student records indicated that parents are consistently provided the IEP or notice of no eligibility along with notification of procedural safeguards and parents’ rights. 9 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified parents' rights 10 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of home Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Review of records and document review Documentation and record review indicated the district regularly provides communications in English, Khmer, Portuguese and Spanish. SE 32 Parent advisory council for special education Review of documentation did not indicate how the school committee consulted with the Special education parent advisory council. Please submit copies of school committee meeting agendas and minutes pertaining to consultation with the PAC to the Department by October 15, 2005. SE 50 Responsibilities of the School Principal and Administrator Review of documentation indicated that the district is using outdated terminology in its description of special Please submit a copy of the district’s revised description of special education services available to limited English proficient students to the 11 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting of Special Education education services available to limitedEnglish proficient students. 12 Department by October 15, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Review of documentation and interviews with the special education administrators indicated that the district has not documented that it is providing all required training to all staff. Please submit copies of agendas and sign-in sheets for professional development regarding special education for all staff to the Department by October 15, 2005. SE 54 Professional development regarding special education SE 56 Special education programs and services are evaluated Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Review of documentation review and interviews with special education administrators The district’s next evaluation report is scheduled for June 2005. Please submit a copy of the evaluation report to the Department by October 15, 2005. Rev. 9/10/04 13