The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 July 24, 2006 Regina Nash, Superintendent Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts 219 Christian Lane RFD1 South Deerfield, Massachusetts 01373 Re: Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report Dear Superintendent Nash: Enclosed is the Department of Education's Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report (MidCycle Report). This report contains findings based on onsite monitoring conducted to verify the implementation and effectiveness of corrective action approved by the Department to address findings of noncompliance included in the Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Report issued on March 24, 2003. The Mid-cycle Report also contains findings based on onsite monitoring of special education compliance criteria that have been newly created or substantially changed in response to IDEA 2004. As you know, another component of the Department’s Mid-cycle Review is the review of your school district or charter school's self-assessment in the area of English learner education (ELE). (In the remainder of this letter, please read “district” as meaning “school district or charter school.”) The purpose of this review is to determine whether your district is implementing the significant changes in M.G.L. Chapter 71A, governing the education of limited English proficient students, that were adopted by voters by means of Question 2 in 2002. The Department has reviewed your district’s ELE self-assessment documents and, based solely on that selfassessment, is providing you in this report with comments on your ELE program and, where necessary, corrective action to be implemented. Your district is urged to request technical assistance in relation to any of these comments or prescribed corrective action. To secure assistance, you may consult with your Mid-cycle Review Chairperson or call Robyn DowlingGrant in Program Quality Assurance Services at 781-338-3732. You may also consult with staff in the Department’s Office of Language Acquisition and Achievement at 781-338-3534 and obtain additional ELE guidance documents through the Department’s web site at While the Department of Education found your district to have resolved the majority of its noncompliance issues, others were partially corrected or, as with the majority of the ELE criteria, not addressed at all. Where the district has failed to implement its approved Corrective Action Plan, the Department views these findings to be serious. In all instances where noncompliance has been found, the Department has prescribed corrective 1 action for the district that must be implemented without delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action included in the attached report, along with requirements for progress reporting. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that all of the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Mid-cycle Review Chairperson by July 31, 2006. Your staff's cooperation throughout these follow-up monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you like clarification of any part of our report, please do not hesitate to contact the Mid-cycle Review Chairperson at 413-858-4591. Sincerely, Paul D. Battistoni, Mid-cycle Review Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services Darlene A. Lynch, Director Program Quality Assurance Services c: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Michael Ponti, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Mary Raymon, Chairperson, Frontier Regional School Committee Cindie Ouimett, Chairperson, Conway Grammar School Committee Mark Capuano, Chairperson, Deerfield Elementary School Committee Cindy Hubbard, Chairperson, Sunderland Elementary School Committee Nathanael Fortune, Chairperson, Whately Elementary School Committee Encl.: Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MID-CYCLE COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW REPORT Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL NONCOMPLIANCE REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Date of Coordinated Program Review (CPR): January 13, 2003 Date of Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Approval: June 18, 2003 Dates of Corrective Action Plan Progress Reports: January 2004 Dates of this Mid-cycle Review Onsite Visit: May 15 and 16, 2006 Date of this Report: July 24, 2006 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS REPORT IS IN SEVERAL SECTIONS. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 1 of 17 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Not Implemented During the March 2003 Coordinated Program Review it was determined that the school union was not always completing and filing in student records the educational assessments as required in section 1c of this criterion. The school union is to conduct a faculty training on the use of Educational Assessments for initial evaluations and reevaluations to ensure that the Educational Assessment reports are complete, address all required elements, and are filed in student records. Special Education Criteria Originally Cited in CPR Report and Monitored in Mid-cycle SE 2 Required and Optional Assessments Student record review Student record review during the May 2006 Mid-Cycle Review indicated continued nonFrontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 2 of 17 By December 1, 2006 the school union is to submit to the Department an agenda and sign-in sheet verifying this training. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance compliance with this criterion. SE 4 Reports of assessment results Yes Student record review and interviews Student records document parents’ requests for evaluation summaries two days in advance of the Team meetings, along with the date of the actual meeting. Student records and interviews indicated that parents receive copies of evaluations 2 days prior to IEP Team meetings and that they may access the results earlier if requested. SE 9 Eligibility determination: Yes Documentation and student record review The school union has developed a tracking system to accurately oversee and Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 3 of 17 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting By December 1, 2006 the school union must also submit to the Department a sample of 20 Educational Assessment reports from initial evaluations and re-evaluations. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance adhere to the timelines for determining special education eligibility. Timelines for evaluation, provision of IEP and/or identification of other needed instructional programs SE 19 Extended evaluation Yes Student record review and interviews Student record review and interviews indicated that extended evaluations were used appropriately (only after determining the student’s eligibility for special education services). SE 32 Parent advisory council for special Yes Documentation and interviews The school union has an established Parent Advisory Council that meets the requirements of this criterion. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 4 of 17 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance education SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements Yes Documentation and interviews The school union offers a broad continuum of services and placements to meet the needs of students in special education. SE 45 Procedures for suspension up to 10 days and after 10 days: General requirements Yes Documentation and interviews The school union has included in its student handbooks all of the requirements of this criterion. SE 53 Use of paraprofessionals Yes Documentation and interviews Throughout the school union paraprofessionals receive training that is designed to assist them in providing appropriate services. SE 54 Professional development Yes Documentation and interviews The school union considers the needs of all staff in developing training Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 5 of 17 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance opportunities and provides a variety of offerings, which include the required topics. SE 56 Special education programs and services are evaluated Yes Documentation and interviews The school union’s special education programs, services, and administrative areas are evaluated as required by this criterion. The school union regularly gathers information from a wide variety of sources and summarizes this information annually in order to effectively plan for future school years. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 6 of 17 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic Criterion Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Criterion was Implemented Yes Student record review, documentation, and interviews The onsite team reviewed student records that demonstrated that vision statements included information regarding a student’s future direction and goals. Additionally the school union is documenting transition related activities on a grid in the student record. (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Special Education Criteria created or revised in response to IDEA-2004 SE 6 Determination of Transition Services SE 8 IEP Team composition and attendance Documentation and interviews Criterion Determined to be Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Basis of Determination that Criterion was Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Partially implemented Interviews indicated that the special education coordinators often chair Team meetings but they do not have authority to commit the school’s resources. The school union must develop a plan to ensure that someone with the authority to commit union resources will be in attendance at each IEP Team meeting. Submit this plan to the Department by December 1, 2006. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 7 of 17 SE 12 Frequency of re-evaluation Yes Student record review and documentation The student record review and the review of the IEP logs indicated consistent implementation of completing the three-year reevaluation within required timelines. SE 13 Progress Reports and content Partial Student record review and documentation The progress reports give information on the student’s progress toward the annual goal. Partial The school union does not consistently provide progress reports to parents at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of non-disabled students. Progress reports do not always indicate if the progress is sufficient for the student to achieve the goal by the expiration of the IEP period. The school union will draft a memo to all staff who complete special education progress reports reiterating the requirement that progress reports are to be provided to parents at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of non-disabled students and they must indicate if the progress is sufficient for the student to achieve the goal by the expiration of the IEP period. A copy of the memo and a sample of 10 progress reports will be submitted to the Department by December 1, 2006. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 8 of 17 Criterion Number and Topic Criterion Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Criterion was Implemented Yes Student record review and documentation Student records and documentation indicated that the school union conducts annual reviews within the required timelines. SE 25B Resolution of disputes Yes Documentation and interviews The school union has put into place procedures and forms for dispute resolution. SE 30 Notice of procedural safeguards Yes Student record review and interviews N1 notices document that the school union is providing parents with copies of the Interim Notice of Procedural Safeguards. SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities more than 10 days Yes Documentation Documentation review indicated that the school union has not had any students suspended close to or exceeding 10 days for this school year; however, the school union has current policies and procedures for the suspension of students with disabilities in place. (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs Criterion Determined to be Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Basis of Determination that Criterion was Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 9 of 17 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Requirements MOA 1 Identification of limitedEnglishproficient students Not Effectively Implemented Please See ELE 3 below. Please See ELE 3 below. MOA 2 Program modifications and support services for limitedEnglishproficient students Not Effectively Implemented Please See ELE 5 below. Please See ELE 5 below. (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Civil Rights (MOA) and Other General Education Requirements MOA 7 Information to Yes Student record review, Student record review, documentation, and Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 10 of 17 be translated into languages other than English documentation, and interviews interviews indicated that special education documentation is translated into the primary home language when necessary. MOA 9 Hiring and employment practices of prospective employers of students Partial Documentation The school union has created a new antidiscrimination statement, for prospective employers to sign, which states that the prospective employer will not discriminate based on sex, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or disability when recruiting and/or employing students. MOA 21 Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities Yes Documentation and interviews Documentation and interviews verify that the school union provided the required annual training on civil rights responsibilities. Partial During the documentation review, no signed antidiscrimination statements were present. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 11 of 17 To verify that the school union is using the antidiscrimination statement, the school union will submit 5 signed antidiscrimination statements from prospective employers when recruiting and/or employing students by December 1, 2006. Frontier Regional and Union 38 School District English Learner Education (ELE) Requirements Mid-Cycle Review Comments and Corrective Action Based on the Department’s Review Of Local Self-Assessments (Please refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR-ELE legal requirements and related implementation guidance at ) ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 1 Annual Assessment Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment The school union did not address how it annually assesses all limited English proficient (LEP) students. Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting The school union must submit to the Department a proposed process for the annual assessment of LEP students and include staff name, title, and role in the annual assessment process by December 1, 2006. The school union must also submit a list of staff members who are trained in MEPA and MELA-O by August 30, 2006. ELE 2 MCAS Participation The school union did not submit adequate documentation for this criterion. By August 30, 2006 the school union must submit to the Department its policy that ensures the participation of all ELE students in MCAS testing. The school union must also provide the Department with a description of how it provides accommodations for LEP students during the MCAS by August 30, 2006. ELE 3 Initial Identification The school union did not submit adequate documentation for this criterion. By August 30, 2006 the school union must submit to the Department a description of its procedures for identifying all potential LEP students. To ensure that all students in the school union have been screened, home language surveys will be mailed to all students within the school union. By December 1, 2006, the school union will submit a copy of their tracking form listing the names of all students to whom the home language survey has been Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 12 of 17 ELE Criterion Number and Topic Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting mailed to and the return rate of the home language surveys. ELE 4 Waiver Procedures The school union has not developed a waiver process. The school union must develop waiver procedures consistent with the requirements of M.G.L/ c. 71A s5 and submit a copy to the Department by August 30, 2006. ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure The school union does not currently have a viable ELE program. The school union needs to provide professional development to all instructional staff who have ELE students in their classes to ensure that staff is qualified to provide Sheltered English Immersion. The school union must submit a copy of its proposed professional development plan that includes this training by August 30, 2006. ELE 6 Program Exit and Readiness The school union does not have policies and procedures regarding program exit and readiness. The school union must develop policies and procedures for limited English proficient students’ program exit. A description of the policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. The school union does not have a description of how they plan to involve parents of students who are LEP. The school union must develop policies and procedures for involvement of parents of limited English proficient students. Policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. The school union does not have policies and procedures regarding students whose parents have declined entry to an ELL program. The school union must develop policies and procedures for LEP students whose parent have declined entry in the ELL program. Policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. The school union does not have policies and procedures regarding the instructional grouping of LEP students. The school union must develop policies and procedures regarding the instructional grouping of LEP students. Policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. ELE 7 Parent Involvement ELE 8 Declining Entry to a Program ELE 9 Instructional Grouping Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 13 of 17 ELE Criterion Number and Topic Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting ELE 10 Parental Notification The school union does not have policies, procedures, or supporting documentation regarding the required elements of parent notices. The school union must develop policies and procedures regarding notices sent to parents of LEP students. In addition, the school must develop notice forms that include all required elements, in the language that the parent has requested on the home language survey. Policies and procedures, as well as a sample notice form, must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Programs and Services The school union does not address the requirements of equal access to academic programs and services for LEP students. The school union must develop policies and procedures regarding equal access to academic programs and services for LEP students. Policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. ELE 12 Equal Access to Nonacademic and Extracurricular Programs The school union does not address the requirements of equal access to nonacademic and extracurricular programs for LEP students. The school union must develop policies and procedures regarding equal access to nonacademic and extracurricular programs for LEP students. Policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. ELE 13 Follow-up Support The school union does not have policies or procedures regarding the monitoring activities provided for students who have exited the ELE program. The school union must develop policies and procedures regarding the monitoring activities provided for students who have exited the ELE program. Policies and procedures must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. The school union indicated they attempt to assure that all teachers have the necessary requirements to teach in the program; however, did not give any details on how they do this. Teachers who instruct in SEI classrooms must have a content license and ESL/ELL license; or have a content license and co-teach with another teacher who holds an ESL/ELL license; or have a content license and have obtained intense and sustained professional development in ELE 14 Licensure and Fluency Requirements (1) Second language learning and teaching (2) Sheltering content instruction Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 14 of 17 ELE Criterion Number and Topic Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting (3) Assessment of speaking and listening (4) Teaching reading and writing to limited English proficient students. (See The school union must submit a list of all teachers who have limited English proficient students in their classrooms. Indicate if they possess the appropriate license, or are teaching under the professional development qualification, listing professional development attended, number of participation hours, topics covered, and name of trainer by August 30, 2006. The school union must also submit a professional development plan for providing teachers with the Sheltered English Immersion training that is required. This plan must be submitted to the Department by August 30, 2006. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 15 of 17 ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 15 Professional Development Requirements ELE 16 Equitable Facilities (To be reviewed during next CPR visit) ELE 17 DOE Data Submission Requirements and Program Evaluation Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment See ELE 5. Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting See ELE 5. To be reviewed during the next CPR visit. The school union did not submit the required data for this criterion. The school union does not have a formal procedure to evaluate the effectiveness of its English Learner Education program. By August 30, 2006 submit to the Department: 1. The schools in which LEP students are enrolled 2. The grade levels of the students 3. The primary languages of each LEP student 4. The types of English learner programs in which the district has enrolled LEP students, including sheltered English immersion, twoway bilingual, transitional bilingual education (for students with waivers only), or students whose parents have declined services. The school union must also submit to the Department its plan to evaluate the effectiveness of its English Learner Education program by August 30, 2006. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 16 of 17 ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 18 Records of LEP Students(To be reviewed during next CPR visit.) Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting To be reviewed during the next CPR visit. Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report July 24, 2006 Page 17 of 17